Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 205 Edgar: Send the resignation application later.

In the basement just a few hundred meters away from the Watt Building, Frankie and the others were lying on the sofa to rest.

At this moment, there was a sudden rush of footsteps at the top of the stairs. After Frankie and Breast milk looked at each other, they each picked up the heavy rifles next to them and moved the muzzles of the guns over vigilantly. There was no other way, who could let them go? They had just done something extremely crazy. Once the kidnapping of Ryan spreads, it would definitely be a big news that could shock the entire United States.

"Super villains, well done, you have finally grown up, which really makes me happy." Billy teased as soon as he appeared.

"I think you could make a call next time you come back, my heart was beating so fast just now."

Franky put down his rifle and raised his middle finger at Billy.

"Really? That must be because you are too excited. After all, not everyone can kidnap the son of a native of the motherland." Billy took off his coat, revealing the black shirt underneath.

"Thanks to you, we have become real super villains now." Mother Milk skillfully pulled the bolt of the gun and unloaded the loaded bullet.

"How's Ryan doing? Does he have a tracker inside him?"

Billy asked while examining the electromagnetic pulse gun made by Frankie.

"He has inhaled a lot of halothane and will not wake up for a while. Also, I have checked that Walter did not implant a tracker in his body. It may be due to negligence or some other reasons. Anyway, I didn’t find that gadget on him.”

Ryan was put into the utility room prepared by Frankie, and Kimiko was asked to watch him to prevent him from escaping from the basement.

"Guys, there's no doubt that this operation was perfect."

"You should really see the expressions on the faces of the people of the motherland during the trials. It was clear that the chocolates they ate were dung balls rolled out by dung beetles, but they could only pretend to be calm, and even had to force out his stiff smile in front of the audience. "Billy was beaming.

Huey on the side said with full of resentment: "Besides you, who the hell cares whether the people of the motherland eat chocolate or dung balls? You damn bastards, no one informed me in advance."

"I asked them to keep it a secret from you." Starlight walked out of the room with her mother.

Huey looked at Starlight's mother in shock, "God, how many things have you done behind my back?"

"This is the last time, I promise."

Starlight came to Huey and looked at him with apologetic eyes.

"Okay, how did Billy help you rescue your mother? Although I didn't participate, you still have to let me know what happened." Starlight's eyes made Huey quickly defeated.

"The lamplighter, it was he who revealed the location of Starlight's mother to me and secretly released her."

In fact, the lamplighter still kept Billy's contact information. He didn't trust Walter or Walter's vice president Jervis, so he bet on both sides at the same time, so that he could use Walter's resources to get back into business. The pinnacle, secondly, if Jervis goes back on his words, he can also join forces with Billy to bring down Walter.

"It turned out to be him." Huey suddenly realized.

In this way, even if Starlight leaves the Super Seven, they can still obtain Walt's internal confidential information through Lamplighter.

At this time, the superhero group of seven is almost in pieces. Starlight escapes, Locomotive is killed, Maeve is wavering, reserve team member Lamplighter has become the new traitor, Deep Sea has completely tilted towards Xia Shang, and Black's presence is very low. And only obey Edgar's orders, the remaining Homelanders and Stormgirls.

One is worried about Ryan's life safety, and the other just wants to create a new life with the people of the motherland.


Time comes the next day.

Early in the morning, Xia Shang was called to the president's office.

Edgar, who was flipping through the documents, just glanced at Xia Shang who had just walked in and said nothing.

Click! After Xia Shang locked the door, he also stood there without saying a word.

In this way, the air pressure in the room continued to decrease, and except for the slight sound caused by Edgar flipping through the paper, there was no sound, like a deathly silence.

Ten minutes later, Edgar closed the folder in his hand heavily and looked up at Xia Shang.

"Why are you called here? You should know very well what you want to say about the death of the locomotive?" He said expressionlessly.

"Walter doesn't need a worthless waste."

Xia Shang's answer made Edgar's face even more gloomy. He lowered his head and looked at the document in his hand, "Whether the locomotive has any use value is not something you can decide. Likewise, I can't decide. It can only be decided after the final judgment of the board of directors." It’s up to him to stay or go.”

"Jervis, my tolerance has a limit. This time you killed the locomotive self-righteously. Do you know how much damage it will bring to Walter? At present, the board of directors does not know about your murder. I can not prosecute you. , remember to send your resignation application later."

Edgar wrote lightly.

He decided to give up Xia Shang. Perhaps Ashley's weak character would be more conducive to his control of the company.

"What? Is there anything else?" Seeing that Xia Shang didn't move for a long time, Edgar thought that Xia Shang was going to beg him for mercy. After all, he had seen this kind of thing too much and was no longer surprised. "I won't change easily. You have made your own decision, you are not suitable to continue to serve as the vice president, and you can leave after the handover to Ashley."

Unexpectedly, Xia Shang not only did not leave, but also stretched out his hand to adjust the collar of his suit, and then said with a smile: "Mr. Edgar, I hope you can seriously consider this kind of thing. At present, I'm afraid I can't leave Walter, because there are some I need to be responsible for the work myself.”

"Ashley will take over your work. Also, I don't want to repeat what I said just now!" Edgar's tone was low, and his face was extremely gloomy. What the hell, a mere vice president dared to threaten He was very curious about where the other party got his courage.

"Ashley, send some guards to my office quickly."

Edgar pressed the red button on the table and said gloomily.

Since Jervis didn't want to leave gracefully, he would comply with the other party's request.

"Mr. Edgar, I was promoted by you, so I have always respected you. It's just a locomotive that died. What's more, he still has a lot of dirty information about our Walter. You know, only dead people can do it." Will keep secrets."

Xia Shang stood opposite Edgar. At this time, a ray of morning light shined through the window on the two of them.

One light and one dark.

Under the sunlight, Xia Shang's high-end suit shone like sparkling gold, while Edgar's upper body was shrouded in shadow.

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