"Mr. Jervis, you might want to watch this video." On the third day after Ryan's incident, Ashley, with a face full of surprise, couldn't wait to walk into the office, and then handed the phone to Xia Shang.

"It's unbelievable. I think he must be crazy. He actually publicly stated online that he was the mastermind behind the whole incident."

Ashley seemed particularly excited. Although she felt weird about Billy's behavior, this was not the point. The point was that once Billy's video was released, it quickly occupied the top spot on the hot search lists of major social media.

Nowadays, the public opinion about Ryan and Walter is quietly changing. If this trend continues, it won't be long before Walter can get rid of this public opinion crisis.

Ashley felt much more relaxed at the thought that she no longer had to worry about unemployment.

"Can you get me a cup of coffee? Thank you."

Xia Shang took Ashley's phone and lowered his head to click on the video above.

The shooting environment of the video was a bit dark, but we could still see the whole picture of Billy. In the video, Billy held a gun in his right hand against Bejia's temple and said in a solemn tone: "My attack will not end, this is just the beginning. As long as the U.S. government does not regulate superhuman beings, my revenge against the Vought Group will not stop."

"Please let Ryan go, he is innocent." The woman's mournful cry was heard in the video.

"Shut up!"

Billy narrowed his eyes and pulled the trigger fiercely. With the sound of a gunshot, the phone screen suddenly turned black.

As for the ending of that woman, it is naturally self-evident.

"He is a smart man." Xia Shang put down his phone and showed a smile.

Although the video is short, it conveys at least three messages to the outside world. First, Billy admitted that he was involved in Ryan's murder. Second, he did not only kidnap Ryan, but also kidnapped Ryan's mother. Third, he He thinks he is a righteous party, and what he is doing now is just to restrain superhuman beings.

The first two messages are irrelevant, the finishing touch is the last one.

Billy wants to portray himself as a hero who walks against the light, the only one who dares to resist the power of the Walt Group. It is conceivable that once the video is uploaded, the evaluation of Billy by netizens on the Internet will definitely be mixed.

In the eyes of some people, Billy is just a vicious terrorist, but in the eyes of others, Billy is a civilian hero who stands on the side of ordinary people!

"Your coffee."

"Thank you." Xia Shang returned the phone to Ashley and then asked, "Did anyone from the motherland go to the theater today?"

Ashley subconsciously glanced at the ceiling, then nodded.

Needless to say, the people from the motherland definitely didn’t go.

Since Ryan was picked up by the police car, the people of the motherland can only relieve their inner irritability through crazy exercise.

At this time, he and Storm Girl were hugging each other in a certain posture and suspended in the air.

At the same time, Queen Maeve, who had figured out the movements of her motherland, took the key to her motherland's room and carefully opened the door.

The rooms of the Chinese people are spotless and extremely tidy because there are dedicated personnel responsible for cleaning them every day.

Queen Maeve kept her steps as low as possible to avoid making any noise, which would alert the people of her motherland.

She opened the drawer and found that apart from some papers related to the contract, there were only posters of the motherland.

"People from the motherland would not put photos in such an obvious place." As the ex-girlfriend of the motherland, Queen Maeve moved her eyes to the safe aside, but she didn't know the password of the safe at all, so she could only try to be casual. After pressing a few numbers, she was surprised to find that the safe was not locked at all.

Also, with the character of the people of the motherland, how could they lock a safe.

As expected, there were probably no photos she wanted in there.

Sure enough, when she opened the safe, there was nothing inside. Just when Maeve was a little discouraged, the motherland's bedside table caught her attention.

She tiptoed to the motherland's bedside and gently opened the bedside table. The next second, a stack of photos of Storm Girl came into her eyes.

Queen Maeve suppressed her excitement. After confirming that the photo in front of her was the black material that Billy said, she rolled up the photo and stuffed it into her boots.

"What are you doing?"

The sudden sound scared Queen Maeve to the spot. Fortunately, she had already put away the photo. All she had to do was find an excuse to leave the room, make a copy, and put it back in the same place, in order not to be noticed by her motherland. Similarly, Queen Maeve had no choice but to pretend to be calm and turned to look at her motherland.

Unexpectedly, the people of the motherland actually pointed a baby elephant at her, and the baby elephant raised its head slightly to show respect.

"It's nothing. I just went to the set to look for you, but I couldn't find you, so I thought you might be resting in the room."

Queen Maeve came back to her senses, forced a smile, and continued: "Since you are busy, I won't disturb you for now. We will contact you later."

"Don't worry, I think you have something to say to me."

Looking at the still charming Queen Maeve in front of her, the motherland man couldn't help but smile like the sun. He stretched out his hands and put his hands on Queen Maeve's shoulders, and then slowly approached.

Seeing this, Queen Maeve sighed secretly, it seemed that she had to make a quick decision.

After a fierce war.

Queen Maeve stood in front of the mirror, adjusted her clothes, and made sure that outsiders couldn't tell what happened to her, then she slowly walked out of the room.

At this time, the expression of the motherland man who was leaning on the bedside instantly changed from sunny to gloomy. He crushed a corner of the bedside table with force, his eyes extremely gloomy.


He picked up the phone and dialed Xia Shang's number.

"Is something wrong?"

"Investigate for me who Queen Maeve has been in contact with recently, when she left Walter Company, and her movements in the past few days. Once you find her location outside the Walter Building, remember to notify me in time." Motherland. People are not fools. When Ryan was kidnapped some time ago, Queen Maeve sitting in the car was actually knocked unconscious by several cans of Halothane.

From that day on, the people of the motherland suspected that Queen Maeve had betrayed Walter, but Queen Maeve was once his girlfriend, and out of past friendship, he did not press her.

But now you actually dare to steal things from his room!

The motherland smashed the bedside table behind her with a slap. Except for the sawdust, the photos originally stored in it had disappeared.

"Maeve, you let me down so much." His voice was slightly hoarse, as if the temperature in the whole room had dropped several degrees.

"But that's okay, it's time to catch all of Billy and the others."

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