Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 202 Who do you think you are? A lucky person who became a deputy

Chapter 202 Who do you think you are, a yellow-skinned boy who got lucky enough to become the vice president?

boom! boom! ! A grand fireworks display lights up the New York City night sky with dazzling splendor!

At the same time, a black car drove out of the underground garage of the Watt Building. The driver was Ashley, the assistant to Watt's vice president. For tonight's event, she also specially ordered a blonde wig at a high price. Look. It goes up very naturally, and as long as you don't tear it hard, it generally won't fall off easily.

"Ashley, turn left when you pass the intersection ahead. I want to go home and get something." Queen Maeve, who was sitting in the passenger seat, commanded.

"How long will it take to arrive? Our time may be a bit tight."

Ashley glanced at Ryan in the back row through the car's rearview mirror. They were now following Walter's motorcade. If they turned left, they would break away from the motorcade, although the appearance of the Super Seven was scheduled to take place at the event. in the second half of the event, but due to the need for some preliminary preparations, I had to arrive at the event twenty minutes early.

"About ten minutes," Maeve said.

"Okay, let me speed up a little bit." Ashley stepped on the accelerator and left the team.

While driving, a black truck appeared quietly, but Ashley didn't pay attention to it. When she was about to turn into a side road, the black truck behind her suddenly accelerated, and there was a bang! Pushed by the huge force, Ashley fell onto the steering wheel and was wrapped by the deployed airbag. Almost instantly, she was knocked unconscious.

Facing a sudden traffic accident.

Queen Maeve subconsciously looked towards the back row, and secretly breathed a sigh of relief after seeing that Ryan was not injured.

Immediately afterwards, several people who got off the truck immediately came to the car to check the situation. They all wore black hoods similar to gangsters, with only one pair of eyes leaking out. They confirmed that the vehicle in front of them was the target of this operation. Finally, one of the gangsters, without hesitation, picked up a window hammer and smashed the rear window.

The remaining people threw several gas tanks inside. The gas tanks contained high-concentration halothane. This stuff can cause people to coma in a short time, and superhumans are no exception. Unless they hold their breath immediately, they will be hit. Every move has its way, and Queen Maeve is no exception.

Besides, Queen Maeve didn't even think about holding her breath.

"Let's go!" Frankie leaned his upper body through the car window, then grabbed Ryan's arms and pulled him out of the car.


Their actions were precise and fast, and even pedestrians on the roadside did not react. It was not until the truck disappeared from the crime scene that they thought of calling the police.


"Welcome everyone to the general venue of tonight's Super League selection! Please give warm applause to the forty-eight contestants participating this time!"

In an instant, the audience burst into thunderous cheers!

In the lounge backstage at Walt.

Storm Girl and others sat on the sofa and watched the live broadcast in real time through the high-definition screen in front of them.

"Good evening, everyone." Xia Shang opened the door and walked into the lounge.

Only Shenhai stood up to greet him immediately, while the other people completely ignored Xia Shang's arrival.

"Your recent performance has been good, and various statistics have improved. You have lived up to Walter's training for you." Xia Shang said with a smile.

"If you hadn't helped me when I was in the most difficult time, maybe I would have been kicked out of the Super Seven by Madeleine. Please sit down, Mr. Jervis."

Deep Sea is different from several other superheroes. Since he joined Vought, he has had almost no peak moments, and his popularity has always been in the middle and lower reaches of the team. His ability to become a member of the Super Seven is all thanks to He has a good face.

In addition, his superpowers were not outstanding and he could only dive and command fish. Everyone regarded him as a joke.

Even Xingguang, who had just joined the team a few days ago, could look down on him after figuring out his status.

Without the help of Mr. Jervis, he would still be able to just dive in and out of the water all day, and get clicks by showing off his biceps.

Therefore, whether it was to repay a favor or to maintain the current situation, he had to maintain due respect to Mr. Jervis.

"Yes, after your movie is finished, I will give you a box office profit sharing contract." Xia Shang was very satisfied with Shen Hai's performance. He patted Shen Hai on the shoulder and said with a smile.

"Mr. Jervis, I really don't know how to express how I feel right now, really."

Deep Sea said in surprise, a little at a loss.

"You deserve this. Behave well. I'll take good care of you." Xia Shang sat on the chair and crossed his legs leisurely.


The locomotive on the side was extremely envious.

"Jervis, as a member of the group of seven, I should be qualified to shoot a movie of my own. I have already thought of the name. I will call Locomotive out of Africa and tell the story of my journey from Africa step by step. If the story of joining the Super Seven in the United States is filmed, I believe the box office will be very high.

It would be best to create another VR game for me, called The Grand Line. "The locomotive said eloquently.

"The Grand Line? You mean the triangular trade?" Xia Shang has been professionally trained. No matter how funny it is, he will not laugh out loud unless he can't help it. "Hahaha, your idea is really great!"

"You agreed?"

Locomotive looked at Xia Shang excitedly.

He felt that his chance to turn over was close at hand.

However, Xia Shang shook his head, "Are you kidding? Do you know how much investment goes into a game? Looking at your expression, I can tell you know nothing. If it wasn't shoddy, it would cost at least hundreds of millions of dollars. You I don’t even think about whether you are worthy or not, what the hell!”

Xia Shang mocked unabashedly.

"Hmph, a superhero who can't even run is actually qualified to make conditions with me. He is simply ignorant to the extreme. Besides, who gave you the courage to think that your movie can be a hit? You Those black brothers? Ridiculous." Xia Shang snorted coldly.

The locomotive, who was hurt by the pain, stood up angrily and said angrily: "You are discriminating against black people! I will report you to Edgar! I will let you get out of Walt!"

His voice echoed throughout the lounge.

The superheroes, including the people of the motherland, all looked at him like a clown.

Their eyes deeply hurt the fragile and sensitive heart of the locomotive.

"Fake Squid! Don't forget, I have stayed at Walter much longer than you, a yellow-skinned monkey! Who do you think you are? You are just a yellow-skinned boy who got lucky enough to become the vice president. Just because you are a match for me Pointing fingers." The locomotive gritted his teeth and roared in a deep voice.

"You guys go out first."

Xia Shang, who looked indifferent, waved the staff in the lounge to go out first.

Wait until they leave.

Xia Shang stood up and took a step forward, looking into the locomotive's eyes with deep eyes.

There are still four chapters later. Niu Niu posted it all night. I didn’t do it. You can criticize me as you like.

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