Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 236 Reversal! I can't tell the difference!

In the blink of an eye, two hours flew by.

In other words, the Motherland and the Storm Girl waited for two hours before the twin appeared.

"Will the guy you are talking about come?" Storm Girl's remaining patience was soon being worn away.

"Wait another five minutes."

The motherland man suppressed his anger and looked towards the entrance of the studio.

Fortunately, this time, he saw the double man sitting in the car. At this time, the double man had no disguise. His original appearance was that of a slightly fat middle-aged fat man.

"I'm sorry, I'm late. I encountered an unexpected situation on the road just now, so I wasted a little time. I'm really sorry." The double man seemed to be very afraid of the people of his motherland. He tried his best to explain the reason why he was late. Afraid that the people of the motherland would be angry.

Looking at the obedient twin in front of her, Storm Girl was inevitably a little disappointed. No matter how she looked at this guy, he didn't look like a mysterious man.

"follow me."

The people from the motherland had a cold face and took him to the downstairs of an abandoned building. The place was quite remote, and no matter how big the noise was, the staff on the set would not be able to notice it.

"Are you trying to do something new?" The double man glanced at the storm girl who was following him, and couldn't help but show an expression that I understand. Then, he asked one more question: "It's still the same as last time. Becoming Madeleine?”

As soon as the twin finished speaking, the Storm Girl's eyes towards the motherland had some subtle changes, and her expression became a little strange.

"Shut your mouth!" The angry motherland grabbed the twin's neck and pressed him against the wall: "Listen, I will ask you questions next. If you dare to say any more nonsense, I will I’ll crush your cervical vertebrae!”

The sudden attack made the twin, who was already uneasy, look like he was about to cry.

"Do you know the mysterious man?"

Facing the questions from the motherland, the twin's head shook like a rattle.

"I don't know him. How could I possibly know the mysterious man?"

"Forget it, don't embarrass him. After all, he is still your little lover." The storm girl on the side joked.

But the people of the motherland obviously don't want to let the twins go so easily.

"Look directly into my eyes, you know, I don't like others to deceive me." In fact, by now, the people of the motherland have believed that the double man is not a mysterious person, but now he is full of anger and has nowhere to vent, not to mention the guy in front of him. He knows many disgraceful things about himself.

"I'm not lying to you. I really don't know that guy called the mysterious man." Due to lack of oxygen, the twin's neck and entire face were almost red. Obviously, if the motherland didn't let go, he might suffocate and die. Death.

"I'm sorry you don't dare to lie to me."

The ferocious expressions of the people of the motherland gradually became dull. Just when the twins thought they had escaped, two beams of red lasers suddenly shot out from the eyes of the people of the motherland!


The sudden scream stopped abruptly, and the laser directly burned through the double's eyeballs. The fragile eyeballs seemed so vulnerable in front of the laser, and a puff of white smoke was seen rising from the double's head. , when the white smoke dissipated, what appeared in front of the motherland and Storm Girl was only a nearly carbonized head.

Moreover, the back of the skull's head and the wall behind it were pierced by the laser eyes of the motherland.

The motherland man retracted his right hand calmly, looked at the corpse in front of him, and said indifferently: "It seems that he is not a mysterious person. In this case, we have eliminated a wrong option."

"It is indeed Jervis." Storm Girl ignored the body of the twin and prepared to turn around and leave.

"I also think it's Jervis, the vice president of Watt Group."

"Who's talking!"

In the quiet and eerie environment, a third person's voice unexpectedly appeared.

The motherland man and Storm Girl, who had just walked a certain distance, turned their heads to look in the direction of the sound almost at the same time, where the twin's body was.

I saw the body that had originally fallen in the corner, but now stood up unsteadily.

"Are you satisfied with my performance just now? If it's 10, how would you rate it?"

"Hmph! How dare you act like a fool in front of me." The motherland man snorted coldly, without any fear on his face.

"Mystery man!"

Some jumping lightning lingered on Storm Girl's arms. Her pupils were slightly blue, and the violent power in her body seemed to be ready to go.

"Long time no see, Ms. Storm." A blood line like a zipper appeared on the surface of the twin's body. Soon the blood line was peeled off from the inside to the outside, revealing the scarlet and beating muscle fibers inside, and then , Yuji's head came out of it, and with it, a brand new body.

Such a strange way of appearing made the storm girl and the people of the motherland present shrink their pupils.

Yuji put on his clothes calmly and said while putting them on: "The people of the motherland are indeed the people of the motherland. They are indeed ruthless. Even I almost didn't react to the attack just now."

"Are you Jervis or a twin?" Under the weak moonlight, the eyes of the motherland lit up red again, like two flowing magma, giving people a full sense of oppression.

"Is this important?"

Yuji said with a smile.

In the next second, his face automatically separated, and the new face was exactly the same as the twin who had just died.

"I can be Jervis if I want to."

The face was gone again, but the smile on Jervis's face never changed.

"Tell me, is there a possibility that I am neither a twin nor Jervis, but Edgar?"

In an instant, a face that was extremely familiar to the people of the motherland, and could even be said to have been seen since childhood, actually appeared on the other person's face.

"After all, I can't hide it from you, Storm Girl. I wanted to kill you a long time ago, but it's a pity that you survived by chance last time." Edgar looked at Storm Girl indifferently, with a hint of coldness flowing from the corner of his mouth.

This expression was very familiar to the people of the motherland. At this moment, he felt huge waves in his heart.

"Ai... Edgar."

The red light in his eyes quietly dissipated.

"People of the motherland! I order you to kill Storm Girl now. The fact that I am a mysterious person must not be known to a third person!" Edgar shouted sternly.

After hearing Edgar's instructions, the people of the motherland subconsciously turned their attention to Storm Girl.

At this time, Storm Girl's expression was extremely ugly. She didn't expect that Edgar was the one who was hiding the most.

"People from the motherland, are you sure he is Edgar? Don't forget, he just turned into Jervis."

"I can't tell...but every move he makes is completely the same as Edgar. I don't believe a person can imitate Edgar so much."

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