Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 208 Difficult choice! Hell level difficulty!

[Talent Skill: Super Physique]

[Fusion conditions: Resist the attacks of the motherland for three minutes without dying]

[After fusion, the player's physique will be greatly enhanced, and the player's resistance to negative effects such as low temperature and toxins will be improved. At the same time, the player's strength and speed will also be partially improved.

In addition, this ability can be integrated with transformation, transfer, ultimate control, adaptive self-healing, gluttony enhancement, heart engine, blood control, five brains and seven hearts, complete mimicry, self-division and flesh and blood restoration.

Friendly reminder, after ability fusion, the player's physical strength will reach three stars (breaking through the limit of the two-star world will reach three stars)

Conventional firearms, missiles, mechanical cutting, and even chemical weapons and virus weapons cannot cause fatal damage to players]

Good guy! After reading the introduction of [Super Physique], Xia Shang, who had always been calm, could not maintain his usual calm. He tried his best to suppress the beating speed of his heart to avoid being noticed by the people of his motherland.

But breaking through to three-star physical strength does not mean that his defense, speed, strength and other abilities can also reach three-star.

Putting aside everything else, in terms of defense, the people of the motherland are far inferior to Soldier Boy. You know, Soldier Boy has the ultimate defense of using his body to hit Cyclops without being damaged. In terms of speed, he is also not as good as Huey. Even though Huey's teleportation is difficult to control, the time it takes to move is infinitely close to zero.

Then, Xia Shang, who pretended to be calm, looked at the next super power.

[Talent Skill: Super Strength]

[Fusion conditions: Completely defeat the people of the motherland in a life-and-death duel]

[After fusion, the player is strong enough to demolish an entire building with bare hands and can lift a passenger plane of any weight at will. Friendly reminder, after ability fusion, the player's power will reach the limit of the two-star world]

Xia Shang vaguely remembered that some passenger planes can even weigh up to five hundred tons. To lift them easily, one's own strength must be at least five times that of the passenger plane.

If you compare his current strength with that of the people of the motherland, it cannot be described as insignificant. It is completely in the sky and on the ground.

If he were asked to choose one between two abilities, he would choose the latter without hesitation, because he has integrated a lot of physical talents and skills, but there are only a few that can strengthen his strength. Unfortunately, his imagination Not true.

To meet the fusion conditions for super strength, it is even more difficult than fusing a super physique! And it's not just a little bit higher. You have to see clearly that it's not about defeating the people of the motherland, but about completely defeating the people of the motherland. Don't underestimate the word "thorough". It is precisely because of these two words that the difficulty of fusion has been increased by more than one level.

It would be much simpler if he just defeated the people of the motherland. If the people of the motherland escaped midway or gave up, it would be considered as defeating the people of the motherland. Although the possibility of the latter is not high, if it is a complete defeat, at least he must beat the people of the motherland completely. Without the ability to resist, even physical and mental defeat can satisfy the analysis conditions.

This level of difficulty can be called hell!

Xia Shang rarely rubbed the bridge of his nose. It seemed that he not only needed to conquer the body of his motherland, but also conquered his heart.

Edgar had tried hard for so many years and still couldn't do it, let alone him.

never mind.

Let’s see if the fusion conditions for other superpowers are simpler.

[Talent Skill: Clairvoyance]

[Analysis condition: temporarily blind the eyes of the motherland]

[After fusion, the player's vision will be greatly enhanced, and the visual range will be expanded to twice the original size. At the same time, the player's gaze can penetrate anything except zinc, and the player can freely control the intensity of perspective, at the limit In this state, everything within fifty meters underground can be clearly seen. 】

This ability is difficult to evaluate. In addition to being used for peeping, it can actually increase combat power.

After all, the audience for his radio wave perception is too small, and he can only sense certain special existences, in case the other party can block his own brain waves, or the brain waves are no different from ordinary people.

He has no idea where the other person is. Generally speaking, the superpower of clairvoyance can more or less make up for his shortcomings in this area.

However, Xia Shang still sighed softly. The fusion conditions of this thing are not simple. It makes the people of the motherland temporarily blind... It is better to make them permanently blind. It might be simpler. There are biological creatures around the body of the motherland. Force field protection, unless there is enough power, can pierce the biological force field.

Among the black robes, there are not many people with super powers. Queen Maeve, Black, and fully charged Starlight are just one of them, as well as Billy, who is addicted to drugs, and the father soldier boy of the motherland. In addition, the Super Hero Seven For the other members of the human group, let alone blinding the eyes of the people of the motherland, even if the people of the motherland stand there and allow them to attack, they will not be able to break through the defense.

"That's right. I'll shoot as you said. When the shooting officially starts, you can contact Ashley and ask her to notify me."

The motherland man put down the script in his hand with great satisfaction, then stood up and patted Lange on the shoulder.

Then he walked out of Xia Shang's office.

As soon as he left, Lange showed a complicated expression as if his wife had run away with someone and the child was not him yet. The pain was mixed with a trace of numbness, the numbness contained a trace of calmness, and the calmness also contained a touch of sadness. If we really want to revise it according to the requirements of the motherland, the entire script will have to be renovated, and who knows how much financial and material resources will be spent.

This was nothing. He was worried that the key staff in the planning department would not be able to figure it out. Recently, the frequency of buying wigs for them had increased significantly.

"Just shoot according to this script. Don't worry about the motherland, I will explain it for you." Xia Shang's words immediately made Lange breathe a sigh of relief, and his expression returned to the original. He grinned and said: " Okay, Mr. Jervis, I will contact other departments to speed up the filming progress."

Click, before Lange left, he closed the door.

Xia Shang came to the coffee machine and added pre-ground coffee powder to it while looking at the last super power on the panel.

[Talent Skill: Cyclops (Red)]

[Fusion conditions: absorb two hundred milliliters of blood from the motherland]

[After fusion, the player can shoot extremely destructive lasers from the eyes. The time and power of the laser can be controlled by the player at will.

But be aware that if the laser is fired for too long, it will cause irreversible damage to the player's eyeballs.

At the same time, using Cyclops will consume the player's physical strength. The stronger the power, the faster the physical strength will be consumed.

Friendly reminder, this ability can be fused with Cyclops (blue). After fusion, the color of the laser fired by the player will be purple, and the destructive power and penetration will be improved to a certain extent. 】

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