They are Gluttonous Moni, Corruption Girl Rio, Giant Terra, Blood Daughter Mary and Fire God Luke.

Among them, Gluttony Moni is the youngest, still a little kid, but his superpowers are very special. In the initial trial, he ate the entire bicycle in front of all the audience. It was difficult for him to eat Imagine how this guy did it. In short, he successfully advanced to the finals and became one of the star players.

Star players, as the name suggests, have become very popular online and are basically the favorites to win the championship. Xingguang was once one of the star players. Because her popularity far exceeded other players, she was finally selected as the star player. One of the seven superheroes.

"They should not be absent from today's finals." The ones Xia Shang was referring to were naturally Billy and others.

Just as he expected, Billy and the others did disguise themselves and sneak into the venue, but their seats were further back.

"Shet! Are you really planning to kidnap Ryan in the finals? God! You must be crazy!" Huey, who was wearing a black mask, actually saw Billy next to him take out a pistol from under his butt, "Don't Forget, all the members of the Super Seven will be here today, and I can guarantee that as long as you dare to show up, the motherland’s laser will chop our heads into pieces in the next second.”

Huey's tone was urgent, and even with the mask on, he couldn't hide the panic on his face.

"Where's Starlight? Why haven't Frankie and the others arrived yet?" After learning that Billy was planning to play it real, Huey felt like a fire was burning under his butt, and it could burn him to ashes at any time. .

"Don't be nervous, the fun has already begun." Billy stuffed the gun into his leather jacket and took out his cell phone, as if waiting for someone's message.

"Have you started your operation?"

Huey couldn't help but sucked in a breath of cold air, then looked into Billy's eyes, gritted his teeth and said: "Billy, you are such a bitch, you didn't tell me your plan in advance! What? Are you worried that I am Walter? Undercover! Fake Squid, I will fuck your whole family."

Seeing that Huey's emotions were about to explode and his voice became louder, Billy had to explain: "Starlight asked me not to tell you. She was worried that you would stop her after knowing it."

"So you use her, her eagerness for revenge, to implement your crazy opportunity! Bastard! If she can't come back, you're doomed!" Huey was like a wild beast about to go crazy, breathing heavily. He was so angry that he wanted to tear Billy to pieces on the spot. He and Starlight had been together for so long. Although the relationship between the two was not made clear, as long as they were not blind, they could tell what their relationship was.

Billy leaned back on the chair with an indifferent expression and ignored the incompetent and furious Huey.

Time goes back to three days ago.

After witnessing the explosion of heads at the hearing, Billy understood that no matter who it was or by what method, it would be impossible to stop the legalization of Compound No. 5. The Vought Group had won again, and it had won very thoroughly. This unchangeable result left even Billy with a deep sense of powerlessness.

Not only that, Walter also put all the blame on Starlight. In this way, the evidence he had to create public opinion basically turned into a pile of rags.

There was no other way, so Billy had to call Mallory to find a way to break the situation. However, Mallory told him that he could not change the current situation and could only ask Billy to wait patiently for the right opportunity, but how could Billy have the patience? , has been shrinking, who knows when the right opportunity will appear, one year? Or two years, or even longer.

Rather than being patient, he prefers to take the initiative!

At this moment, a promotional advertisement for the Premier League selection was playing on TV. In the advertisement, a native of the country was holding Ryan's hand and akimbo. Seeing Ryan, a bold idea suddenly came into Billy's mind.

At the same time, he was also betting that Edgar, the CEO of Walter Group, could not really control the people of the motherland. As long as he could get Ryan, he would have enough important chips to negotiate with Edgar. Thinking of this, Billy A hint of madness gradually appeared in his eyes.

Coincidentally, Starlight walked into the room at this time and found him.

Starlight wants to save her mother, but she can't do it alone.

"How do you know your mother is imprisoned in Water Tower?" Billy said solemnly.

"Because in their opinion, there is no safer place than the Water Building. With the people of the motherland and them here, not even a fly can escape."

"You are right. The reason why Huey was able to rescue you was purely because of his good luck. He happened to catch up with the people of the motherland and they left the Water Building, but it is different now. With lessons learned from the past, the people of the Water Building The security will only be stricter than before, let alone me, even if all of us are strapped with explosives, we can't rush in."

Billy looked deeply into the stars.

But Starlight looked at the TV screen aside, "The Walt Selection Finals in three days is the best opportunity. As far as I know, all members of the Premier Seven will be on stage by then, and the Walt Building will be empty. one person."

A few seconds later, Billy suddenly laughed and said: "There is your spy in the Super Seven. I guessed it right."

"Deep Sea or Queen Maeve?"

"Queen Maeve, she promised to help me." Starlight said calmly, "Also, how did you guess it?"

"Is it difficult? Your expression tells me that you are certain, but not much. What's more, you also know the movements of the Seven Superheroes. A defecting superhero cannot know this."

Then, Billy took out a cigarette from his pocket, put it in his mouth, lit it and took a deep breath.

"It's not impossible to help you rescue your mother, but I have a condition."


"Kidnapping the son of the motherland..."

Billy came to the TV, looked at Ryan on the screen, squinted his eyes, and exhaled a puff of rich smoke, "Lian!"

"What do you want me to do?" Xingguang didn't refuse.

"I need you to contact Queen Maeve and arrange a separate car for Ryan on the night of the finals, and set off at a different time than the people from the motherland. At the same time, tell me the license plate number, and I will install the positioning on the car in advance. device to monitor the route of the vehicle in real time.

When the time comes, I will arrange for Frankie and the others to act with you. "

After hearing Billy's plan, Starlight couldn't help but ask: "Then who will save my mother?"

"Don't worry about that, I've already thought of a perfect candidate."

Although I still can't believe in Billy, I have to shoot with the arrow on the string. If I miss this rare opportunity, it will be difficult to rescue my mother again!

Asking for a monthly ticket! ! Asking for a monthly ticket! ! Asking for a monthly ticket! ! Niuniu would like to thank you all.

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