"Come on, this isn't the last century anymore."

This was the first thing Storm said after learning that her photo had been stolen by Maeve.

She was speechless at the behavior of her motherland: "Compared to you, I am more like a young man living in modern times."

"Old guy, don't you know you can use your mobile phone to send photos now?" Storm Girl took out her mobile phone and casually sent a selfie to her motherland.

"So what you have to do is not let Maeve go at all, but expose her and get the photos back."

Storm Girl glanced at her motherland with hatred, and then prepared to get up and leave. Time was urgent now. She had to find Queen Maeve before she sent the photos. "I don't have time to chat with you now. If those photos are compared, If Li and others upload it on the Internet, then I will be finished, completely finished."

Looking at Storm Girl with an anxious face, the motherland man pretended to be relaxed and said: "Don't be nervous, the mobile phones of the superheroes are all monitored by Walter. If there is anything abnormal on Queen Maeve's mobile phone, Jervis will notify you in time. I."

"Oh, how do you know Queen Maeve and Jervis are not the same person? You wouldn't be so naive as to think that he would wear the same pants with you after helping you a few times. Please, he did this just for For the sake of the Walt Group, he is no different from Edgar in this regard. Don’t forget our plan. Walt will one day become our tool to conquer the world.

And Jervis and Edgar are just stumbling blocks in front of us. "Storm Girl sneered.

"Excuse me, to be honest, I have no interest in that bullshit plan at all, I just need my fans to worship me like the sun, like now, and as for conquering the world, to hell with it, that's what Nacheng should do It’s my fault, not me.”

When mentioning Nacheng, the motherland's tone is full of contempt. In his view, conquering the world is a difficult and thankless task. Moreover, once you fail, you will become an object of contempt, just like when people mention mustaches now, Always spitting on the ground.

"No, you have to do that. It took us half a century to find you. This is your fate..."

Before Storm Girl could finish her words, she was interrupted by an impatient person from the motherland, "Who am I? I am a native of the motherland. I don't need others to tell me that I must do this or that. Do, oh, Shet, don’t tell me about damn fate, just let that thing die and I can do whatever I want!”

Seeing that the people of the motherland were firm, Storm Girl couldn't say anything else. She just felt that time would change the people of the motherland, and their mentality would slowly change. She was confident in this.

"Forget it, it's up to you, I have to find Maeve now."

"Maeve left the Watt Building just now." The motherland suddenly looked out the window.

"How do you know?"

Storm Girl asked subconsciously.

"Because I have super eyes." The motherland man raised his head slightly and couldn't help but feel a little proud in his tone.

the other side.

Queen Maeve, who had just received the photo, was standing on the street, hesitating, looking at the traffic passing by. She was hesitating whether to go to Starlight. Based on her current situation, she would use the word "riding a tiger to get off" to describe it. More than appropriate.

If she had known that the vigilance of the people of the motherland was so high, she should have taken action after a while. Fortunately, now, although she found the photo, she also aroused the suspicion of the people of the motherland. Based on her understanding of the people of the motherland, maybe the people of the motherland are at this moment. Somewhere in the Watt Building, her every move was spied upon.

"Damn it!" Queen Maeve regretted that her actions were too reckless, which put her in a dilemma.

At this time, there were two choices before her.

Either go back and confess all this to the people of the motherland, or go all the way to the dark side and completely fall out with the people of the motherland and Walter.

Compared to the former, she simply couldn't imagine the consequences of the latter.

"Shet, according to the character of the people of the motherland, he will definitely kill Irina, and then tell me that he has prepared a great gift. Then, when I open the door, what I see is definitely Irina. Na's body." Irina was Maeve's girlfriend, and she could even predict what would happen if she chose the latter.

After all, she is different from Xingguang. Xingguang's mother has been rescued by Billy and the others, but she still has a weakness in the hands of the motherland. For the safety of her girlfriend, she must consider whether the remaining sense of justice in her heart can Is it worth her doing this?

After a moment of reflection.

Maeve finally gave in to her motherland. She bent over and pulled out the photo from her high boots, then pretended to be nonchalant and returned to the Water Building.

When she first stepped into Walter Company, she happened to see the people from the motherland and Storm Girl walking towards her.

Almost instantly, a chill swept through her body. It turned out that she had been targeted for a long time. Maeve could only be glad that she did not go to Starlight and the others, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

"Your choice is correct. God will forgive those believers who have returned from the lost way, and I am the same." The motherland said with a proud smile.

"Give me the stuff."

Unlike the people of her motherland, Storm Girl's disgust for Queen Maeve reached its extreme at this time, and she wished she could kill the bitch in front of her right now.

"What is it? Are you referring to this stack of photos that can prove that you are a remnant of Nacheng? I didn't expect that you are so old. How should I call you in the future? Aunt Feng, or Old Mrs. Feng?" Mei Fu didn't care about the threat of the storm at all, she sneered directly.

"Don't make me tear your mouth apart, you dirty little bitch."

Women are taboo about others talking about their age, and Storm is no exception. She was going crazy!

Tsk tsk tsk! ! A little blue current was generated out of thin air and wrapped around Storm Girl's arms.

"Damn bitch, I think I have to teach you a lesson you won't forget."

"Just you?"

Queen Maeve took a few steps forward without fear, and the bulging part of her armor almost touched Storm Girl.

Seeing the two of them facing each other, they seemed ready to fight if they disagreed.

The people from the motherland on the side separated them with their hands.

"Maeve, I can forgive you this time, but it is also the last time!" The motherland took the photo from Maeve's hand and looked through it. After confirming that the photo was not missing, she said again: "I think you should Explain to me why you did this, and whether you sent this photo to the second person."

Facing the questioning eyes of the motherland.

Maeve shook her head: "I am the only one who has seen the photo. As for the reason for doing this, I just want Irina not to be harmed."

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