"Billy, do you still remember the day we met?" Bega gently raised her hands and caressed Billy's cheek.

"Of course, in front of the bar on 101st Street, I was very drunk, and you suddenly stood in front of me and asked if I needed help. At that time, I had just retired from the war, and my military doctor told me that I had a serious illness. Severe postwar psychological syndrome.

But unlike ordinary patients, I am not afraid of the battlefield. I even enjoyed the moment when the grenade exploded under my feet. Only then did I feel that I was still alive. Maybe it was family reasons. I was born in a family with a sadistic father. My younger brother committed suicide because he couldn't bear his father's abuse.

I witnessed with my own eyes that he pointed the muzzle of the gun at his own head, and then pulled the trigger without hesitation. After the bang, my mind went blank. It was not until my mother screamed that I woke up, and my military doctor gave me a prescription. I took a lot of medicines, a lot of miscellaneous ones, and they almost served as my three daily meals.

Later I discovered that alcohol was the most effective, so I drank until I was unconscious and wandered around every street in Manhattan, hoping that one day I would be hit and killed by a car while crossing the street. Maybe this would help. But the pain in my heart. "

Billy stared lovingly into Bejia's pale golden eyes and whispered softly: "Until I met you, Ms. Bejia, you saved me from the quagmire of pain. From that day on, we started dating and falling in love. , I found that I seemed to be different from before. I no longer thought about killing anyone around me by various means. I gradually became immersed in this kind of life.

Later, it was you who convinced my mother to divorce my father and leave the abusive home.

I swear, I really love you, and I would do anything for you. "

Billy, who was usually known as a tough guy, didn't know when his voice began to tremble and tears welled up in his eyes.

"It's wonderful to think about it." Bejia wiped away the tears on his face, "Actually, the person I love has always been you, and it has never changed."

"What about people from the motherland?"

"The truth of the matter is as you guessed. It was a nightmare. I don't know how to face you. Someone once said that escaping is shameful but useful. I know how powerful the people of the motherland are. I can't turn things around. To tell you the truth, I originally thought that all the pain would be erased with time, but time brought me bad news.

I am pregnant……"


the other side.

The people of the motherland grabbed Xingguang’s head and kept smashing it against the wall, bang! Bang! ! The wall was directly smashed through, and dust suddenly flew everywhere.

"Why did you betray me!" The motherland gritted his teeth and lifted up the embarrassed Xingguang.

"Because you are a fucking scumbag."

Starlight wanted to spit on the hateful faces of her motherland.

"It's a good answer, but I don't like it." The motherland man's expression was gloomy and terrifying. He pinched Xingguang's neck with his other hand. While the muscles at the corners of his mouth twitched, his five fingers sank deeply into Xingguang's snow-white lips. The skin seemed to be able to crush Xingguang's neck in the next second.

Bah! !

Lights in the living room and throughout the villa began to flicker.

Rich golden light gathered in Xingguang's eyes, making her look like a god. She pushed hard, and two golden light pillars shot out.

However, the people of the motherland were bathed in the golden light and were safe and sound.

And a little red light appeared from the corner of his eyes again, like jumping flames, twisting in the air.

"Children's tricks are worthy of doing tricks in front of me." The people of the motherland planned to use a laser to penetrate directly into Starlight's eyes and singe the brains at the same time.

"What a good show." Storm Girl said with a mocking smile.

Just when the motherland's laser was about to come out.

Huey on the side suddenly raised his phone and said in a cold voice: "Maybe it's too late for you to stop now."

"I want to see what tricks you want to play." The motherland man brought Starlight to Huey with disdain. In his opinion, Huey and others were ants, ants that he could crush to death at any time.

"You and Storm Girl, get back to Vought! Now the entire U.S. government knows the stupid things you have done! The Vought Group is about to lose its face!" Edgar's roar rang from the phone.

At this time, the people of the motherland were like a duck being strangled by the neck, with their faces switching back and forth between blue and white.

"I forgot to tell you that just now, I sent what you did to all the contacts in my mobile phone list, including Congressman Newman. In other words, if something happens to us, you will not be able to escape suspicion. I think In three minutes, a large number of police cars will surround this place, and by then..."

Huey paused, looked at each other and said, "Mr. Motherland, your reputation will be ruined and you will never be able to stand up."

His words trailed off.

The whole place fell into an eerie silence.

After a moment, Xingguang slipped from the hands of the motherland. At the moment when she was freed from the restraint, Xingguang continued to breathe rapidly. The horrible suffocation just now almost made her on the verge of death.

"Huey, I remember you. It won't be long before we meet again."

After saying the harsh words, the motherland turned around and walked outside with a cold face.

Seeing that the biggest threat had left, the courage supporting Huey's spine collapsed. He sat tiredly on the sofa, breathing heavily.

"Well done Huey, I can't believe that was you."

Starlight was a little shocked and felt incredible at the same time.

"We're safe now, aren't we?"


Starlight walked up to Huey, reached out to hold his face, and kissed him deeply.

They separated after a few seconds.

"This is a reward for you." Starlight smiled and then walked towards the basement, "We should tell Billy and the others this good news. I guarantee that they will be shocked when they hear your performance just now. "

But when she pushed open the basement door.

The scene happened before my eyes.

But she was stunned on the spot.

"Starlight?" Seeing Starlight standing motionless, Huey couldn't help but walked to her curiously and was about to pat her shoulder with his hand.

However, when he saw clearly what was happening in front of him, his whole body was stunned like an electric shock.

Billy was seen kneeling on the dark brown board, using his hands to piece together a pile of minced meat. His body was covered in blood, and half of his trouser legs were stained red.

"Honest Crab..." Huey opened his mouth unconsciously.

He actually saw Billy holding Bejia's face and muttering to himself.

"Billy, are you crazy!"

After hearing the voice, Billy slowly turned his head to look at Huey. His eyes were bright red, and any white part of his eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes.

"Am I crazy? Maybe."

His face was expressionless, and he pressed the skin with flesh and blood tissue on his hand against his chest.

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