Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 200 The crowded Super League selection!

“In response to the attacks that just occurred, we, Watt, have decided to launch a public survey. The content is whether they support the legalization of No. 5 compound. We sincerely invite all citizens of the United States to participate in this survey. If the support rate exceeds 60 %, Vought Group will make every effort to promote the legalization of Compound No. 5."

Edgar straightened his back and looked solemn: "If the support rate is lower than 60%, Walter will voluntarily stop the research and use of Compound No. 5."

"This event is expected to start next Monday and last for one week."

"Sorry, please forgive me for interrupting your speech. There is now a barrage asking, what will be the consequences if Compound No. 5 is not legalized? Will it affect their daily lives?" A person stood in front of the screen in the conference room. The staff asked questions that Edgar had prepared in advance.

"Of course." Edgar sat back on the chair, "Imagine, if a super terrorist breaks into the campus at this moment and is ready to carry out a massacre, who can protect them? The security guards in the school, or the helpless chickens Teacher of strength? At that time, every minute and every second will be extremely precious.

But if Compound No. 5 is legalized, Walt can join forces with the police to carry out rescue. With the speed of the motherland, he can go to any place on the American territory in a short time. Not only that, the Department of Defense and some other departments , will also have its own super human, which can well protect the lives and safety of the American people. "

"So what if Compound No. 5 cannot be legalized?" the staff member then asked.

"The failure to legalize it means that the Vought Group is not qualified for rescue. Vought and its superheroes will be blacklisted."

Edgar's abacus made a crackling sound in Xia Shang's heart. As expected of President Walter, he had probably planned everything long ago.

First, through Victoria, a terrorist attack was launched at the hearing, and then the live broadcast showed that the matter had nothing to do with Walter. You must know that the list of victims also included Walter’s staff. If it was a vice president of Xia Shang Tangtang, He also died in the attack, so that would be perfect.

But since Xia Shang was not dead, he could only put the blame on Xingguang to get rid of Walter's suspicion.

And, taking advantage of the public panic, they announced a survey to promote the legalization of No. 5 compound, with a 60% support rate? With the current situation, let alone 60%, even an astonishing 90% may be achieved.

The results of the research activities are self-evident. In the end, even if the official does not want to recognize the legalization of No. 5 compound, the plan must be passed due to the pressure of the public! This is public opinion. After all, everyone holds a vote firmly in their hands. As long as Mr. President wants to be re-elected for the next term, he must respect the opinions of the people.

"Thank you Mr. Edgar for answering the question raised by the netizen. There is another barrage here asking, does the legalization of compound No. 5 mean that everyone can become a superhuman? Can he go to the hospital to inject compound No. 5?" No. compound?”

The staff nodded to Edgar.

"Well, this is a very interesting question, but unfortunately, Walter has no plans in this area for the time being, because it involves many complex social issues."

Half an hour later, the live broadcast ended at Edgar's signal.

After everyone left the conference room, Edgar left Xia Shang alone.

"You will be personally responsible for next week's research meeting. No matter what method you use, the support rate must exceed 60%. I will say hello to the finance department. You don't have to worry about insufficient budget. At the same time, Starlight's position needs to be replaced by someone. , the plan you proposed before is good, as for the locomotive, he is also a black man, so he still has certain use value. "

"You are also responsible for his marketing and promotion. Of course, if you feel more pressure, you can also give this task to Ashley."

"Let's leave it to Ashley. I will be hosting the Little Super Hero selection event recently." Xia Shang said solemnly.

"That's okay."

Edgar was quite satisfied with Xia Shang's knowledge.

Jervis has been in too much limelight recently, which is not a good sign for him as a manager.


A few days later, the Premier League trials at the New York Stadium officially opened, and the venue was almost packed with people.

At the same time, Xia Shang in the lounge was reading the newspapers of the past few days. Although the U.S. government promised the public that it would do its best to investigate the accident that occurred at the hearing, four days had passed and there was still no results. .

As a result, they have lost the trust of the people. At the same time, under the shadow of super terrorists, the sense of crisis in the hearts of the people is getting heavier and heavier. At present, the only one that can bring them a sense of security is the Vought Group, so for a while, the five The topic of legalizing the compound has made headlines on major social media.

On the streets of the United States, you can always hear people talking about Compound No. 5.

Due to strong social pressure, the President of the United States officially declared a national state of emergency. Just because of a hearing, the negative public opinion about Walter suddenly experienced a gorgeous reversal! In the stock market, you can almost see Walter's stock price rising in an unstoppable manner.

"Mr. Jervis, this is the list of contestants this time and their super powers."

The deputy director of the marketing department opened the door to the lounge and handed a list to Xia Shang.

"When does the selection start?"

The deputy minister looked at his watch, "There are still ten minutes."

"I understand, please go out first."

Today is the finals of the selection competition. It has its own attention. Coupled with the recent topic of the Watt Group, it directly makes this selection competition full of enthusiasm. It is hard to imagine that a ticket priced at 20 US dollars is actually in It was sold out within three minutes, and even the price on the secondary market was raised to one hundred and twenty dollars.

You know, from this alone, Walt has collected 1.6 million, not counting the peripheral products sold. Those are big tickets. How much are the tickets worth? They sell for 150 US dollars. Motherland T-shirts are huge profits. Who knows how much extra income this trial has added to Walter.

"Okay, Mr. Jervis, please rest first. I will inform you when the event starts."

"Yes." Xia Shang opened the list of candidates in his hand.

There are a total of forty-eight people, divided into seven groups. The last two people from each group will advance to the finals, and then six people will be selected from the fourteen people to become members of the Walt Seven.

Xia Shang took a general look and found that several people's superpowers caught his attention.

Please take a day off. Sorry, I need to go out in the past two days. There may be a single update. I hope everyone can understand.

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