Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 204 Supersonics current progress is 100!

Chapter 204 Supersonic...The current progress is 100%!

"It's time to go on stage." The staff on the side were arranging Xia Shang's tie.

"Edgar just told me on the phone that Ryan was kidnapped, and Billy and the others did it."

The motherland man raised his chin slightly and pursed his lips. The muscle lines on both sides of his jaw were twitching, and his eyes were filled with murderous intent.

"If I remember correctly, there were Ashley and Queen Maeve in the car. Forget Ashley, how did they kidnap Ryan from under Queen Maeve's nose?"

In fact, Xia Shang already had the answer in his mind. Starlight must have colluded with Maeve to carry out this kidnapping operation, otherwise it would not have been possible to kidnap Ryan so smoothly.

However, the mastermind behind it should be Billy. After all, no one other than him would be crazy enough to kidnap the son of a native of the motherland.

Xia Shang originally thought that the headshot incident at the hearing would temporarily stop Billy and the others, but unexpectedly, just a few days after the incident, they could no longer hold back. This time, they directly kidnapped Ryan, the son of a native of the motherland. , is worthy of being the most capable guy in the black robe. Even in adversity, he can still find the key to a comeback.

"High-concentration halothane." The motherland puffed up her cheeks, took a deep breath, and then spit it out.

"Maeve was knocked unconscious. When the police arrived at the scene, she was still in a deep coma."

After hearing this, Xia Shang nodded and said, "No wonder they were able to kidnap Ryan from Maeve. What are you going to do now? Go rescue Ryan?"

"How to save him? Who knows where they kept Ryan? They kidnapped Ryan because they wanted to use him to blackmail me."

The people of the motherland had a headache. Although they knew that Billy and the others did not dare to do anything to Ryan, he was only Ryan's son. If that lunatic Billy wanted to take revenge on him, it would not be impossible to kill Ryan directly.

"Have Billy and the others contacted you?" the native asked.

"Since we failed to fulfill our promise last time, they have cut off contact with me. However, you don't need to worry too much. Since Billy can use Ryan to threaten you, you can naturally threaten him through Bega. According to As far as I know, everything he is doing now is to avenge Bejia."

Xia Shang's proposal gave the people of the motherland a lot of peace of mind. Yes, as long as Bejia was still under his control, Billy and others would not dare to act rashly.


Snapped! The lights in the entire venue suddenly went out. Just when the audience was at a loss, several spotlights lit up at the same time. In the bright lights, the people of the motherland slowly rose from the center of the stage with their backs to the audience. The standard Stars and Stripes cape immediately aroused thunderous cheers!

"People of the motherland!!"

"People of the motherland!!!"

I saw the motherland man raising his arms, closing his eyes and enjoying the moment of being watched by everyone. It was not until the cheers subsided that he turned to look at the audience.

"I'm glad to see you all, but I have bad news to tell you." The motherland put away the smile on her face and continued in a deep voice: "Tonight's finals may have to be temporarily suspended. Some minor accidents occurred on site. "

"What happened?"

"No way, are you so unlucky? I came here tonight for Queen Maeve. Is there something wrong with her that can't come?"

"Can anyone explain what happened? I had a hard time getting tickets."

The audience sitting in the auditorium were whispering to each other.

Seeing that the atmosphere was about to get out of control, the host hurriedly stepped off the stage and found Xia Shang, "Mr. Jervis, what's going on? Why was the event suddenly stopped?"

"Queen Maeve and the others were attacked by terrorists and may not be able to come. The locomotive also had an accident."

Xia Shang briefly explained the reason for the suspension of the activity.

"But now is a critical point in the game. If the suspension is suddenly announced, it may cause a lot of negative public opinion." The host said anxiously.

"Give me the microphone."

Xia Shang took the microphone, walked to the stage, and explained to the audience: "I am Jervis, the vice president of Walter Group. Due to some special reasons, Queen Maeve and Locomotive are temporarily unable to arrive at the scene. The event had to be suspended. For detailed reasons, please follow Watt’s official Twitter account.

In order to express Walt's apology, tonight's tickets and your travel or hotel accommodation expenses will be fully reimbursed by Walt. As for the contestants who entered the finals, we will also give out an exquisite gift. At the same time, the real president The final will start again in a week, and you can enter for free with your ticket tonight. "

Although the audience in the auditorium was slightly dissatisfied, seeing that Walter would reimburse the tickets and accommodation fees in full, they did not boo on the spot. Billy felt a little pity about this, but his goal had been achieved. It would be a good idea to leave the venue at this time.

"Come on, I can't wait to meet that little bastard."

In Billy's view, the people of the motherland are undoubtedly complete bastards, and his son is naturally a little bastard. In short, he does not have a good impression of Ryan. If it were not for negotiating with Edgar, he would definitely kill Ryan with one shot. !

Seeing the audience starting to leave one after another, the motherland man flew directly towards the secret base where Bejia was detained. He had to make sure that Bejia was still in the secret base, otherwise he would be really passive.

As for Xia Shang, he drove back to his villa in the suburbs of New York.

He opened the refrigerator, took out a bottle of milk, and sat on the sofa in the living room.

[Congratulations to the player for killing the main character of the original work and gaining 1,200 fantasy points]

[The current fantasy value is 4850]

Well, the harvest is not bad, and we are one step closer to the goal of 10,000 points.

Then he looked at the fusion bar on the panel.

[Supersonic speed... merging, current progress is 85%]

There is still 15% left before the complete fusion is complete. It just so happens that he still has a batch of No. 5 compound that has not been used up. It is estimated that the fusion will be increased to 100% tonight.

Xia Shang bent down and pulled out a black box from under the coffee table, which contained twenty bottles of No. 5 compound.

He randomly took out a bottle of blue liquid, and then used the fingertips that turned into blades to open the mouth of the bottle. As the blue liquid was gradually sucked into the body, the fusion on the panel moved backward unswervingly.

[Supersonic... Fusion is in progress, current progress is 87...89...92...]

The No. 5 compound in the box is being consumed at an alarming rate. Because his self-healing ability has been greatly improved, the No. 5 compound he can absorb at one time is several times more than before.

But at the same time, the body's resistance to Compound No. 5 is also increasing. This thing is like a painkiller tablet. After using a painkiller tablet for a long time, the dose needs to be increased to have obvious effects.

soon! The degree of integration has reached its peak, 100%!

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