Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 217 One hundred percent sure! The sun is rising!

"Psychological problems plus other reasons. After all, he is only ten years old. Before that, Ryan had been raised by his mother. Recently, his mother..." Xia Shang hesitated, as if he didn't want to tell the truth.

Seeing this, the reporter hurriedly asked: "Can you tell me the specific reason? Mr. Jervis, I think everyone is also concerned about the truth behind this incident."

The surrounding police officers, as well as the spectators at the scene and in front of the screen, all pricked up their ears and looked very concerned.

"Actually, this is Watt's internal confidential information and generally cannot be disclosed to the outside world, because it is also a very disgraceful thing for us at Watt." Xia Shang's words aroused the curiosity of countless people. I desperately want to know what happened behind the Lane massacre to cause a child to kill innocent passers-by.


Xia Shang changed the topic and his expression gradually became serious. At this time, Billy, who was in front of the TV, couldn't help but feel a little thump in his heart.

"Considering that this incident has caused extremely serious social impact, it is better to say some things. First of all, Ryan, the son of the motherland, was kidnapped during the selection activity some time ago. In order to find his whereabouts, we Wowo We tried all our connections, but in the end we couldn't find him."


The sudden bombshell caused countless splashes, and the reporters present all looked at Xia Shang in shock.

The one who had the same reaction as them was Bega beside Billy.

Almost instantly, the sensitive Bejia thought of someone. She struggled to break away from Billy's arms, then stared into Billy's eyes and said word by word: "You kidnapped Ryan."

Billy was just about to make up a "white" lie to get through, but was directly interrupted by Bega.

"You can deceive others, but you can't deceive me, Frank Squid! Billy Butcher! I warned you, I don't care how you deal with the Walt Group, but you will never allow Ryan to be involved." Bega was so angry. His voice was trembling and his chest was heaving violently, "But you actually kidnapped him, Shet! You're such a fucking bastard!"

Snapped! A crisp slap sounded suddenly.

After being slapped, Billy completely dissipated the remaining guilt in his eyes. He sneered repeatedly: "What the hell is Ryan? He is a scoundrel! A scoundrel who was born after you were raped by the people of your motherland. If I had known earlier, I would have shot him dead. He, like the people of the motherland, bleeds dirty and cruel blood. He killed so many people, which just proved this."

"No, this is not true." Bejia collapsed and hugged his head, squatting on the ground in despair.

at the same time.

Xia Shang on the screen continued: "Witnesses can prove that Ryan was thrown out of the car and he was put into a black sack. So I have reason to suspect that the person who kidnapped Ryan should be someone from before. The criminal wanted by Walt, Billy Butcher.

Moreover, we have just received news that Ryan's mother has also disappeared unexpectedly. Therefore, we might as well boldly guess whether it is possible that criminals used Ryan's mother to threaten Ryan and force him to kill people on the street.

It is not difficult to guess their purpose. They just want to use the public opinion caused by Lane to completely destroy the Walt Group. Once the Walt Group collapses, they can carry out criminal activities unscrupulously in the future. "

"Of course, the above are all my personal speculations. Unless Billy Butcher publicly announces that he is the instigator behind the entire incident, Ryan will eventually be responsible for what he did." Facing the camera, Xia Shang smiled slightly He smiled and then handed the microphone back to the reporter who was still thinking.

Return to the Vought Building.

The motherland man turned to look at Xia Shang and asked calmly: "Are you sure your method will work? How sure are you?"

Looking at the people of his motherland, Xia Shang raised his right hand and raised his index finger, "Unless Billy is possessed by someone's soul, I am 100% sure."

"I hope so."

There was almost no expression on the face of the motherland. His figure disappeared from the place in an instant. When he reappeared, he was already standing at the top of the Watt Building. He stared directly at the sun and kept pumping his left hand back and forth. It seems that he wants to completely vent the powerlessness and frustration in his heart!


In the basement, after listening to Xia Shang's speech, Bejia, who was originally desperate, seemed to have grasped a life-saving straw.

"I'm sorry Billy, I didn't mean it just now, can you forgive me?" Bega held Billy's face, her eyes full of guilt, "I was too impulsive, I'm sorry."

Seeing his wife's pitiful appearance, Billy felt soft-hearted.

He pursed his lips and said softly: "I was angry just now. Let's turn the page, okay?"

Bega looked at Billy tenderly.

She moved her hands from Billy's face to the back of his neck and stroked it gently. At the same time, her red lips were slightly opened and she said, "Kiss me."

The next second, Billy kissed her without hesitation.

The two were inseparable from each other, and the French tongue kiss lasted as long as a cup of coffee. Seeing this scene, Frankie and others on the side wisely left the living room, leaving the space for the long-separated couple. An old couple reunited.

Bega looked into Billy's eyes and said affectionately: "Will you help me rescue Ryan? He is my only son and my only hope besides you. Let's take him to leave the United States and live a new life."

Billy took a few steps back with an ugly expression.

"Do you want me to publicly admit that everything Ryan did was planned by me? Are you crazy? If I do this, I will never be able to turn around for the rest of my life. Even if I defeat Walter, the sun will never be able to come back. If it shines on me, I will stay in this cold, damp, small and dark basement for the rest of my life!"

Billy couldn't believe that his wife actually wanted to trade the rest of her life for the son of that bastard from the motherland!

He couldn't help but reach out and grab Bejia's shoulders, trying to persuade: "We are not old yet, can't we have another child? Let us forget about Ryan, okay?"

However, Bejia shook his head in pain: "You don't know what Ryan means to me. There is only one way to save him at the moment. I beg you, please save Ryan."

Seeing his wife crying, Billy, who wanted to speak, finally closed his mouth.

After a moment, he sighed: "Let me think about it again."

With that said, he turned around and walked towards the room. At this time, his back showed an indescribable loneliness. Perhaps the frustration and powerlessness brought about by Billy's previous actions were not worth it compared with this moment. Mention it.

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