Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 203 The death of the locomotive was a complete accident

"Don't blame me for not giving you a chance. Now kneel down in front of me and admit your mistake, and take back what you just said. Maybe I will let you leave Walter Company with dignity."

As soon as Xia Shang finished speaking, the atmosphere at the scene dropped to freezing point.

Locomotive's face was extremely ugly. He originally thought that with his status as a superhero, Xia Shang would swallow his anger, but he didn't expect that the other party dared to stand up to him, making him unable to get off the stage.

So, he planned to teach Xia Shang a lesson.

He came to Xia Shang in an instant and was about to take off Xia Shang's pants. At this time, the motherland man and the storm girl sitting on the sofa smiled at the same time, as if they could see Xia Shang's embarrassment in the next second. .

Bang! The smiles on their faces suddenly solidified.

Looking up, Xia Shang held down the head of the locomotive with one hand and slammed it on the ground! one time! Twice! Three times! ! The bridge of the locomotive's nose was directly smashed, and blood flowed all over the floor. Although he had been smashed, Xia Shang still didn't stop. The sound of hitting hard objects continued to echo in the lounge.

Bang! Bang! ! !

The smiles on the faces of the people of the motherland and the Storm Girl have disappeared, and they all have solemn expressions, as if it is not just the locomotive that has been hit, but also their faces.

The locomotive was smashed to the ground for an unknown number of times. His whole head was so bloody that it was impossible to see its original appearance.

Xia Shang, who was usually well-dressed, looked like a devil at this moment, dragging the locomotive to the TV screen.

"I gave you the opportunity, but you didn't know how to cherish it, so don't blame me for being harsh." Xia Shang said with a smile.

The white suit he was wearing was already stained red with blood, making it look particularly permeable.

"That's almost enough. Do you really want to kill him?" the motherland man said to stop him.

However, Xia Shang did not pay attention to the people of the motherland, but looked at the locomotive in his hand like a dead dog. The next second, the TV screen was smashed to pieces, and countless glass fragments penetrated into the locomotive's forehead. Through the blurred The flesh and blood can even be seen clearly inside the pale skull. There are dense cracks all over the forehead of the skull.

It’s simply shocking!

"Calm down, Jervis!"

The people of the motherland stood up with a cold face.

boom! The muscles of Xia Shang's left arm bulged, and his five fingers suddenly exerted force. With the last blow, he completely smashed the head of the locomotive in front of the people of the motherland. For a moment, the sticky slurry, along with the skull fragments, splashed It's everywhere.

"Am I not calm enough?" Xia Shang wiped the brains from his face, turned to look at the people of his motherland, and said with a smile.

He held the locomotive with a shriveled head in one hand, obviously lifeless.

"You're worthless trash, and you still dare to be arrogant in front of me. Do you really think I have a good temper?"

Xia Shang casually threw the body in his hand, then calmly took out his cell phone and dialed the number of Security Minister Blitz.

"The locomotive is dead. Let's get some trustworthy guys to take care of his body. By the way, help me prepare a brand new suit. I have to go on stage later." Xia Shang didn't act like he had just been killed. His appearance and tone were like he was explaining a trivial matter.

Such a contrasting performance made the superheroes present feel horrified!

Seeing Shenhai and the others froze in place, Xia Shang picked up the juice on the coffee table beside him, took a sip, and said calmly: "The death of the locomotive was a complete accident, a sudden death caused by the heart. As Vice President of Walter, I, deeply regret his unexpected death. He was a senior member of the Super Seven and made outstanding contributions to the Vought Group.

It's a pity that due to physical reasons, he left us forever... How about this statement? Is there anything that needs to be modified? "

His eyes swept across the people of the motherland, Storm Girl, Deep Sea and Black.

The audience was silent for a few seconds.

Storm Girl was the first to applaud and said with a smile: "Perfect words, impeccable, Jervis, you really impress me."

"I don't like people lying to me, and I'm warning you, this is the last time."

The anger of the motherland was not because Xia Shang killed the locomotive, but because Xia Shang's disguise made him feel very uncomfortable.

Soon, several security personnel walked into the lounge. They put the locomotive's body into a body bag and cleaned up the blood stains in the room. During this period, they peeked at the motherland from time to time. Obviously, they believed that the people of the motherland had killed the locomotive themselves.

"Thank you for your hard work. I will let Blitzcrank give you the reward for your labor, but please remember... forget everything that happened tonight. I don't want to hear some gossip later. If you can't do it, you know the consequences." , I don’t mind handing over your pension to your family.”

Xia Shang's tone was gentle, but what he said made several security personnel feel deep fear. They nodded hurriedly: "We all understand the rules. Nothing happened today. We don't know anything."

"NONONO, shouldn't you have discovered the body of the locomotive after passers-by called the police? When you arrived, he had died suddenly due to a heart attack, and then at the strong request of his family, he was sent to be cremated. "

"That's right, we were so nervous that we forgot about it. I'm really sorry, Mr. Jervis." The security guard hunched over and agreed.

"Go ahead, you will be satisfied with tonight's reward."


After one hour.

The selection activity came to the second half. This time, 36 contestants were eliminated, and only 12 successfully advanced to the finals. The judges of the finals were Xia Shang and the superheroes of the Super Seven.

"Next, let us invite the most dazzling star tonight, the strongest superhuman in the United States, a native of the motherland!!"

"I love you, my motherland!" In the audience, a hot blonde beauty screamed at the top of her lungs.

"People of the motherland!"

"People of the motherland!!!"

The atmosphere in the audience instantly reached its peak. Needless to say, the popularity of the people of the motherland, even the most popular Hollywood stars today, is far less than that of the people of the motherland. Fans waved the stars and stripes in their hands and cheered for the appearance of the people of the motherland!

At this time, the people of the motherland in the audience were in a very bad mood.

Because he had just received a call from Edgar and learned about Ryan's kidnapping on the phone.

You don't need to think about it to know that it was definitely Billy and the others who did it, because no one else had the courage to kidnap his son except them.

But what puzzled him was that Maeve was also in the car at the time, and she was actually knocked unconscious by several cans of high-concentration halothane. This incident was no less funny than an arm wrestling match between an ant and a lion, with the ant winning in the end. .

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