Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 214 The out-of-control Ryan is bleeding like a river!

This morning, while Billy was still sleeping soundly, the cell phone on his bedside suddenly kept ringing. He didn't take it seriously at first. After all, he was so sleepy after a busy night, let alone the phone, even at this moment. There were missiles falling, but he didn't even bother to open his eyes.

Didi didi! ! !

But the person on the other end of the phone obviously didn't want to let Billy go, and the phone rang rapidly for five minutes.

In the end, Billy couldn't stand it anymore and stood up angrily, grabbed his phone and pressed the call button, "If there's nothing important, you're dead. I'll put this damn ringtone into your head. Then put it in the washing machine and stir like crazy!"

"Billy Butcher? Is that you?"

A gentle and familiar voice, like Cupid's arrow, pierced Billy's heart. As his heart suddenly contracted, all the sleepiness in Billy's body was swept away. He suppressed the excitement in his heart. , with a trembling voice: "Bejia?"

"It's me." Bejia on the other end of the phone had tears flashing in her eyes. She covered her mouth in excitement and choked: "Ryan is missing. He has not returned to me for several nights. I asked Walter's deputy President Jervis, he just keeps trying to deal with me, I know something must have happened to Ryan."

Hearing his wife keep repeating Ryan's name, Billy couldn't help but feel an unknown fire in his heart!

"Where are you now?" Billy frowned irritably.

After some questioning, he learned that his wife, Bejia, took advantage of Walter's lax supervision and escaped from the high wall.

Although Bega on the other end of the phone kept emphasizing that no one knew about his escape, Billy knew very well that without Edgar's instructions, it would have been impossible for Bega to escape from the heavily guarded prison. , faced with Edgar's compromise, Billy did not intend to break the contract, and Ryan was a hot potato in his hands.

If Bejia knew that he had kidnapped her son, there would be big trouble.

So after he found out Bejia's current location, he hung up the phone and said, "Just stay there and I'll send someone to pick you up right away."

Next, there was a scene where Ryan was thrown from the car.


During the period when Ryan was tied up, don't expect Billy to take good care of him. He has been locked in a closed utility room, and his hands and ankles were covered with chains. Except for Kimiko who delivered meals every day, Billy No one else is allowed near the utility room, especially the sympathetic Huey and Starlight.

Billy was on guard against them, lest these two idiots stab him secretly.

He had seen so many backstabbings that he should have been on guard, but Billy was completely at a loss.

The picture came to Ryan's side.

The dark environment made him feel extremely uneasy, and the noisy sounds around him only amplified the uneasiness in his heart, either out of fear or courage. In short, he longed for stronger power to protect himself. .

I saw a pair of bright red eyes slowly lighting up from the darkness.

The next second, an extremely rich red burst out in the depths of Ryan's eyes!

laugh! The black sack was instantly melted by the laser fired by Ryan. The laser continued to extend outwards and even penetrated the head of an onlooker. With a sizzling sound, the passerby who was shot shook his headless body and banged Falling down, such a horrifying scene caused the onlookers to scream loudly.

What's even more fatal is that at this time, Ryan actually climbed up and looked around.

By the time he got out of the sack, there was already a river of blood all around, and there were severed limbs and arms everywhere. Looking at this hell-like scene, Ryan froze in place at a loss. He didn't know that all of this was... He caused it. As the pungent smell penetrated his nasal cavity, he subconsciously wanted to run away from this terrifying place.

"Help! Help!"

"Devil! He is the devil!"

Some survivors who survived by chance looked at Ryan with the eyes of a devil. When they saw Ryan walking towards them, they shouted for help and begged for mercy with tears streaming down their cheeks. It wasn't that they didn't want to escape, it was just that their legs were not strong at all. Listening to their orders, I not only trembled, but also felt extremely heavy.

"People in our motherland dare not kill people in the street. I didn't expect that this great feat would be done by his son." Xia Shang, who witnessed Ryan's murder with his own eyes, couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

At the same time, the superheroes who noticed the strange sound came to the floor-to-ceiling windows one after another.

When they looked down, the dazzling red color on the ground instantly changed their expressions. What was going on? Someone launched a terrorist attack under the Watt Building? With so many corpses, how many people must be killed? At this moment, their hearts were beating wildly, and even Edgar, who was usually calm, had a hint of panic in his voice.

"Go down and see what's going on!"

"It's Ryan." The sharp-eyed native of the country saw Ryan standing in the middle of the corpse at a glance. He was very familiar with the cut and burned corpses. It was obviously caused by Cyclops. In other words, it was Ryan who killed him. so many people.

Looking at the confused Ryan, the people of the motherland were both relieved and a little scared, but in any case, Ryan was his son after all.

He smashed the glass window in front of him with one palm, and then flew out.

"Now it's time to have some fun." Storm Girl showed an expression that showed she was not too worried about the fun, and she folded her arms in front of her chest with a smile.

"Jervis, do you think Walter will kill Pauline?"

Xia Shang shook his head and said softly: "It can't be saved. There is surveillance at the scene, and some people also took videos with their mobile phones. Even if they are all killed, the video will be posted online soon. By then, let alone Walter, even the U.S. government cannot withstand the tsunami of public opinion unless..."

"Unless what?" Storm Girl looked at Xia Shang curiously. She really couldn't think of any other way to solve this matter.

"Unless there is evidence that Ryan was forced to do so."

Just like there is no perfect crime in the world, as long as there are strong enough means and energy, any criminal case can be made into a major or trivial matter, such as labeling a murderer as mentally ill or labeling a murderer who is about to be executed The identity of a death row prisoner was changed, and a person serving a life sentence was granted medical parole...

"As long as I want, I can fake a lot of evidence, but why should I help Ryan?" Xia Shang's mouth raised slightly, and then he walked out of the conference room under the solemn gaze of Storm Girl.

"This guy……"

For some reason, the smile on Xia Shang's lips gave Storm Girl a sense of déjà vu. She seemed to have seen it somewhere, but she couldn't remember it for a while.

I'm on a business trip these two days. Sorry, I'll go back tomorrow.

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