Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 209 Women are like old wine, the older they get, the more mellow they become.

After reading the introduction about Cyclops' abilities, Xia Shang frowned slightly. It was not easy to obtain two hundred milliliters of blood from the people of his motherland.

After all, his defense is all-round. If you want to break the biological force field on the surface of his body, you must have super strength to do it.

It's like opening a nesting doll safe, and the superpower is the first key to the safe.

However, there are not many people who have the key, Queen Maeve is one of them, and Xia Shang has analyzed her ability a long time ago, but was forced by the other party's super sensitivity, so he has not taken action yet.

Now, after he has integrated Wu Ke's ability, the degree of flesh and blood changes and the curing time have been greatly improved.

In front of the coffee machine, Xia Shang slowly opened his right hand and saw a metal necklace made of flesh and blood, lying quietly in the palm of his hand.

Of course, with his current ability, it is not enough to completely turn the cells into a metal structure, so it only looks like metal on the outside. In fact, it is still a mass of simulated flesh and blood tissue.

Next, all you need to do is make the double look like Maeve's girlfriend and hang the necklace around Maeve's neck for him.


the other side.

Billy responded to an appointment and came to a high-end restaurant in downtown Manhattan. After being checked by security personnel at the door and confirming that he did not carry any weapons, he was let in.

Obviously, the restaurant is not open today. There is only Edgar in the huge dining room. He is wearing a black suit and sitting in the center of the restaurant.

"I've always admired your courage, Billy Butcher."

After seeing Billy sit down, Edgar cast a scrutinizing look at him.

"What do you want to have? Foie gras marinated tuna fillets, or salty cheese puffs? The latter, I believe you will like it." Edgar raised his hand slightly and dismissed the security personnel on the side.

Billy didn't come here to discuss food with Edgar.

"Come on, Mr. Edgar, we'd better get to the point."

After a moment of silence, Edgar crossed his fingers. While looking directly at Billy, he slowly said: "You sent me a message and said you could help me. I don't quite understand what you mean. Don't forget, you are now As a super criminal wanted by Walt and the government, logically, I should call the New York Police Department and ask them to send officers to arrest you."

Facing Edgar's threats, Billy sneered disdainfully: "But you didn't do that, because you know very well that I can really help you.

Now Ryan is in my hands. If you lose him, you will lose the only way to contain the people of the motherland. "

"Tell me, why do you think so?" At the same time, the security guard placed a glass of whiskey on Edgar's right hand and added a few ice cubes and lime juice to it. , after doing this, he left.

"The reason is simple, you responded to my text message and decided to meet me at this restaurant."

"If I'm not wrong, since the death of Madeleine, the people of the motherland have become more and more uncontrollable. Although you can suppress him in a short period of time, as time goes by, his true nature will eventually be exposed. I believe, Compared to the fatherly and motherly love you gave him, he prefers the latter. Madeleine's death means that one of the chains that can bind Walt to him has been broken.

So you desperately want to find the second chain that can bind him and control it, and this chain is his son, Ryan. "

Billy seemed confident, but in fact, he was observing Edgar's micro-expressions, hoping to use the changes in Edgar's expressions to reflect that his guess was correct.

However, Edgar's expression was as calm as ever, and there was no clue at all.

He picked up the whiskey on the table, took a sip, and then smiled: "This is just your guess, but I do need Ryan, but why do you think I will betray him and choose to cooperate with you?"

"Because you, like him, are a scumbag with no bottom line. Don't talk to me about nonsense like trust and family affection. You can push a racist bitch to the public and turn him into America's sugar baby. , is there any word that is more suitable to describe you?" Billy sneered without hesitation.

Edgar put down the wine glass in his hand, his tone still calm: "Storm Girl is good at inciting people's anger. The anger makes them urgently need No. 5 compound. No. 5 compound can increase Walter's stock price. The continuous rise of Walter's stock price means that My position is becoming more and more secure, it’s a virtuous circle, isn’t it?”

"Man, you should look in the mirror and see your own skin color. She's going to give you trouble one day." Billy said, looking at Edgar.

Edgar pursed his lips: "Shet, of course I know, because she just gave me trouble this morning, but because of my skin color, I can't act arbitrarily. Only white people are eligible for that kind of luxurious privilege. Enjoy.”

Edgar had a headache when he mentioned Storm Girl.

In fact, when he chose to promote Xia Shang as the vice president of Walter Group, he not only valued Jervis' business ability, but also took into account his identity as an Asian. With this identity, it is impossible for Storm Girl to compete with Jervis. Wes lives in peace.

Jervis, the Motherland and the Storm Girl restrained each other, which was beneficial to him taking charge of the Vought Company.

But he ignored one thing.

That is the people of the motherland. I don’t know why. Recently, the people of the motherland are crazy about pursuing Storm Girl. They often walk into Storm Girl’s room with a bouquet of flowers, and then start the movement of creating humans. In fact, if he really understands the people of the motherland, he will No wonder this guy inherited his father's soldier boy heritage.

Women are like old wine, the older they get, the more mellow they become.

Of course, the taste of the people of the motherland is still slightly inferior to that of his father, at least he is not "interested" in those old women.

Therefore, Storm Girl, who is nearly a hundred years old but still maintains a youthful appearance, has a fatal temptation for the people of the motherland. In the eyes of the motherland, Storm Girl is simply the best of the best.

It is not difficult to explain why Storm Girl was not welcomed by the people of her motherland when she first entered Walter. It was not until the people of the motherland knew her true age that they became uncontrollably obsessed with Storm Girl.

Even Xia Shang was looking forward to it. If the soldier boy was released by Billy and the others, there would be a wonderful scene of two men competing for a woman.

"So you're just doing this for business?"

"Mr. Butcher, if you look at any event in history, which one was not about business?"

After listening to Edgar's words, Billy was thoughtful.

"Then why do you think you can control that racist bitch? The first thing she will do after she gets a foothold is to get you out of Walter."

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