Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 212 The Repayer Alliance gradually emerges

"Isn't that what you did? Now some netizens have asked you to come forward and claim the matter." Xia Shang said calmly while taking out the No. 5 compound that was not used up last time.

"Wang Defa? Then he doesn't care about our business at all. We suspect that Walter did it."

Huey on the other end of the phone was a little speechless. Why were all the scapegoats put on their heads? He now felt like a turtle with a scapegoat on his head, and the number of scapegoats was still increasing. Fortunately, the leader of the criminal group It was Billy. He was not well-known. Like his status in the picket team, he was an inconspicuous existence.

"Just kidding, don't pay attention."

"Man, this joke is not funny at all. Also, do you know anything about Ji Zhong Church?" If it wasn't for Billy who really couldn't figure it out, why would Walter eradicate Ji Zhong Church? Otherwise, he wouldn't have thought of Xia Shang. The existence of this mysterious person.

Billy could vaguely feel the connection between the Gathering Church and the Walter Group, but he knew nothing about the specific details.

Xia Shang hesitated for a moment, but for the sake of fantasy value, he still spoke: "The Church of Juzhong has a long history, and Storm Girl was once a member of it. Well, that's all I can tell you, as for more It is up to you to dig out the information yourself. Finally, I would like to remind you to take a longer view, as the people of the motherland are not invincible."

"Aren't the people of the motherland invincible? What do you mean? Is there a superhuman stronger than him? Hey, hey, hey." Huey looked down and saw that the phone had been hung up. When he dialed again, the call remained. In the midst of the unanswered mechanical sound.

In the basement, Billy looked at Huey.

"Did he tell you about Ji Zhong Church?" In fact, he didn't expect Xia Shang to tell him anything. This guy was extremely mysterious, coming and going without a trace. Even though he used all channels, he still couldn't tell him anything. Unable to find out any information about the other party, the mysterious person exists in this world like a ghost, hard to see and hard to touch.

Huey put down his cell phone and said with a face full of shock: "He said that the Gathering Church has a long history, and Storm Girl, currently one of the seven giants of Walter, was once a member of it."

"Storm Girl? Free Girl?"

Billy frowned thoughtfully, "Could it be that it was because the Ji Zhong Church had black information about Storm Girl that Storm Girl attacked Ji Zhong Church in an attempt to completely bury her black information? ? This can explain why the Gathering Church was wiped out by Walter."

He pursed his lips and cast an excited look in his eyes.

"In other words, as long as we find dirty information about Storm Girl, we can kill her completely."

"With Walter's public relations strength, it would be too difficult to kill Storm through blackmail. We have not succeeded several times before, and no one can say that we will succeed this time."

Frankie on the side shook his head and said coldly.

"NONONO, this time is definitely different. I guess the black material this time must be unexpectedly important, otherwise Storm Girl wouldn't do it herself." Billy rejected Frankie's opinion.

In fact, this matter had nothing to do with Storm Girl at all, but under the guidance of Xia Shang, Billy and the others unexpectedly went wrong. However, they stumbled upon the key point by mistake.

"Wake up, are you stupid because of the drugs?" Seeing Huey still looking shocked, Billy couldn't help but sarcastically said.

Huey came back to his senses, swallowed his saliva, and said in disbelief: "The mysterious man also said that let us take a long-term view. The people of the motherland are not invincible."


This news really shocked everyone present, including Xingguang, who had just joined the team. Xingguang opened his mouth slightly, as if he could stuff half an egg in. They have grown up and been taught that people from the motherland are the strongest superheroes. The information, and the performance of the people of the motherland can indeed prove that he is indeed the strongest super human.

Billy and the others never doubted that.

But now, they were suddenly told that the people of the motherland were not the strongest superhumans. They were all dumbfounded. What happened? Could it be that there are superhuman beings who are stronger than the people of the motherland?

Billy had a hard time digesting this explosive news.

"Did he tell you anything else? Like who is that guy? Where is he now?"

However, Xia Shang was not pretending to be a riddler. In fact, even he did not know where the soldier boy was. Instead of working hard to find the soldier boy himself, it would be better to leave this chore to Billy and the others.

"No, that's all he said, and then he hung up the phone. No one answered when he called again. It seems like he wants us to figure it out on our own." Huey also frowned.

"What does he mean by asking us to take a long-term view?" Huey asked confused.

The atmosphere in the basement suddenly became silent.

Everyone was racking their brains to analyze the meaning of every word in Xia Shang's words.

"Do you still remember the superhuman team before Walter created the Seven?" Billy's eyes suddenly lit up, and then he hurriedly borrowed Breast's computer and started searching for relevant information.

After a few gentle taps, he found clues.

"The Repayers is Walt's first superhero team. Unfortunately, I can't find any more useful things. I only know that the Repayers have another name, called the Blood Debt Repayment Team. They rose up in the Seven Giants of Walt Later, due to its rapid decline in popularity, it was abandoned by the Vought Group, and their captain, Soldier Boy, died in a war."

Billy and the others suddenly encountered a bottleneck.

Because of the descriptions of the members of the Repayers on the Internet, they do not believe that these guys can defeat the people of the motherland.

"I think the mysterious man is just deceiving us. If that guy is really stronger than the people of the motherland, he can't be unknown until now." Franky shrugged. Like Billy, he couldn't trust a stranger. Man, it seemed to him that Billy was simply carried away by a desire for revenge.

"What if he was from before this century?"

Billy straightened his back and looked at Frankie thoughtfully.

"Assuming that this person really exists and is powerful, then there is only one possibility, and that is that there is something wrong with the cause of the soldier boy's death. But if I want to verify whether my idea is correct, I need the help of two people."

"Who?" Huey suddenly asked curiously.

"The Lamplighter and Queen Maeve are the closest to the center of the Walter Group. They should be able to easily find detailed information about the soldier boy. If there is really a problem with the cause of his death, we should focus on On his players.”

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