Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 215 Public opinion boils and the bill is rejected

Things unfolded much faster than expected. In less than ten minutes, a large number of police cars surrounded the Watt Building. Several well-equipped SWAT teams, wearing goggles and holding assault rifles, occupied the best combat position. , aiming the gun at the gate of the Watt Building as if facing a formidable enemy.

Considering the special strength of the Vought Group, the New York Police Chief reported this operation step by step, and finally called the Department of Defense.

After learning of the seriousness of the matter, the U.S. Department of Defense immediately contacted the Joint Operations Command under its jurisdiction and ordered them to immediately dispatch special forces and rush to Vought's headquarters in the center of Manhattan to prevent possible fighting at any time. .

At the same time, they also contacted the CIA and asked them to send someone to communicate with Walter to strive for a peaceful solution.

"Shet! I should catch that bastard Edgar and shoot him! Look at the Vought Group he manages, he knows how to cause trouble for me every day." After hanging up the phone, Secretary of Defense Bob said angrily Slapping the table and looking at the furious Bob, the staff who came to report were frightened into silence.

This was the first time he had seen Mr. Bob, the minister, so angry.

"I knew that the Watt Group was untrustworthy, a group of bastard companies made up of bastards, and their behavior must be regulated!" Bob took a deep breath to calm down his mood. He lowered his head and pulled out a few documents from the table. It is a cooperation order between Vought Group, the Ministry of National Defense, the Immigration Bureau and other departments.

The content of the order is that the U.S. Department of Defense and other departments will purchase a large number of No. 5 compounds from Vought at a price of five million each year. The total transaction amount is as high as hundreds of billions of dollars.

"Contact Ms. Victoria for me and tell her that the Minister of Defense wants to see her." Bob picked up the pen and drew a slash on the document where his signature should have been. Obviously, the order contract in his hand was invalid. , if it signs a purchase order with Watt at this time, the U.S. Department of Defense and even the entire U.S. government will be criticized by the outside world.

Bob couldn't afford to be embarrassed, and he also hated Edgar for embarrassing him.

"Committee member Ms. Victoria?" the staff member confirmed before leaving to avoid making a mistake.

"That's right." Ryan's incident made Bob determined to supervise superhuman beings. He could no longer allow them to continue to run rampant and act recklessly in the United States. As for who would manage this matter, he had been criticizing Walt for many years. Victoria of the group is undoubtedly the best candidate.


the other side.

A pot of porridge has been cooked in the Watt Building. Looking at the police who are on guard outside, how can Watt employees still have the energy to work?

"The current situation is very serious. The social impact caused by Ryan is the worst since the establishment of Watt. Facing the coming public opinion, I have no choice!" Edgar said in a deep voice in the conference room.

At this time, Ryan was shrinking into a ball and shivering. He was like a frightened deer, burying his head in the cloak of his motherland.

"What do you mean? You want me to hand over Ryan?" the motherland man said with a livid face.

"Do you have a better way?"

Edgar raised his eyelids slightly, glanced at Ryan next to the motherland, and then sneered: "Your son is killing people in the street. Not to mention me, not even you can save him. You should be lucky that he is only ten years old and is still young." Under the Adult Protection Act, otherwise, the crime he committed would be enough to be shot several times. Of course, New York State has abolished the death penalty, so what he will receive will most likely be life imprisonment."

"As for whether it is one hundred years or two hundred years, it depends on how the court decides."

To be honest, he was in a pretty bad mood now. Billy's parents and eighteen generations of relatives had already been greeted by Edgar one by one.

If I had known that Ryan would cause such a big trouble, it would be better to let him stay in Billy's.

"Ryan is my son. Do you know when my birthday is? December 25th! The day Jesus was born!" The native stood up abruptly and glanced at everyone's faces with angry eyes. His voice was extremely low, like a lion about to go berserk.

"That's just the birthday the marketing department chose for you."

Edgar crossed his fingers on the table and looked at his motherland expressionlessly.

"You want to protect Ryan, do you know the consequences of doing so?" Edgar said in a bad tone: "This means that you will lose the support of the people, lose the popularity of thousands of people, and lose everything you have now. If you now By choosing to give up Ryan, Walter can also explain to the outside world that Ryan took drastic actions because he had not had his father's love for a long time.

This may still preserve some of your popularity, but it won't be enough to plummet to the bottom. "

His words were like steel needles, piercing into the hearts of the people of the motherland.

If the people of the motherland were to give up everything they have now, it would be better to kill him. After a moment of silence, the people of the motherland sat down slumped, with a trace of pain and guilt in his eyes.

"I am a native of the motherland..." When a native of the motherland mentioned his name, he already lost confidence.

"Jervis, tell me what you think."

Edgar looked at Xia Shang who remained silent.

"My opinion is basically the same as Mr. Edgar's. Giving up on Ryan temporarily is obviously the best choice at the moment." Xia Shang said in a calm tone.

"Father, does Mr. Jervis mean that I am going to be sent to prison?" Faced with Ryan's whispered question.

The people of the motherland didn't even dare to look him in the eyes. This feeling was simply terrible.

"As long as I'm here, it won't happen." The motherland man forced a confident smile, and at the same time, his inner emotions were suppressed to the extreme.

Bang bang bang! !

Ashley, who looked nervous, knocked on the door, walked to Edgar, and whispered: "Mr. Edgar, there are countless netizens on the Internet now condemning Watt Company, saying that we have released a devil. Not only that. , Walter International’s stock price plummeted after the opening, and it felt like it would soon fall to the price of the previous few days.”

You know, there is no limit to the decline of U.S. stocks, and it is not impossible to bottom out in a short time.

Beep beep beep! ! The house leaked and it rained all night, and Edgar's cell phone rang at this moment.

With a gloomy face, Edgar picked up his cell phone and stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, looking down at the policemen with guns and ammunition below. He could guess that the person calling him was either from Vought's board of directors or someone from the US government.

Sure enough, when he answered the phone, Mallory's voice came from the other end.

"Mr. Edgar, long time no see." There is no doubt that Mallory was in a very happy mood. She originally thought that after the hearing, no one could stop the legalization of Compound No. 5, but it turned out that there was It's such a surprise and suddenness when something unexpected comes.

There's one more chapter, coming soon

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