Chapter 235 Conditions met! Seventy percent probability!


The director is a fat white man, wearing a pair of black-rimmed glasses. He doesn't look very old, but his hairline has gradually moved towards the back of his head, which makes him give people the impression of being professional in one word. !

I saw him holding a video device and walking in front of the people of the motherland.

"The performance just now was great! But in the next scene we are going to use a misaligned lens. That is to say, your laser cannot be shot directly at Mr. Jervis. It is best to pass by his ear, but Remember, you must not touch Mr. Jervis’s ears, after all, I don’t want to ruin my career because of one scene.”

The white director warned the people of his motherland.

His expression was a little solemn. If the people of the motherland had the same accident as Storm Girl just now, he would be finished. If Jervis was slightly injured, it would be fine. If he was seriously injured, he suspected that he would be banned by the Walter Group.

"Don't worry, I'm very professional." The native said with a smile.

"Be careful." The director sighed. His original plan was to use special effects to shoot the next plot. This would greatly reduce the risk and avoid some possible accidents, but he did not expect that Unfortunately, when Mr. Jervis heard about his plan, he rejected it outright.

He also said that it was just true and it would be difficult for him to get involved in the drama.

Hearing the reasons given by Jervis, as a director, he was speechless. At the same time, he could only compliment Mr. Jervis for being so dedicated. Looking at the entire film and television industry, it is difficult to find someone like Jervis. Mr. Weiss is such a dedicated actor.

"Check the film! Get ready to shoot the next scene! The motion capture team is always ready. Don't waste every next shot. If something goes wrong, you losers will get out of here!" He said to the staff behind him. After roaring, the white director felt refreshed and turned to look at the people of his motherland again.

"Please be careful in the next scene." After saying that, he turned and returned to his work.

After everything is restored to its original state.

With the help of Wia, the unharmed Xia Shang slowly rose from the ruins. He looked sharply at the people of the motherland not far away, and said coldly: "People of the motherland, are you coming to die too?"

"The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. This truth became clear to me when I was enjoying the glory. I shoulder my own mission! That is to protect this beautiful planet under my feet." As the feet of the motherland gradually lifted off the ground , the Stars and Stripes cape representing the United States behind him made a roaring sound and fluttered in the wind under the influence of the blower!

"Even if they slander you with all kinds of black material and belittle you as worthless, even if you are hated and looked down upon by everyone, do you still want to fight for them?" To be honest, this kind of line is not suitable for the people of the motherland. It's so unconventional. If it weren't for Xia Shang's excellent professionalism, he might have laughed out loud while talking.

"Stop talking nonsense! Go to hell!"

The motherland raised its head and instantly shot two red lasers!

Even though the people of the motherland have reduced the power consumption of the laser to a minimum, Xia Shang can still feel the warmth in his ears.

The two of them kept shooting at each other like this for half a minute. At this moment, a trace of hesitation flashed in the eyes of the motherland. He remembered what Storm Girl had said to him before coming. Jervis was very suspicious. Da, it is very likely that he is the mysterious man.

After some hesitation.

He finally gritted his teeth and used laser to cut off the wire hanging above Xia Shang's head.

Amidst the exclamations, Xia Shang fell from a height of more than ten meters and hit the ground hard, causing a lot of dust to fly up.

However, the expression on the motherland's face was a little dazed, because he seemed to see Xia Shang hovering in mid-air for a moment, but because the time was so short, he couldn't tell whether it was an illusion or whether the other party really had the ability to fly.

At this time, a pot of porridge had been cooked on the scene. The white director quickly dropped the tools in his hands and ran in the direction where Xia Shang fell. While jogging, he prayed to God that nothing would happen to Mr. Jervis.

"Ambulance, call an ambulance!"

Just when the scene was in chaos, Xia Shang's voice came out.

"Don't be nervous, I'm fine." Xia Shang stood up from the ground. Except for the dust on his clothes and part of his skin, there seemed to be nothing serious.

"Oh my God." The director kept pressing various parts of Xia Shang's body with his hands: "Mr. Jervis, if you don't want the doctor to check it, there may be damage inside the body."

"It's really not necessary. Besides, this height is nothing to me. You must know that I entered the university as a sports student." Xia Shang said as if he was joking.

After confirming that Xia Shang was really fine, the white director looked at Xia Shang in surprise and said: "It's unbelievable, Mr. Jervis, how did you do it? I'm afraid it's difficult for some professional action actors to do it. After all, That's more than ten meters high, and an ordinary person would at least have to break his bones."

"As I said, I am a sports student, so my physical fitness has always been good. I have also been exposed to extreme sports for a period of time before."

"I see."

The director nodded in understanding.

"Sorry, I was a little distracted just now. I feel relieved to see that you are fine." The motherland man said with an apology.

"I understand, just pay attention next time."

Xia Shang generously said that he didn't care.

And asked the director to reshoot the scene just now.

Everything went fine after that and the filming progressed very smoothly.

[Super physique fusion is in progress, the current progress is 1%]

Looking at the prompt information on the panel, the corners of Xia Shang's mouth raised slightly.

"Happy cooperation." Xia Shang smiled and shook hands with the motherland and Xingguang.

After Xia Shang left by car.

The motherland man and Storm Girl sat on two chairs in the rest area.

The first one to speak was Storm Girl.

"I am 70% sure that the mysterious man is Jervis. He feels very familiar to me, especially his smile, which reveals threats in its hypocrisy."

The man from the motherland on the side frowned and said: "I thought I saw him hovering in the air for half a second just now. If he still has the ability to fly, then the possibility of him being a mysterious person is indeed very high. However, without real contact, Before, we couldn’t easily draw conclusions, at least we had to rule out the wrong option of twins first.”

"Twin? From the name, I feel like it's not him." Storm Girl waved her hand for a steak.

"Is it true? After testing it out, I found out that I have already asked him out and I will probably arrive later."

Testing the Twin is much easier than testing Jervis. Even if he kills the Twin, Edgar won't say much as long as he does it clean enough.

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