Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 206 What are they? They are a bunch of selfish people

Chapter 206 What are they? They are a bunch of selfish scum with no position.

Invisibly, an indescribable sense of oppression emanated from Edgar and spread to the entire room.

If he were an ordinary person, he would probably be short of breath and restless by now.

But is Xia Shang an ordinary person? Obviously not, he looked calmly into Edgar's eyes, like two lions fighting in secret!

It wasn't until a knock on the door broke the silent atmosphere.

"Come in."

However, those who pushed the door open were not the guards called by Edgar, but the superheroes headed by the people of the motherland. They lined up in order and stood behind Xia Shang. Their expressions were different, including contempt, sarcasm, Feeling uneasy, pretending to be calm and feeling guilty.

It was obvious that this was a planned demonstration.

"The Motherland, the Storm Girl, the Deep Sea, the Lamplighter -" Edgar's eyes swept over their faces one by one, and finally stopped on Queen Maeve, "and Queen Maeve."

"Very good. Except for the escaped Starlight and Black, almost all members of the Super Seven are here."

Edgar was so angry that he laughed back. After all, he was not an ordinary person. After a moment of surprise, he quickly regained his usual composure.

"However, I don't think I told you to come to my office. Who asked you to come here? Maeve?"

With just one glance, Maeve lowered her head. She originally did not want to participate in this demonstration, but she had the leverage in Xia Shang's hands.

"Or the deep sea?"

Anyone whose name was read by Edgar would either lower their head and remain silent, or their eyes would dodge and wander.

"Since you don't dare to admit it, then only the motherland and Jervis are left."

At this moment, Edgar's majesty as Walter's executive president was fully demonstrated! Under his strong aura, even the people of the motherland felt a little nervous. His Adam's apple rolled and his original contemptuous expression disappeared without a trace. But in order to maintain his face in front of everyone, he I could only hold on and not show a trace of fear.

"Is it you? A native of the motherland?" Edgar asked.

The motherland pursed her lips, not knowing what to say.

"Okay, don't forget that you have a promotional video to shoot at noon today. Go and do it. Participating in this kind of thing will not do you any good. Don't waste your time on such meaningless things in the future." Edgar Train your countrymen just like you train your sons.

Although the face of the motherland was ugly, he still did not dare to refute Edgar, so he had to hold back his anger, turned around and walked out of the office angrily.

Seeing this, the other people also left.

At this time, only Edgar and Xia Shang were left in the office.

"Ignorant and stupid." Edgar looked at Xia Shang coldly.

"I thought you were a malleable talent and an excellent candidate to serve as the next president of Walter. Now it seems that you are simply stupid to the extreme. They will always be Walter's tools, not their masters! Jervis, you I'm disappointed. If you tried to keep your position by other means, maybe I would look down on you.

Unexpectedly, you would actually bet your chips on them. What are they? They are a group of selfish, positionless scum..."

"I know."

Xia Shang, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly interrupted Edgar.

At the same time, the red landline on the desk began to beep.

Edgar frowned and glanced at Xia Shang, then picked up the phone and put it to his ear: "I'm Edgar, President of Walter. Is there anything wrong?"

"Okay, okay, I understand. What are the opinions of the other directors on the board of directors? Has the termination agreement been rejected? But..." Before Edgar could finish speaking, the director on the other end of the phone hung up in a hurry. Got the phone.

In a star hotel in Chicago.

Director Walter, who was full of fat and bloated, was sitting on the bed, with his upper body naked, and with trembling hands he opened the file bag he had just received. It contained all of his tax evasion and pornographic photos and other black materials. If any of the black information spreads, it will be enough to ruin his reputation!

In more serious cases, he could even spend the rest of his life in prison.

He was not the only one to receive the portfolio. The other members of the board of directors also received gifts from Xia Shang.

"Good job." Edgar said after putting down the phone.

"This is an effective method."

Unexpectedly, instead of being angry, Edgar nodded with satisfaction, which showed that there was nothing wrong with his vision. Jervis was indeed a malleable talent, "If I guessed correctly, Madeleine You should be holding the USB flash drive that contains dirty information about government executives and board members."

"No wonder I couldn't find it. It turned out that you got there first. In that case, I think the twin is also under your control."

Edgar stood up, smiled and applauded Xia Shang.

"It seems that my vision is not bad, Jervis, I solemnly state that I will retract what I just said and cancel all decisions about you."

It is hard to imagine that a person can change his face so quickly, and the city is even more unfathomable. This may be the real reason why Edgar, a black man, can become the president of Walter.

"Mr. Edgar, you are too kind. Without your help, I would not be where I am today. There is still a lot for me to learn from you. Compared with you, I am just a baby who has just learned how to waddle."

Xia Shang did not intend to pursue the victory. His goal had been achieved. Not only did he solve the current trouble, he also gained a large sum of fantasy points.

Besides, now is not the best time to force Edgar to abdicate. Although the people of the motherland have always wanted to get rid of Edgar's shackles and take charge of Walter Company alone, when it comes time to choose one of the two, Xia Shang does not think so. , the people of the motherland will be on their side. In addition, Edgar is also responsible for the research and development of compound No. 5.

If he intervenes rashly, it may delay the development of compound No. 5, which will be more costly than gain.

Xia Shang never forgot his plan.

He is waiting for Edgar to develop the V24 in the original work. This is a compound that can give people temporary superpowers. Compared with the original No. 5 compound, it is easier to be absorbed by the human body, although it can also cause harm to the human body. Huey and the others would not die immediately after the injection.

Xia Shang has been coveting Huey's teleportation and Billy's Cyclops for a long time. He has only collected one of the three different colors of Cyclops so far. Therefore, Xia Shang is very curious. When all three Cyclops are integrated, , what wonderful chemical reactions will occur.

"You are not a baby, you are a vibrant young man, and I am just an old man who is about to be buried." Edgar laughed at himself, picked up the phone, and saw the invitation text message sent by Billy.

I owe two chapters. I'll pay it back tomorrow.

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