Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 216 The difficult choice before the people of the motherland

"By the way, I have good news for you. Watt's proposal to legalize Compound No. 5 has been officially rejected by the court. If you have any objections, Watt Group is welcome to appeal. However, before the appeal, you'd better hand over the Ryan, otherwise, Walter International’s stock price may fall directly below the floor before you can appeal.”

Mallory gloated on the other end of the phone.

"Really? Then you'd better set up a big net under each building in advance to prevent too many people from jumping off the building and causing social panic." Edgar's expression fully demonstrated what it means to be smiling but not smiling. His tone was cold, but there was a smile on his face.

"Give you five minutes to prepare. If the time is up and we haven't seen Ryan, the group of policemen gathered under the Watt Building will kick open Watt's door and put their guns to your head. , invite you to the CIA as a guest."

Mallory did not intend to waste words with Edgar, and directly issued an ultimatum with a cold face.

"The CIA asked us to hand over Ryan in five minutes."

"In five minutes, Jervis will personally send Ryan out of the Water Building." Edgar turned around and announced the latest order.

at the same time.

The major news media were like sharks that smelled the smell of blood. They sent their reporters to Watt. Although there were still traces of blood on the scene, it did not affect the "enthusiasm" of the reporters at all. They held up long guns and short cannons while broadcasting live. , while giving on-the-spot explanations to the audience who don’t understand the situation.

Among them was Bejia who clicked into the channel.

In the basement, several people had just finished their sumptuous lunch and came to the TV to chat with each other.

In fact, it was mainly Bejia who asked and Billy and the others who answered. However, after a few words of conversation, Beja brought the topic to Ryan again, and the atmosphere in the room suddenly fell silent. Frankie and the others invariably closed their doors because of their guilty conscience. He opened his mouth and looked at Billy, seeking Billy's opinion through eye contact.

When Billy saw this, he quickly changed the subject with a smile.

"Ryan is a superhuman, who can do anything to him? It is probably Walter who hid him. After all, Ryan's relationship with you is too deep, which is not conducive to the cultivation of father-son relationship between the motherland and him, so I want to use this Find a way to get Ryan away from you for a while."

Billy's guess was reasonable. If Frankie hadn't personally participated in the kidnapping, he might have believed Billy's lies.

"Then how long are they going to keep Ryan? No, I have to confirm whether Ryan is safe,"

At this moment, the sound coming from the TV attracted everyone's attention.

"According to police statistics, the number of people killed this time was as high as thirteen, three were seriously injured and one was slightly injured. Based on the testimony of witnesses, as well as video and other evidence, it can be basically determined that the murderer was Ryan, the son of the motherland.

No one knows why he suddenly started massacring passers-by, but the severity of this incident must also be a warning to us. We don’t know whether more such tragedies will occur after the legalization of No. 5 compound. However, One thing is for sure, superhumans need supervision, and they need supervision from the US government. "

"Ryan!" Bejia, who was sitting on the sofa, stood up in disbelief. She suspected that she had heard wrongly. How could her son massacre passers-by? It must be a misunderstanding. She threw herself in front of the TV and stared at the picture on the screen.

But the next scene really made her collapse.

I saw the victim's family members crowding outside the cordon set up by the police, holding signs with Ryan's portrait on them, and constantly shouting that murder must be punished with life! At the same time, the words "he is the devil" were printed on those signs.

Bejia sat down on the ground, muttering with dull eyes: "This must not be true, this must not be true."

On the other side, Billy, who took out his mobile phone, had already learned the whole story from the Internet. To be honest, he was trying his best to suppress his lips and thought about the sad things, but even so, his stretched His eyebrows still revealed his true mood at the moment.

"It's okay. The Walter family has a great business and will do their best to keep Ryan. When the storm passes, everything will be forgotten." Billy, who pretended to be sad, came to Bejia and put his arm around her shoulders, speaking insincerely. comforted.

However, he just finished speaking.

I saw on the TV screen that Xia Shang and Ryan slowly walked out of the Watt Building.

"Vice President of Walter Group, are you Mr. Jervis?" Officer Edward, who had been waiting for a long time, saw Xia Shang coming out and immediately hurried forward to greet him.

"It's me." Xia Shang nodded.

Obviously, the people of the motherland chose the former between their own glory and their son.

Xia Shang inadvertently turned his head and looked around, only to see a figure with his hands behind his back, showing his decline.

"Ryan, I will arrest you for intentional homicide. Please follow me." Considering that both Ryan and his father are dangerous people, Edward did not intend to handcuff Ryan to avoid irritating the other party, which would lead to a bigger problem. tragedy, so his attitude is quite mild.

"Damn it! Where are the people of the motherland? He is the big selling point of this news. Doesn't he plan to do something for his son?"

A reporter saw that nothing happened after Ryan was put into the police car, and he couldn't help but complain. At the same time, he also expressed the feelings of other reporters. As reporters, they never think that the matter is big, but they only think that the news is not explosive. How can you attract people’s attention without some highlights!

Therefore, they hope that the people of the motherland will start a big battle with the police in order to protect their sons, so that it can become a topic. Of course, the topic is not small now, but they are here, so naturally they want to see some more exciting scenes.

"Mr. Jervis, would you like to be interviewed?" Seeing Xia Shang preparing to leave, a reporter reluctantly wanted to retain Xia Shang.

I thought that Xia Shang would pretend not to hear, but to his surprise, Xia Shang actually stopped.

Seeing Vice President Walter walking towards the reporter, the other reporters felt regretful. If they had known that Jervis was so easy to talk to, they should have shouted so loudly.

"Excuse me, do you have any questions?" Xia Shang took the radio microphone from the other party and said with a smile.

The reporter who was hit by the surprise was still a little dazed at this time.

In his eyes, Xia Shang is not only the vice president of Walter Group, but also a walking dollar.

"Mr. Jervis, forgive me for being a little distracted just now. My question is, as a son of the motherland, why did Ryan carry out massacres in the streets? Does he have some psychological problems? Or is it for other reasons?"

The reporter asked, suppressing his inner excitement.

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