"Do you have any other choice?" Xia Shang said calmly.

"I see."

There was a glimmer of darkness in Billy's eyes, he put his hands in his pockets, then turned and left the golf course.

Xia Shang looked at his back as he left and couldn't help but frown. Billy was different from Huey. He was more difficult to control and more unstable.


Billy, who remained expressionless the entire time, returned to the car.

He took out a black pen from his arms. Although the pen looked ordinary on the surface, when he pressed the cap, Xia Shang's voice came from inside.

"He doesn't seem to know... So I reminded you that it's best to wait until the temporary No. 5 compound is developed... Do you have any other options?"

Listening to the conversation between him and Xia Shang on the recorder, Billy lit a cigarette and held it in his mouth. After the conversation was repeated four or five times, he said coldly: "Who said I don't have a second one?" Choice, I will not let go of any opportunity to kill people of my motherland, including you, the guy who pretends to be mysterious!"

He put out the cigarette butt and stepped on the accelerator.

"I want to see if the people of the motherland can tear off that layer of your skin."

Five minutes later, the recording between him and Xia Shang appeared on Edgar's mobile phone. Of course, the recording was incomplete and was a version deleted by Billy. Only the information about the temporary No. 5 compound was retained. In part, as for the Repayer Alliance, there was no mention of it in the recording.

"The mole... is interesting." Edgar's face was gloomy. He didn't expect that there would be problems within the Walter Group. You know, regarding the provisional compound No. 5, apart from the researchers in the laboratory, only Walter's Several senior executives knew about it, and the main researchers in the laboratory were closely monitored by him and could not possibly reveal any information.

In other words, the leaker must be one of Watt's top executives.

He picked up his cell phone and sent the pure white witch to catch the person. As long as he caught the person, he would know who the inner ghost was.


"It seems that Billy is indeed crazy." Xia Shang looked at Cindy calmly, as if he was not surprised by her sudden arrival.

Cindy didn't talk too much, but stretched out her right hand towards Xia Shang and made a grabbing movement. An invisible force instantly wrapped around Xia Shang's body. Then she waved her arm and pulled hard, and then Xia Shang pulled him in front of him.

"The ability is good, but what makes me curious is, why did you join Walter?" Xia Shang, wrapped in telepathy, still maintained a calm attitude.

"Do you know me?" Cindy said coldly under the mask.

"Of course, the mental patient in Sage Grove escaped due to an accident and later became a superhero under Walter, so should I call you Cindy? Or the pure white witch?" Xia Shang looked at Cindy's chest. button on the front, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised.

It will take some time for the superhero movie to start shooting. During this period, his fusion ability is in a vacuum. Originally, Xia Shang planned to find an opportunity to fuse the super physique of the motherland after the movie started shooting. But now it seems that he will first fuse the other party's super physique. Telekinesis is also a good choice, not to mention that the other party has already sent it to the door. If he doesn't accept it, it seems that he is a little coy.

[Ability analysis in progress...]

At the same time, Edgar is observing Xia Shang's every move in real time through the hidden camera on Cindy.

"Don't rush to do it yet, let's see what else he knows." Edgar's voice suddenly sounded from the miniature earphones in Cindy's ears.

"Are you an agent of the U.S. government?" Cindy asked.

"Mr. Edgar asked you to ask that, right?"

Although he couldn't see Cindy's face clearly under the mask, Xia Shang could still hear a clue from the other party's tone.

"You are very smart, and I like to deal with smart people." Cindy read Edgar's words in a script, "For one million dollars, tell me the mole of the Walt Group."

"One million?" Xia Shang laughed contemptuously.

"Too little?"

The next moment, Cindy suddenly increased her strength, as if she wanted to crush Xia Shang completely. However, Xia Shang's expression remained calm and seemed not to be affected by the increase in telepathy.

"Don't forget, the pure white witch can turn you into a pile of minced meat at any time. If you don't want to die, just tell that person to you." Edgar said with a serious tone and an unabashed threat.

"People from the motherland, Storm Girl, Ashley, Jervis..." Xia Shang said the names of several people in succession.

"Are you kidding me?!" Edgar was in front of the computer screen, his face gloomy. At the same time, he was shocked by how well the other party knew Walter. The names that came out of Xia Shang's mouth were actually his suspicions. The targets, especially the Motherland, Storm Girl and Jervis, these three guys are the most suspect.

The people of the motherland have always wanted to take control of Walter, and Storm Girl may want to cause trouble for herself through Billy and the others. As for Jervis, to be honest, Edgar can't see through him. This guy is like a dormant bird. The poisonous snake, the last incident of forced uterus, was just showing its fangs.

"Congratulations on guessing it right, but it's a pity that there is no reward." Xia Shang said with a smile.

"Bring him back, I don't believe we can't pry his mouth open."

After hearing Edgar's order, Cindy did not hesitate and immediately wanted to twist off Xia Shang's limbs.

But no matter how hard she tried, she still couldn't affect Xia Shang.

Seeing the calm look on the other party's face, Cindy even suspected that the other party's body was made of steel, no! Even steel would be twisted into twists under the power of her mind. She stretched out her hands and used all her strength, which directly caused Xia Shang's clothes to shatter like snowflakes.

Just kidding, super carbon is no joke. I think back then, even when Billy loaded the special bullets into the sniper rifle, he couldn't penetrate the invisible man's defense. What's more, it's just telekinesis with scattered power. Unless the opponent can condense telekinesis into A little, otherwise trying to penetrate Xia Shang's skin would be simply a fool's errand.

"The opponent is also a superhuman, and his strength is not inferior to that of Storm Girl." Cindy realized that she had encountered a tough challenge. I am afraid that only superheroes such as Motherland and Storm Girl have this level of physical strength.

"Hold him, the Motherland, Storm Girl, and Black will be here soon."

At this moment, the analysis has come to an end.

[Talent Skill: Mind Manipulation]

[Fusion conditions: Completely defeat Cindy and extract 200 ml of the opponent's blood]

[After fusion, the player's own telekinesis will be greatly enhanced. At the same time, the player's control over telepathy will also be improved. Moreover, after fusing this ability, the player will not need to use both hands to control telekinesis, only a thought. You can generate and manipulate telekinesis. In addition, the more telekinesis the player controls, the heavier the burden on the player's brain. 】(End of this chapter)

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