Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 232 Mind power is essentially invisible

Frankie raised the modified assault rifle on the table and saw two oval black speakers welded to both sides of the gun body.

"As long as you press the switch on the handle of the gun, the speaker will release ultra-low-frequency sound waves. Of course, we cannot hear this frequency sound wave. Usually this kind of equipment is also used to repel birds or attract dolphins." French put the gun Point your mouth at the people of the motherland on the TV screen.

"If, as Edgar said, superhumans can sense this kind of sound wave, maybe this thing can be of great use."

"Just find an unlucky guy and try it and you will know." Billy took out his cell phone from his pocket and looked at the time on it: "You and I will go to a nightclub where superhumans gather later. Remember to put on a fake license plate."


"Mr. Jervis, your performance just now is simply amazing." Just after the call was made, the assistant director in charge of filming trotted all the way to Xia Shang and diligently handed him mineral water.

After Walter's press conference, Xia Shang came to the filming location.

The site is located in an abandoned building complex in Manhattan, surrounded by a several-meter-high wall. Parked on one side of the wall are a dozen white prop cars that look like trucks and superhero nanny cars. Not only that, but there is also a giant green There is no way that some special effects must be completed with the help of a green screen.

But in order to reflect the original flavor of the superheroes, the director can avoid using green screens and try not to use green screens. Not to mention that this can also save shooting costs and speed up the shooting schedule.

But what gave him a bit of a headache was that Mr. Jervis, the vice president of the Walter Group, actually wanted to participate in the filming, and he also wanted to be the villain. As the chief director, he couldn't refuse this request. After all, Jervis is an absolute boss, the type who can replace directors with just one order.

Besides, even if he is a well-known director, he must also consider the influence of the Walt Group in the film and television industry.

"Are the people from the motherland coming?" Xia Shang asked.

"It should be soon."

The assistant director quickly called the hairstylist and makeup artist to touch up Xia Shang's makeup.

Xia Shang observed the panel.

At the press conference not long ago, the integration of telekinesis control reached 100%!

At the same time, the fantasy value also exceeded 5,000, with a specific value of 5,120.

Xia Shang looked towards the open space ten meters away, and saw that the tiny gravels on the ground gradually gathered together under the pull of some kind of force, and then compressed and condensed into a yellow-brown pointed cone standing on the ground. The cone is only as thick as a baby’s thumb, click! A gap opened at the tail of the pointed cone, and then it broke away from the ground and floated sideways in the air.

Although the power of thought is invisible in the eyes of others, to Xia Shang, it is like countless transparent threads. These threads spread out from his body and can be separated from his body at will and attached to the surface of any object.

Next, under the control of Xia Shang, the pointed cone flew forward slowly.

As it gets farther and farther away from Xia and Shang, the control of mind power on it will gradually weaken, until it exceeds sixty meters, and the connection between the pointed cone and Xia Shang will be completely severed.

Don't think that sixty meters is short. In fact, if it were Cindy, she could only affect the surrounding ten meters at most.

But even so, the destructive power of telekinesis cannot be underestimated. Think about it, as long as telekinesis is strong enough, Xia Shang can freely change the terrain within 60 meters around him even if he is standing still. This reminds him of mutants. Apocalypse in Apocalypse, but Apocalypse and he are still very different in nature.

Apocalypse’s superpower is to control sand. However, based on this superpower alone, Apocalypse can only be regarded as a strong mutant at best, and it will only be useful if he is placed in the desert. But the problem is that Apocalypse has many superpowers. , one of which has the superpower of turning everything in sight into sand.

The destructiveness that can be created by combining the two is not as simple as one plus one.

The only thing that made Xia Shang regretful was that the power of thought itself was not lethal or penetrating.

Originally, in his imagination, the power of thought could be condensed into a substantial point, or an extremely thin blade, and then released at an extremely fast speed, thus achieving extremely terrifying lethality.

As a result, Xia Shang found that it was impossible to do it, at least for the time being, because the power of mind is essentially invisible. It can only compress the air into different shapes by affecting it. However, despite this, he wanted to compress hundreds of cubic meters of air into different shapes. Compressing air into a point or an extremely thin blade consumes unimaginable mental and mental power.

This thing is no less difficult than lifting a building with his mind.

So for now, using telepathy to control objects to attack is the correct way to use it. Of course, Xia Shang will not give up trying. What if he gets a stronger telepathy talent in a higher-level world in the future? can realize his vision.

Xia Shang looked at the assistant director on the side: "If I remember correctly, I should be playing opposite the people of the motherland today."

The assistant director nodded and said: "Yes, you have a scene with the people of the motherland. The specific plot is that the moment you appear, the people of the motherland fly in from a distance, rescue Storm Girl from your hands, and then knock you away. Get out, directly penetrate the dilapidated Watt Building, and finally engage in a Cyclops shootout with you in the air."

"I understand." Xia Shang opened the cap of the mineral water bottle and took a sip.

Then he walked towards the RV the director gave him.

On the way, the mineral water bottle in his hand gradually shriveled up under the huge pressure. The squeezed out mineral water floated on Xia Shang's chest. The crystal clear water ball gradually turned into water vapor under the terrifying atmospheric pressure, heading towards Flowing around.

While playing with the small plastic ball in his hand, Xia Shang opened the car door and sat in front of his laptop to check relevant information about air compression.

At this time, Motherland and Storm were visiting Ryan, who was imprisoned in Walter's secret base.

"Father, when can I go out?" Ryan asked, looking at the people of his motherland.

"Later, when others have completely forgotten about you, you can go out."

The motherland man touched Ryan's head, and a trace of gloom flashed in his eyes. Ryan didn't know about Bejia's death yet. Once he knew the cause of Bejia's death, maybe Ryan would turn against him, so before he thought of a solution, , the people of the motherland have no intention of letting Ryan out.

"Where's my mother? Why didn't she come to see me?" Ryan looked a little sad. He thought he had done something wrong, so his mother deliberately didn't come to see him.

"Your mother..."

The people of the motherland hesitate to speak.

Finally, he pretended to look sad and sighed: "I'm really not good at lying. In fact, your mother was kidnapped by a criminal. I am doing my best to search for the criminal's whereabouts. I think I will be able to rescue your mother soon."

Failed the challenge, start again tomorrow!

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