Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 234 Since I participated in the filming, I have basically heard

Chapter 234 Ever since I participated in the filming, all I heard were compliments.

Later, Xia Shang came to the shooting scene and saw Storm Girl and the people from the motherland walking towards him.

"Jervis, I heard from the director that you want to play a villain in the movie. I didn't expect you to have such a hobby."

Storm Girl smiled slightly, the expression on her face was quite natural, with almost no clues.

"Don't you think acting is a very interesting thing? Especially playing a villain who stands on the opposite side of a superhero, I think this experience must be very novel." Xia Shang smiled and took the script handed over by the assistant director.

"Please go to the rest area and wait for a while. Our prop master is still setting up the scene in the studio." The studio mentioned by the assistant director is a rectangular building made of steel bars and wooden boards, and covers an area of ​​thousands of meters. Square, at first glance, people would mistake it for a warehouse where goods are stored.

As for the rest area, it is in an open-air environment with a large parasol. Under the umbrella are some tables and chairs to facilitate the staff to rest. There is even a food and beverage area inside, where you can eat or drink whatever you want. You can take it yourself.

"Jervis, are you good at acting?" Storm Girl picked up the orange juice on the table and inserted a straw into it.

"Maybe, anyway, since I participated in the filming, all I heard was basically praise."

Xia Shang's humor made the staff on the side laugh.

"Jervis, when I shoot you with a laser later, are you going to use special effects? Or..." Before the man from the motherland finished speaking, his eyes glowed red, but the red light disappeared instantly. Passing away, it seemed that he just wanted to make a joke with Xia Shang.

"I guess the director would prefer the latter, because it's real enough. Of course, from my personal perspective, I still don't want your terrifying laser to fall on me." Xia Shang smiled, as if Facing the threat of radiation eyes from the motherland, I am not nervous at all.

Seeing this, the eyes of the motherland people couldn't help but become a little more solemn.

"I have to say, you are becoming more and more like Edgar. Apart from him, I'm afraid you are the only one who can be so calm under my radiation." The native said with emotion.

At the same time, his doubts about Xia Shang became slightly stronger.

"By the way, Jervis, how much do you know about that mysterious man?" Storm Girl on the side asked after taking a sip of juice.

Xia Shang thought for a while and said: "Mysterious and powerful terrorists, by the way, and fifteen million US dollars walking around."

While Xia Shang was answering, Storm Girl was always paying attention to the changes in his expression, but to her disappointment, Jervis didn't show any microexpressions when he mentioned the mysterious man. This showed that Jervis either really didn't Either you know the mysterious person or you don't know the mysterious person, or his expression management ability has reached the level of a master.

At this moment, the assistant director took the script and trotted up to a few people.

"Thank you for your long wait. All work has been completed and the director is waiting for you."


"There is an action scene next, so I have to hook you up with wires."

"This thing is really troublesome." Xia Shang was hung in mid-air by Wia, and then at the director's command, he spread his hands slightly and slowly descended with his palms facing down. If special effects were added, at this time He should have landed in front of Storm Girl in an extremely elegant way.

But the problem is that there are no special effects on the scene, so his actions seem a bit unbearable to watch.

But the expressions on his and Storm Girl's faces were particularly serious.

"Get out of the earth, this place doesn't belong to you!" The storm girl's eyes burst out with wisps of electric light, and then she summoned a bolt of lightning and struck Xia Shang!

"very good."

The director sat in front of the computer and secretly praised the two people's performances, but then he realized, what happened? This doesn't seem to be a special effect, Storm Girl actually used her superpower!

He immediately raised his head and looked at Xia Shang nervously.

At this time, Xia Shang faced the lightning and had no intention of dodging. As expected, the lightning missed him and created a big hole in the ground behind him.

"Mr. Jervis?!" the director couldn't help but exclaimed.

"I'm fine."

Hearing Xia Shang say that he was fine, the director was relieved, and then he looked at Storm Girl.

"I'm sorry, it's a reflex, I will pay attention." Storm Girl looked at Xia Shang who looked indifferent. She didn't understand why the other party didn't avoid her attack. She was confident enough that she could block her. lightning? Or don’t want to expose your superpowers in front of everyone?

However, it may be slightly more difficult to find out whether the other party is a mysterious person through this method.

After all, Xia Shang had shown his superpowers in front of them before. The purpose of her test this time was to see if Jervis had other superpowers besides physical self-healing. Unfortunately, in the face of her attack , Jervis didn't even avoid it, which caused her plan to fail.

Xia Shang raised his right hand, as if an invisible force came out of his palm.

Standing opposite him, Storm Girl seemed to have been hit in the chest by a heavy truck. She immediately flew back and rolled on the ground several times. Finally, she bit the blood bag hidden in her mouth and let the red liquid flow out. The corners of his mouth overflowed.

Next, Xia Shang followed the plot in the script and approached the seriously injured Storm Girl step by step with a calm pace.

"Even if I die, I won't let your conspiracy succeed."

Storm Girl half-knelt on the ground with difficulty, as if she wanted to fight to the death.

However, the next moment, as Xia Shang's palm pressed down, there seemed to be an extremely heavy pressure on Storm Girl. After several struggles, Storm Girl was about to kneel completely in front of Xia Shang.

At this critical moment, the man wearing the stars and stripes of the motherland made a shining appearance in this heroic and solemn atmosphere. He punched Xia Shang, but Xia Shang could only hurriedly raise his arms to block, and then Under Wia's drag, he flew backwards as if being knocked away, and crashed through a wall made of special material.

[Talent Skill: Super Physique]

[Fusion conditions: Resist the attacks of the motherland for three minutes without dying]

[After fusion, the player's physique will be greatly enhanced, and the player's resistance to negative effects such as low temperature and toxins will also be improved. At the same time, the player's strength and speed will also be partially improved...]

The moment he was smashed into the wall, Xia Shang glanced at the panel.

It might be a bit difficult to withstand the attack of the motherland for three minutes without dying in a normal battle, but now it is acting, and it is not easy to achieve this analytical condition.

However, the fusion conditions for other abilities are not so simple.

Continue the challenge tomorrow! Brave Niu Niu is not afraid of difficulties!

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