Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 210 The mysterious superhuman, the new member of the Super Seven

Chapter 210 The mysterious superhuman, the new member of the Super Seven?

Facing the questions raised by Billy, Edgar did not give any response.

Because he knew that what Billy said was right, it just didn't happen for the time being.

"Tell me, what do you want?" Edgar said solemnly.

"But you just said that I am a terrorist wanted by Walter and an enemy of Walter. So, may I ask, how can you negotiate cooperation with an enemy?"

When he heard that Edgar wanted to cooperate with him, Billy knew that his guess was absolutely correct and he had made the right bet.

Edgar was at the dining table, expressionless, picking up the gold-rimmed glasses on the table and putting them on.

"Yesterday you were enemies of the Vought Group, and today you can become friends of the Vought Group. It just depends on whether we have common interests. As long as the interests are attractive enough, anyone can change sides at any time, just like me. You on the other side, me on the other side of you." Edgar's voice was steady and powerful, as if he was narrating an eternal truth.

"Let my wife come back to me, and at the same time, let the people of the motherland get off the stage!" Billy stated his conditions. When the topic of his wife was touched upon, his tone was inevitably a little more excited.

However, Edgar vetoed the conditions he proposed.

"First of all, Ryan can't leave his mother and needs someone to raise him. Secondly, although I am the president of Walter, I have no right to kick people from my motherland out of the seven-man team. You can't bear the consequences of doing so, and neither can I." If you can’t bear it, no one in the entire Watt can bear it.”

"This is something you need to consider, not me! Fake Squid! I tell you, you can find him a new mother any time you want, but my wife must come back to me. As for the people of the motherland, at least Let him leave the position of captain, this is my bottom line!" Billy suddenly stood up, picked up the corner of the phone and knocked it on the table.

"Think about it. After you think about it, use this phone to contact me. When I see my wife, I will send you Ryan's location."

"Remember, don't play tricks, let alone think of nothing! I have tolerated you scum to the limit. If there is no result after three days, I am going to ask the people of the motherland to come to the streets of New York to collect the body of his son!" Billy slapped the phone on the table and left the restaurant angrily.

Looking at his back as he left, Edgar couldn't help but have a hint of suspicion in his eyes.

What did the other person mean by what he said before leaving? Could it be that there was someone in Walter who had cooperated with Billy? Unfortunately, after thinking about it, Billy walked out of the restaurant without giving him a chance to ask.

Edgar is very busy today because there is still an invitation waiting for him. The sudden death of the locomotive means that there is one more person left in the seven-person team.

Edgar wants to find a suitable candidate to break the fragile balance within the current Super Seven.

In fact, the scene that happened in his office in the morning made him feel a little threatened. The Seven Superheroes needed to be disordered, scheming and deceitful with each other, instead of enjoying themselves as they did now.

Edgar was fed up with the feeling that everything seemed to be out of his control.

What he has to do is to break the balance and restore everything to its original state.


"Mr. Edgar, we're here." In a black Rolls-Royce, the guard responsible for driving gently woke up Edgar, who was resting with his eyes closed in the back seat.

The car stopped in front of a building that looked like a medieval castle. Although the architectural style was biased toward the old century, the overall environment was exceptionally clean.

On the wall of the building, there is also a sign with gold letters on a black background. It says it is the gathering center for church members, but in fact, it is the residence of Alastair, the president of the church.

"Be careful."

After seeing Edgar open his eyes, the security guard sitting in the driver's seat quickly got out of the car and opened the rear door for Edgar.

After getting off the bus, Edgar, led by church personnel, walked through the small garden and walked into the castle.

"Thank you Mr. Edgar for being able to come here in person despite your busy schedule. I specially invited a well-known chef from Italy to make dinner for us tonight. You must have a good taste of his craftsmanship. It is said that His cherry foie gras was so delicious that many members of the royal family invited him to cook it for family dinners.”

Alastair said he was very welcome, but he was sitting in his seat and made no move to get up to greet him.

"If I wanted, I could have him be my personal chef."

A chair was pulled out, and Edgar, with a somewhat ugly expression, sat down.

"Let's talk business."

Edgar looked at Alastair, "You called me over this time and said that there is a perfect candidate for the Super Seven. Where are the others?"

"Don't worry, would you like some orange soda?"

"No, thank you. Drinking that thing reminds me of the dishwashing liquid at home. It's hard to imagine that there are such unpleasant drinks in the world."

Hearing Edgar's straightforward refusal, Alastair took a sip of the soda in his glass with disapproval.

"Actually, it's not me who called you here this time, but the superhuman who wants to meet you. Maybe you even know her." Alastair said as he put down his wine glass.

"Don't pretend to be mysterious in front of me. If her superpowers are not as powerful as you described on the phone, I will definitely terminate all business dealings between Walter and the Jizhong Church."

Edgar was not in the mood to talk around with Alastair. He was in a bad mood now and had a lot of things waiting for him to solve.

The Gathering Church has existed since the founding of the Vought Group. Although it has come to an end now, Alastair is the leader of the church.

He is not afraid of Edgar, the president of Walt who is respected by everyone. He has collected a lot of superhuman black information, which is unimaginable. If he leaks it casually, it will be enough for the Walt Group to drink a pot.

For example, Storm Girl in The Seven is an example. Photos of her origins in Naqen are available in all the Gathering Churches, so Alastair doesn't care about Edgar's threat at all.

"We have known each other for so long, could I deceive you? What you said makes me so sad. It took a lot of effort for me to help you find a super human who is powerful, has a clean background and is easy to control. You don't know how much I spent. Thoughts, how much financial and material resources have been spent, my wallet is aching when I talk about it.”

Edgar directly interrupted the chattering Alastair.

"How much commission will the church take this time? 50%? 60%? As long as the person you recommend satisfies me, it doesn't matter."

"I want 70%!" Alastair saw Edgar's eager mentality and said directly.

After hearing Qicheng, Edgar's face became even more ugly. When he looked at Alastair again, his eyes were as cold as looking at a dead man.

"Oh, I have a big appetite. I'm really not afraid of stuffing myself to death."

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