Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 230 Information exchange! The mysterious man surfaces!

"Mysterious Man? Have we offended him?" Huey frowned, puzzled. He had obviously had a good chat with the Mysterious Man before. There was no reason for the Mysterious Man to suddenly fall out. Something must have happened that he didn't know about. thing.

"it's me."

Billy stood up and took out the recording pen from his pocket, and then pressed the cap of the pen in front of Huey and others.

Listen to the recording in the voice recorder.

Huey looked at Billy in disbelief, and then said in shock: "Wang Defa? You actually used Compound No. 5 for human experiments! Are you crazy? What is the difference between your doing this and the Walter Group? Only they will be crazy. Do such a thing!"

Almost instantly, the way Kimiko looked at Billy changed drastically. The trust that originally existed disappeared in an instant, and was replaced by vigilance and murderous intent.

"Calm down." Although Frankie also felt incredible, he still pressed Kimiko's right shoulder with an ugly expression to tell her not to be impulsive.

If Frankie hadn't dissuaded him, Kimiko would have definitely rushed forward and tore Billy alive!

You know, those painful and torturous days left a profound psychological shadow on her, so when she heard that Billy was also conducting human experiments, she could hardly restrain the murderous intention in her heart and pounced directly on Billy. , tear his throat to shreds!

"They are a group of hopeless poisonous insects. They will be a scourge if they remain in the world." There was no emotion in Billy's voice, as if he were a cold machine.

"Haha, are you Jesus or the Virgin Mary? What qualifications do you have to decide the lives of others?"

Huey sneered repeatedly.

Billy just glanced at him and didn't retort.

"Go on, why did the mysterious man warn us?" Frankie suppressed his anger and walked up to Billy.

"Because I sent the recording to Edgar." Billy slowly put away the recorder, picked up his phone at the same time, and took a few photos of the body.

"God! You are indeed crazy."

Huey rubbed his hair into a chicken coop shape, and his whole body became anxious. He really didn't understand why Billy did this and why he betrayed his allies. Although the mysterious man did not explicitly say that he wanted to join the pickets, Huey always believed that , the mysterious man prefers his side. If he hadn't helped, he wouldn't have been able to rescue Kimiko and others who were imprisoned.

On the contrary, Breastmilk on the side said thoughtfully: "Do you want Edgar to send people from the motherland to capture the mysterious man and make them both lose, so that you can reap the benefits?"

As an old comrade who has been with Billy for many years, he knows Billy's character very well.

"As a result, Edgar did not send out the people of the motherland, but chose the pure white witch. However, because the strength of the pure white witch and the mysterious man was too great, she was killed directly by the mysterious man, which caused your plan to fail. Subsequently, To warn you, the mysterious man threw the body of the pure white witch to Huey."

"Basically correct." Billy nodded and continued: "But I would like to add that the plan has not failed. It is enough to let Edgar know that there is a mysterious man. Faced with potential threats, he will definitely not We must spare no effort to search for any traces of the mysterious man. When the time comes, the mysterious man will have to stand on our side and fight with us against Walter."

"What you're doing is too risky."

Breast milk shook her head.

In his opinion, Billy's behavior was extremely reckless, and one mistake could cost them all their lives.

The fate of the pure white witch is a ready lesson.

"Adventure?" Billy's eyes showed a trace of madness.

"As long as we can break the current situation, it doesn't matter if we take more risks. I can guarantee that the Vought Group will never interfere in our next actions."

"What action?" Starlight asked.

"Finding the soldier boy makes the situation even more chaotic." At this moment, Billy's cell phone suddenly rang. He glanced at the people around him and clicked the hands-free button.

"It's me, Edgar." Edgar on the other end of the phone paused for a moment: "I've seen the photo you just sent. I need to know more about the mysterious man."

"Promise me three conditions, and I'll tell you everything I know." Billy said.


Edgar said without hesitation.

Compared with the three conditions, he wanted to know more about the mysterious man. The sudden appearance of the mysterious man made him feel vaguely uneasy.

"One, let Starlight return to Walter and make her the captain of the seven-man team." The reason why Billy made this request was not to help Starlight. This was just the first step in his revenge against the people of his motherland. He wanted to know what it felt like to have a woman riding on his head. He wanted to see if the people of the motherland who had lost the title of captain could still be as proud as before.

Killing the people of the motherland is only his purpose. Billy also wants the people of the motherland to experience the feeling of gradually losing everything.

There was silence on the other end of the phone.

After a long time, Edgar's voice sounded again.

"no problem."

"Very good." Billy stated his second condition.

"I want to know everything about Soldier Boy, including his powers and whether he survives."

Billy's question surprised Edgar. The name Soldier Boy had not appeared in his mind for a long time. If Billy hadn't mentioned it, he would have almost forgotten it.

"How do you know Soldier Boy?"

"I just need you to answer my questions."

"You should ask Mallory about Soldier Boy. She was responsible for leading the Repayer Alliance to participate in the war. After the war, Soldier Boy disappeared as if he had disappeared from the world. As for his life and death, I don't know, but I do I can tell you about his superpowers.”

Edgar logged into Walter's intranet and found the soldier boy's information.

"His superpowers are similar to those of the people of the motherland, but he does not have radiant eyes and the ability to fly. In fact, he is more like Queen Maeve, mainly physical enhancement."

"Are you sure?" Billy even suspected that the other party was deceiving him, because it sounded like the soldier boy was too weak, and he felt that he was no match for the people of the motherland. Could it be that the superhuman who was stronger than the people of the motherland in the mysterious mouth was not Refers to Soldier Boy, but someone else?

But why did the mysterious man want him to find Soldier Boy?

"Allow me to ask you another question: Are the people of the motherland the strongest superhuman beings?"

"Of course." Edgar didn't understand why the other party asked this. You must know that the Motherland is the most perfect product since the birth of Compound No. 5. There is no doubt about his strength. At least in Edgar's view, the Motherland is definitely the best product in the world. The world's strongest superhuman.

Even after he met the mysterious man, he still thought so.

Let me explain the reasons for the unstable update of Niuniu. First, I am really feeling a little unwell. Second, my rent has expired and I have moved to another place. Fortunately, everything has been dealt with and the next update will become stable. The following is the latest Update time.

Two chapters updated before six o'clock.

From ten o'clock to twelve o'clock, one or two chapters will be updated.

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