Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 211 Risks always coexist with benefits

"Risks always coexist with benefits." Alastair raised his wine glass gracefully, clinked the glasses, and drank the soda in one gulp.

However, the next second, his head and his body were crushed directly by an invisible force, like a watermelon under a hydraulic press. With a bang, sticky blood, mixed with tiny bone fragments, splashed out. It was everywhere, on the smooth floors, walls, dining table, and on Edgar's suit and cheeks.

"Shet!" Seeing this scene, even Edgar, who usually didn't swear, couldn't help but curse.

His eyes subconsciously looked at the door that was slowly pushed open behind Alastair's seat.

I saw a guy wearing a gilt robe, with his hands hidden in the cuffs, slowly walking out of the room. She also wore a pale golden mask on her face, with only two small holes left for the eyes. The remaining parts are occupied by complicated white patterns. As soon as she appears, she gives people a strong sense of oppression and mystery.

But Edgar, who was used to big scenes, just wiped the blood on his face, and then said in a deep voice: "If you kill him, it will cause a lot of trouble, and it will even implicate me and even Walter." company."

"Fox, please take care of the blood stains at the scene so as not to affect the guests' appetite." Cindy's voice revealed her gender.

The Fox she mentioned was Alastair's old butler during his lifetime, but it seemed that this old butler had a new employer.

"Alastair is indeed an arrogant fool. He doesn't even know that his own congregational church is secretly controlled by others." Edgar said with a serious face.

However, from the old housekeeper's hands that were constantly trembling with fear, one could guess that the other party must have used violent means to take over the church.

"Mr. Edgar, you may not know me, but I am very familiar with you, the CEO of Walter Group and the mastermind behind all evil."

The eyes under the mask were full of murderous intent, and they wanted to crush Edgar to death on the spot.

"...Are you a superhuman who escaped from the Sage Grove?" Although it was a question, Edgar's tone was quite firm. Through the eyes of the other party, he could see the superpower he had just shown and the words he said. , allowing him to quickly come to a conclusion.

"You are very smart." Cindy reached out and took off the mask, "Yes, I am one of the experimental subjects of Compound No. 5. Cindy, you should know why I called you here."

"To kill Storm Girl?"

The corners of Edgar's mouth raised slightly.

He knew very well that as the manager of Sage Grove, Storm Girl's daily management methods could almost be described as inhumane. Since the other party wanted to join the Super Seven, the purpose must be revenge.

Cindy's purpose completely coincided with his idea of ​​checking and balancing Storm Girl. It was as if he was sleeping on his pillow. However, the only thing that worried him was that the other party's behavior was too uncontrollable, like the second Storm Girl, or even More unscrupulous than Storm Girl.

Seeing that the other party was silent, Edgar continued: "What benefits do I get from letting you join the Super Seven? After all, I put a bomb that may explode at any time into the company. I'm worried that I don't know when. , you will teach me a painful lesson."

"Okay, let me think about it and give you an answer tonight."

With that said, Edgar stood up and looked at the housekeeper beside him, "Where is the bathroom?"

"Please follow me." Butler Fox put down the mop in his hand and personally led Edgar the way.

Five minutes later, Edgar took off his coat and walked out of the bathroom in a hurry. At this time, he was wiping his hands with a tissue.

"Now, can I leave?" Edgar asked inquiringly.

Cindy looked at Edgar, and after a moment of silence, she nodded.

Edgar walked out of the castle and was escorted by the guards to the car. He took out his mobile phone from his pocket expressionlessly and made a call.

After the call ended, he closed his eyes and waved his hand to the driver to drive.

Just two minutes after the car started, the castle behind the car collapsed. Amidst the roar, a plume of thick smoke rose up, and red lasers lit up from time to time. Two looming figures moved at high speed among the ruins, facing the sudden attack. There was a movement, Edgar in the car, his eyelids twitching slightly, a smile overflowing from the corner of his mouth.


"Urgent notification, just yesterday evening, the gathering center of the Ji Zhong Church was attacked by unknown super terrorists, resulting in the death of sixteen people. There are no survivors. Among them, the leader of the Ji Zhong Church, Alatas, unfortunately passed away. The cause of the attack is not yet known, and we will continue to pay attention to this horrific attack..."

In a villa on the outskirts of New York, Xia Shang, who had just finished breakfast, sat in front of the TV and turned on the news channel as always.

Among all the miscellaneous news, only one caught his attention.

Gathering churches?

Xia Shang had some impressions of this organization. Some time ago, he sent someone to talk to him about cooperation, but he didn't expect it to be destroyed so quickly.

There are not many forces that can easily destroy the churches.

Although Billy and the others were joined by Starlight, Starlight's character and strength were not enough to eradicate the Church of the Church.

From this point of view, the ones who eradicated the church were either a certain law enforcement agency under the United States or related to Walter. To be precise, it should be related to the Super Seven. As for whether it was Black, the Motherland, or the Storm Girl Yes, Xia Shang didn't know. He was only paying attention to the actions of the twins and whether they had started.

Today, Walt will not only hold a promotional meeting about the movie, but also announce the death of Locomotive and the news that the veteran hero Lamplighter has joined the Seven. However, it is enough for Ashley to be responsible for these things. Xia Shang does not like it. It's not his character to do everything himself.

I waited until noon before the prompt message for ability fusion popped up on the panel.

[Super power fusion, current progress is 1%]

Well done. After seeing the prompt message on the panel, Xia Shang praised the twin with satisfaction. Even though this guy didn't look good, he was surprisingly reliable in his work. No wonder Madeline would put some Leave important tasks to him.

Beep beep beep! !

The cell phone on the coffee table suddenly rang. Xia Shang picked it up and saw that it was Huey calling. He said that this guy hadn't contacted him for a long time. He didn't know what he wanted to do when he called this time.

"it's me."

"Have you seen the news about the attack on Ji Zhong Church? We would like to ask you to help find out information about Ji Zhong Church."

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