Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 231 Full Wanted! Starlight whitewash!

"Okay, don't waste our time. What's your third condition?" Edgar gradually lost patience.

After a while, Billy said: "As the CEO of Walter Group, you must be in charge of the research and development of compound No. 5. In this case, you should be familiar with superhumans. I want to know their weaknesses."

"Superhuman weakness?" Edgar hesitated.

"They don't have any weaknesses. If they had weaknesses, then why would I bother to take Ryan away from you."

After hearing this, Billy couldn't help but sneered: "If I read it correctly, you should be just an ordinary person. Then why do you think you can control them without fear of backlash?"

He simply didn't believe that Edgar, an old fox, had no backup plans.

Unexpectedly, Edgar also sneered: "Oh, this is not a problem you need to worry about. However, if you want to talk about weaknesses, superhuman hearing is generally extremely sensitive. Some sounds that ordinary people cannot hear, for them, But it was an extremely harsh noise.”

"Some sounds? You mean ultrasonic and infrasound?"

Edgar did not answer, but changed the topic: "Now that I have fulfilled your request, should I talk about the mysterious man and when he came into contact with you."

"When the invisible man died, he was the one who killed the invisible man." Billy said calmly.

"Go on." Hearing that the mysterious man killed the invisible man, Edgar couldn't help but feel a wave of emotion in his heart.

Then Billy picked out some less important things to say.

"That's all I know. He has always been mysterious and hasn't had much contact with us. We don't even know his name."

"As long as he appears, he will definitely leave traces. I can find him out within a month at most." Edgar seemed confident. With the power of the Walter Group, it was easy to find this person. There is no difficulty at all. You must know that Walter's network of connections is all over the United States, and there are Edgar's people in the U.S. government.

But in the next two months, reality slapped him hard.

Although he found Xia Shang by calling the golf course surveillance, when he sent Xia Shang's photos to the New York State Entry Record Office, Social Security Bureau, and Motor Vehicle Administration, he was disappointed with the results. No information about the Xia and Shang Dynasties has been recorded in any population records.

This guy seemed to appear out of nowhere, leaving no trace except for a few surveillance images.

the other side.

Although Huey hated working with the Vought Group, he couldn't say much at this point and could only put all his energy into his work.

"Huey, come to my office." Victoria called Huey to her office.

While browsing the documents on the table, she said: "Don't be nervous, I called you here just to praise your work attitude, and I am going to appoint you as the leader of the Seventh Superhuman Management Group."

"Thank you, I feel extremely honored." While Huey was excited, his attention was attracted by the TV on the wall. On the TV screen, Walter's press conference was being broadcast live. The host on the stage was Jervis. Behind him stood other superheroes such as Homelander, Storm, and Starlight.

The flash lights at the scene kept coming on.

But most of the superheroes' expressions looked very unnatural, especially those from the motherland. The words "I'm very unhappy" were almost written on their faces.

"After a close review within Vought, we found that the person who leaked and sold Compound No. 5 was another person, a cleaner in Vought's laboratory. We have now handed over this person to the relevant departments, so , the charges that Ms. Starlight was previously accused of were completely false and were the lowest level of mistakes that Walter ever made.

On behalf of Watt Group, I would like to express my most sincere apology to Ms. Starlight and hope to gain her understanding.

In addition, I would like to announce a sad news. Our superhero, the White Witch, was attacked by super terrorists while performing a mission not long ago. Waiting for the motherland, Storm Girl When He and Black arrived, the Pure White Witch died heroically.

But her fearless spirit deserves to be remembered forever. Next, I will show you photos of criminals. "

Xia Shang pressed the remote control button in his hand, but his expression did not change.

A photo of "Yuji" suddenly appeared on the screen behind him. The reporters at the scene quickly pressed the shutter button when they saw this. The white light that kept on lit up the stage as if it was daytime.

"I hope everyone can remember this face. He is an extremely dangerous person. If you have any clues about him, you can report it to Watt Company. Watt will offer a reward of fifteen million U.S. dollars for information about him. Anyone with information on him can For valuable clues, we at Walt will give bonuses of varying amounts."

Xia Shang felt a little strange when he wanted to arrest him for the first time, but Edgar really spent a lot of money. You know, fifteen million US dollars is not a small number. It has almost reached the upper limit of the reward for wanted criminals. .

"Ms. Newman, have you ever seen that person on TV?" Huey asked casually.

Victoria shook her head.

Two months ago, Edgar found her and wanted her to find the person in the photo, but no matter how she searched, she could not find the person in the photo. Although there were some guys with similar looks, after reviewing them one by one, Not even meeting the conditions.

"Are you okay?" Victoria asked.

"It's okay, I wish you a happy life, Ms. Newman." Huey smiled and left Victoria's office.

At this time, in the basement not far from the Watt Building.

Frankie, who had returned from vacation, was in front of the messy tool table, lowering his head and playing with the newly developed sonic weapon.

"It's been two months, and Edgar still hasn't been able to find the mysterious man. Sure enough, the mysterious man deserves to be called the mysterious man. Even the Walt Group tried its best to find him. You see, the Walt Group has begun to use the private sector to find him. Strength." Frankie looked up and glanced at the TV gloatingly.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, 15 million US dollars, it makes me excited just thinking about it. If I had this kind of money, who the hell would do such a stupid thing." Frankie can only rely on remodeling and repairing guns for gangsters. To earn living expenses through business, Kimiko even became a killer, specializing in taking bounty missions from evildoers to supplement her family's income.

"Look, this is the sonic weapon you want."

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