Half an hour later, the people of the motherland left the secret base where Ryan was imprisoned. He was walking on the path beside the woods. Faced with Storm Girl's teasing intentionally or unintentionally, he really was in no mood to respond. To this day, he still doesn't think it's him. After killing Bejia, if the starlight hadn't hit him, the laser he fired wouldn't have hit Bejia.

Therefore, it was Starlight who really killed Bejart, not the people of his homeland.

But the question is whether Ryan will listen to his own explanation. After all, his explanation sounds a little pale and unbelievable.

So he can only make up a lie that sounds more reasonable, and then look for opportunities to kill Billy and others, and finally turn the lie into reality.

Maybe it's not a bad thing that Ryan was kidnapped by Billy. At least in Ryan's eyes, Billy and others are indeed crazy terrorists. Based on this, even if Billy exposed his lies one day, Ryan would not believe it.

Thinking of this, the frowning brows of the motherland gradually relaxed.

"Has there been any whereabouts of Billy and others recently?" the native asked.

Storm Girl, who was walking side by side with her motherland, shook her head and said: "They seem to have reached some agreement with Edgar. Edgar does not allow us to continue investigating them. Without Edgar's help, we can only rely on human search methods." Go find them, and after the last raid, that guy named Huey has a lot of security cameras around his house.”

"Xie Te! Don't tell me, as superheroes, we can't do anything with those cameras!" the motherland said in an irritable tone.

"It's precisely because we are superheroes that we can't do anything with those cameras. You know, Bejia's death has brought your public support to a freezing point. If there is another scandal, I'm afraid your position as captain will not be preserved. "

In fact, Storm Girl didn't care about Huey and the others. She even wished to see Ryan turn against the people of the motherland because of Bega's death. When the time comes, the people of the motherland who have lost the trust of their own sons, the only person they can rely on is Storm Girl. .

"Edgar is already old, and he actually reached a cooperation with Walt's enemies. Facts show that Walt now needs a truly powerful person to stand up and take charge of the situation."

Hearing the cheers from the motherland, Storm Girl just smiled in agreement.

She has heard this kind of talk from the people of her motherland countless times. However, it has obviously become more frequent recently. This is a good sign. It is estimated that it will not be long before the patience of the people of the motherland will be completely worn out. By then At that time, it was when she and the people of her motherland jointly took charge of Watt.

It's a pity that she doesn't understand the people of her motherland. Even if one day, it is impossible for the people of her motherland to let another person share power with her.

"Speaking of which, I'm more curious about who that mysterious person is than Huey and the others." Storm Girl raised the prosthetic leg installed on her left arm: "Last time he almost killed me, this time he killed the pure white witch again , the strength is really terrifying.”

"Heh, you mean the gutter rat who managed to survive after being shot through the chest with my laser?" the motherland sneered with disdain.

"The pure white witch was killed by him, which only proves that the pure white witch is pitifully weak."

The native looked at Storm Girl proudly: "And you are only a little better than the pure white witch."

"If Edgar had sent me there that day, the person who died would not have been the pure white witch, but the guy who was pretending to be mysterious." The motherland suddenly stopped and said with a sinister smile: "That's why he didn't dare to be upright. appeared in front of me because he knew that I could easily twist off his head."

"Okay, I don't want to argue with you on this point, but since the other party knows so much about Watt Company, it means that he is either a senior executive of Watt Company, or has close ties with a senior executive."

"Who do you suspect?" There was a trace of curiosity in the eyes of the motherland.

Storm Girl hesitated slightly and said: "Jervis."

"Jervis?" The people from the motherland were a little surprised, but after thinking about it carefully, Jervis did have a strong suspicion, "Why not Ashley? Sometimes the inconspicuous guy is often the real culprit behind the scenes."

"Don't be kidding, Ashley is bald. She can't even grow her hair, let alone have strong self-healing ability."

Speaking of self-healing ability, Storm Girl and the people of the motherland almost unanimously thought of the scene that happened at the hearing. Jervis was able to take off his own head and then grow a new head. Such a terrifying self-healing Ability, even the well-traveled and long-lived Storm Girl has never seen another super human being able to do it.

"If Jervis is the mysterious man, he has hidden it well enough."

"No, we seem to have forgotten someone." The motherland said suddenly.


Apart from Jervis, Storm Girl couldn't think of a second suspicious candidate.


Storm Girl felt a little strange to the twin people in her motherland. She seemed to have never seen him before.

"Twin's super power is to turn himself into another person. If he wants to become a mysterious person, it is easy. In addition, his super power can steal information very well, which is exactly in line with his super power. Characteristics of ability." When I thought about the possibility that I had sex with the mysterious person, and had been in contact with him for a long time.

The people of the motherland have an indescribable twist.

"However, whether he is a mysterious person or not, you will know in one try. I will ask him out in the evening. If he is not a mysterious person, then Jervis is very suspicious."

In view of Jervis' status as vice president, the people of the motherland do not want to break up with him all at once.

"Good idea." Storm Girl suddenly received a text message from the director. Looking at the content of the text message, she chuckled: "Jervis actually wants to make a cameo as the villain in the movie, so we can find an opportunity to test him."


"Well, I understand. You are going abroad temporarily. I will ask you to come back anytime." Xia Shang hung up the phone with an expressionless face, and then transferred a sum of money to the other party through his anonymous account in a Swiss bank. .

Dong-dong-dong...a rhythmic knock on the door sounded.

The slightly flattering voice of the assistant director came from outside the door.

"Mr. Jervis, the people of the motherland are here. The director asked you to come over. I wonder if it's convenient for you now?"

Click! Xia Shang opened the door and said with a smile: "They are finally here. I thought they would be absent from work. By the way, have their working hours always been so unstable?"

"They may have special circumstances today, special circumstances." The assistant director didn't dare to speak ill of the motherland and Storm Girl, so he hurriedly made a haha.

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