Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 229 Warning! The body in the house!

After reading the analysis, Xia Shang is basically certain that telepathy manipulation is the upper level skill of telekinesis.

Just like the super physique of the people of the motherland, although it is a top ability in the black robe world, in DC, it is far inferior to Superman's body of steel.

"The more telepathy the player controls, the heavier the burden on the player's brain." Xia Shang said that the brain can be used as a disposable thing as long as he wants, and there is no need to worry about the so-called burden unless In his ultimate state, he detonated five of his brains at the same time, bursting out the strongest mental power. Otherwise, this restriction would be almost equivalent to nothing for him.

What's more, he has also integrated Wu Ke's self-division, and can be resurrected again as long as there is still a piece of flesh as big as a thumb alive.

"You deserve to die." Xia Shang's heart began to beat at a high frequency!

At first it was one! But soon the second heart began to roar like an engine! boom! boom! ! !

The sudden movement aroused Cindy's alert, and she subconsciously looked towards Xia Shang's chest.

boom! Bang bang bang! ! As his heart beat at high frequency, two thick white steams like swimming dragons overflowed from the corners of Xia Shang's mouth. His body also expanded at a speed visible to the naked eye, like muscle lines made of steel, exposed to the air. His eyes He looked at Cindy with a red face and said with a ferocious smile: "Mr. Edgar, do you think there is a possibility that I am the strongest superhuman?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the afterimages of Xia Shang appeared in all directions of Cindy.

Afterimages are also called visual residues. Since Cindy can see Xia Shang's afterimages, it means that her eyeball capture speed cannot keep up with Xia Shang's movement speed.

"Mr. Edgar, what do you think?"

When Xia Shang appeared again, there was a button lying in his palm.

Xia Shang looked at the buttons in his hand from a bird's eye view. His contemptuous expression was clearly exposed on Edgar's computer screen. As a result, the screen instantly turned black in the next second.

Bang! The button was directly pinched and exploded by Xia Shang.

"I can help you deal with Walter." Cindy tried to hold the other party down, because the other party was moving too fast and it was difficult for her telekinesis to keep up with him.

Seeing that Xia Shang seemed to be thinking, Cindy did not hesitate to use her telekinesis to scoop up the dirt on the ground and throw it at him.

At the same time, she spread her hands and saw cracks appearing on the wall of the building behind her, "Go to hell."

In an instant!

Countless bricks, steel bars and other hard objects poured towards Xia Shang, as if they were going to bury Xia Shang completely.

"Don't get me wrong, I was just thinking about how to kill you." Xia Shang's figure disappeared from the place in an instant, waiting for him to appear again.

Xia Shang's right hand was reflected in the center of Cindy's pupils. Before she could react, Xia Shang's right hand covered the entire mask. As the mask was violently crushed, several hard and sharp tentacles emerged from Xia Shang's palm. , penetrated Cindy's eyeball like a sharp arrow, and then the tentacles stirred crazily in her head.

When Xia Shang let go of Cindy's face, he saw that Cindy collapsed as if her spine had been taken away. Her facial features were bloody and bloody, and there was a steady stream of viscous liquid flowing out of it, which looked extremely oozing.

[Psychic manipulation is being fused, the current progress is 2%]

"Your ability is good, but it belongs to me now." He picked up Cindy's body and walked down the mountain. As he walked, a very thin layer of flesh and blood gradually spread from his fingertips to Cindy's body. The whole body, and Cindy's body also gradually became invisible as the flesh and blood spread, until it completely disappeared.

Wait for the motherland and others to arrive.

All they saw was a mess, like a battlefield bombarded by artillery shells, but they did not find the body of the pure white witch. The people of the motherland, who were a step late, looked at the ground in front of them with livid faces, saying nothing, silent. terrible.

"What an amazing destructive power." Storm Girl came to a bloodstain. She squatted down and observed it carefully, and quickly came to the conclusion: "The pure white witch is dead, and her brain is on the ground. The other party should be A fatal blow, and the pure white witch didn't even have time to react."

at dusk.

Huey, who had just gotten off work, walked to the door of his house with a black briefcase in hand, and was about to take out his key and open the door.

At this moment, he smelled a faint smell of blood.

"problem occurs!"

Huey hurriedly opened the door with the key.

Since the attack by the Homelander, he had moved to another place, where he lived alone, and as for Billy, they moved back to the basement.

The moment the door was pushed open, a strong stench hit his nostrils. Looking at the miserable corpse in the room, Huey couldn't help but spit out all the food in his stomach, until even the acid water was gone. When he couldn't vomit anymore, he calmed down a little.

Huey held on and walked to the body, afraid of seeing a familiar face.

"This...this is..." After seeing the face of the corpse, Huey was so frightened that he sat down on the ground. His whole face turned extremely pale, and even his lips lost their color.

"Pure White Witch, Cindy." Even if he forgot who Cindy was, the iconic shirt on the other party could explain her identity.

"Wait, there seems to be a piece of paper on her body." Huey took courage and approached again. He saw a piece of white paper on the chest of the corpse with a word written in blood, Warning!

What's the meaning? Who was going to warn him?

For a moment, Huey felt a cold look on his face. He hurriedly took out his phone and contacted Billy and Frankie. On the phone, he tried to explain what had just happened in the shortest possible way, even though he wanted to stay calm. , but he still stumbled and couldn't help but tremble when he spoke.

Half an hour later.

After simple disguises, Starlight and others walked into Huey's house.

When they saw the body on the floor, everyone except Billy behaved much like Huey.

"Shet! Who did this? Walter?" Frankie's expression was quite ugly. He always felt that the death state of the corpse was a bit familiar.

"Impossible, the people of the motherland have no reason to kill the pure white witch, and Edgar will never allow them to do so."

Breastmilk, who used to be a military doctor, endured the discomfort and roughly inspected the body.

"The body is relatively complete. It looks like someone used something to mince the brain."

"It's so fucking crazy." Huey still had panic on his face.

"It was the mysterious man who did it."

Unexpectedly, Billy beside him suddenly spoke.

Billy? Huey looked at Billy in shock. The Billy who appeared in front of him now had no trace of alcohol on his body and his eyes were sharp. He was completely different from the previous one. " did you know?"

Billy squatted in front of the corpse, looked at the warning written in blood on the paper, and said calmly: "Because the cause of her death is exactly the same as that of the invisible man." (End of Chapter)

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