Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 225 The death of Bejia! A real butcher!

"My lovely American sweetheart, are you finally going to use the meager power in your hands to attack the Vought Group?"

Billy looked at the phone screen. Just now, he not only received a call from Breast Milk, but also a text message from Frankie.

"Obviously, Walt has not forgotten Frankie, but they have forgotten that there is a dangerous person beside Frankie."

"You mean Kimiko?"

"If a guy who can shred other people's throats with his hands cannot be called a dangerous person, then I think this word needs to be redefined." Billy leaned on the sofa, and the soft touch under him could not soothe his brows. What exactly does the Watt Group want to do? Want to settle an old score?

But if we were to settle old scores, it shouldn't be at this time. It's not that this time is so special. Billy just felt that what happened was a bit strange.

"Starlight, can you contact Maeve?" Huey asked.

Starlight shook her head, "We completely lost contact a month ago, but you can ask the lamplighter, maybe he knows something."

Bang! Two figures descended from the sky and landed on the open space at the door of Huey's room.

"Breaking into a private house is not what a hero would do, let alone an FBSA employee's house." Storm Girl said while looking at the house in front of her.

"Unless it's harboring criminals, and they're wanted by the government for a long time."

Through the clairvoyance, the people of the motherland saw Huey and others in the living room, "They are dead this time. Do you think they will kneel on the ground and beg me for mercy later."

"Maybe, but you can give it a try." Storm Girl smiled.

"Before that, I decided to give them a surprise." The native put his hand on the door handle and pressed the doorbell with the other hand.

When the doorbell rings.

Huey, who was sitting on the sofa, immediately stood up and walked towards the door.

"Which of you ordered takeout?"

"It's not me anyway. I've been thinking about losing weight recently. After lying here with you for a month, my weight has increased by at least five pounds." Xingguang said lazily.

"Who is that? My home doesn't look like a place where people will patronize it."

Huey opened the peephole and glanced out casually, but the next second, his expression was like an overturned spice jar. It was extremely exciting. Emotions such as panic, panic, fear, and disbelief jumped out on his face. Huey Yi was so frightened that he almost fell down. He would rather see a grimace than a person from his motherland.

"Gift crab!" Huey subconsciously took a few steps back.

At the same time, when he came back to his senses, he hurriedly turned to look at everyone, "People from the motherland! They are people from the motherland!"

Although Billy didn't understand lip reading, he still saw the answer on Huey's face. He quickly took out a shotgun from under the sofa, and then fled to the basement with Starlight and Becca. He originally thought Huey's family is safe for the time being. After all, Huey's current status is special, and even Walter has to be considerate and wary.

But it turns out that no one really takes Huey seriously.

"Oh my god, when did you hide a gun under the couch?" Starlight said in shock.

"Is this the point?"

Billy's mood suddenly hit rock bottom. The long period of stable life had paralyzed his nerves, causing him to make the lowest mistakes.

"What should we do now? The people of the motherland have clairvoyance, and we can't escape at all." Xingguang also panicked at this time, "How about I hold him back, and you take the opportunity to escape. Now that Huey is alone outside, the people of the motherland will definitely Kill him."

"So far, I'm afraid that's all I can do." Between face and life, Billy chose the latter without hesitation.

at the same time.

Huey hurried to the living room and picked up his phone.

Click! I saw a palm print suddenly dented on the inside of the iron door, and accompanied by the harsh sound of metal deformation, the palm print became more and more abrupt. Finally, the motherland's right hand pressed through the iron door and tore a big hole in it like a can.

Then the Motherland walked leisurely on the corridor floor.

Looking at his extremely calm look, it seemed as if he had returned to his own home.

"Billy, do you come out on your own, or let me catch you out myself." The native held his hands behind his back and showed a bright smile like the sun, but there was a trace of violence hidden in the smile. The gloom in his eyes and the smile on his face, It's quite inconsistent and natural together.

"This is my home. Do you have a search warrant? I can call the police at any time now and accuse you of illegally trespassing on private property."

Huey stiffened his neck and mustered up the courage to look into the eyes of his motherland.

"I now suspect that you are hiding criminals, and we are just fulfilling the responsibilities of superheroes." The people of the motherland did not believe that Billy and the others could escape under their noses, so with a playful attitude, they walked above the basement He walked up and down the floor, seeming to observe the arrangement of furniture in the house.

"You broke into a government employee's home without a search warrant, and broke in violently. I don't care if you are a superhuman or not. Now your behavior has constituted a crime. As a member of the superhuman agency, I must warn you. , if you don’t leave my house immediately, I will take corresponding measures against you.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Huey sighed with emotion that one day he could stand in front of the people of the motherland and warn them so openly. This feeling was simply uneasy and relieved.

"Storm, I feel like there's a fly buzzing in my ear, how do I kill it, with my hands or Cyclops?!"

The eyes of the people of the motherland instantly lit up red, and the color was like lava about to erupt, which was terrifying!

"Boy, please say what you just said again." He took a few steps towards Huey and said in a serious tone.


The extremely powerful sense of oppression made Huey's legs tremble unconsciously. His voice was trembling, but he could never form a complete sentence. He was like a rabbit being stared at by a lion, unable to do anything but tremble.

"You know what? I hate people threatening me the most. In this world, I am the only one who threatens others!" The expressions of the people of the motherland became more and more terrifying, like the black clouds before the storm. No one can predict when the heavy rain will pour. Maybe right now, maybe in the next second!

Poof! !

Two red laser beams suddenly shot out from the eyes of the motherland.

At the moment when he was about to penetrate Huey's head, a figure suddenly rushed out and knocked the native of the country away.

I saw that the laser cut through the walls and floors of the house like a knife cutting a cake, leaving scorched burn marks on both sides of the cracks.

Before the laser fell, Billy was holding Bega's hands in the basement, comforting him not to worry.

As a result, the next moment, a sudden laser shot across Bejia's body.

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