The man of the motherland was frozen in place, and for a moment he couldn't tell whether the Edgar in front of him was real or fake.

"What are you still hesitating about? Do you want to fall out with me because of a woman?!" Seeing the motherland's delay in moving, Edgar couldn't help but feel a bit of anger on his face.

"If you want me to believe that you are Edgar, just come up with some more substantial evidence."

The people of the motherland are not fools. Since the other party can pretend to be a double, it is possible to deceive him by pretending to be Edgar.

Facing the doubts raised by his motherland, Edgar sneered disdainfully: "You are just a marketing product of the Walter Group. What do you want me to prove? Do you want to prove that you are at risk of being replaced by me at any time? Don't forget Well, who gave you everything you have now? Since I can mold you with my own hands, I can naturally destroy you effortlessly."

Edgar's voice was chilling.

At this time, the hearts of the people of the motherland are no longer wavering, but they firmly believe that the mysterious man is indeed Walter’s president Edgar!

Because when Storm first joined Walter, Edgar said similar things to him. In addition, he arrogantly believed that apart from Edgar, there could be no other person in the world who dared to be like him. say.

"Storm, let's go." The people of the motherland neither wanted to obey Edgar's order to kill Storm, nor did they want to stay here and look directly into Edgar's eyes.

So I could only hold back my anger and choose to leave.

What he didn't expect was that Storm Girl on the side actually rushed towards Edgar, "A citizen of the motherland! Kill him! As long as you kill him, the Walter Group will be yours!"

Edgar mobilized his telekinesis to levitate himself in the air and avoid the lightning struck by Storm Girl.

"Escape can't solve the problem. Don't let me look down on your motherland. Although you are just a product in the company, I don't want you to become a coward."

Edgar's lofty eyes deeply hurt the sensitive hearts of the people of the motherland. His eyes turned red and his expression gradually became ferocious.

"You mean, today I have to choose between you and Storm."

"That's right." Edgar calmly stretched out his right hand and gave the storm girl a firm shake.

In an instant!

An invisible force instantly enveloped the flying Storm Girl, and squeezed Storm Girl's body, as if it was going to crush her like a watermelon. However, Storm Girl's body strength is too high, even if it can crush an ordinary person. The shattering power only made her show a hint of discomfort in front of her.

boom! Just when she was about to break free, Xia Shang suddenly swung his arm and slammed her to the ground with a loud noise! The slightly embarrassed Storm Girl was lying among the rubble.

She raised her body up with her hands and looked at Edgar with eyes filled with murderous intent.

"Damn nigger! I'm going to chop you into real charcoal!" Countless lightning burst out from Storm Girl's body, and her pupils turned completely blue-purple. A strong wind blew up the flying sand and rocks on the ground, and her Her black hair spread out in the wind, containing countless electric arcs.

"People of the motherland, I can also give you what he can give you. I will give you real power! The power to control everything!"

Storm Girl flew in front of Edgar and confronted him.

"Really? I don't think the people of the motherland will be on your side." Edgar seemed to have full confidence in himself.

After a few breaths.

The people from the motherland finally flew to Edgar's side, his expression was solemn, and the smile of the past was gone at this moment.

Upon seeing this, Storm Girl's eyes flashed with disappointment.

Edgar raised a proud smile.

"Very good, you really didn't disappoint me." Edgar smiled with satisfaction: "Go ahead and bring me Storm Girl's body."


"But first, I have to twist off your head first!" The motherland's movements were faster than his turning against him. Almost in an instant, he punched Edgar in the face, although Edgar had already He was on guard, but his reaction speed was still a beat slower. Under the terrifying force, Edgar's body was like a cannonball, smashing through the wall of an abandoned building.

boom! The broken walls stirred up a lot of dust.

"Don't let him escape!" The motherland man showed a cold look on his face and rushed towards the building.

"This old thing should have died long ago." Storm Girl followed closely and said with a wanton smile.

When they flew into the hole made by Edgar, they saw Edgar who was unharmed.

"I can forgive you one more time, if it's too late to look back now."

Faced with Edgar's persuasion, the people of the motherland laughed wildly. He seemed to have taken off all the disguises on his body. At this moment, he was a true member of the motherland.

"Don't pretend to be superior in front of me, I'm a fucking citizen of the motherland! I can do whatever I want!"

The native smiled and quickly approached Edgar, preparing to give him a fatal blow.

"It seems I need to teach you a lesson!" Edgar spread his arms, then waved them forward and clasped his palms together!

I saw that the walls on both sides of the abandoned building and the pillars wrapped in concrete were all cracked, and in the next second, countless stones and steel bars spewed out, seeming to bury the people of the motherland together with the Storm Girl!

boom! ! !

At the same time, Edgar's legs suddenly exerted force and smashed three floors one after another. Finally, he reached the top of the abandoned building and stepped down hard!

An invisible terrifying force created waves of air, causing the upper half of the building to collapse downwards!

Unexpectedly, the people of the motherland rushed outside with thousands of tons of rubble.

"go to hell!"

The people of the motherland held their heads high, as if they were using all their strength to release the lasers in their eyes!

The laser instantly cut through the air and landed on Edgar's chest.

Along with the chi chi sound, the area hit by the laser turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if it were like a red-hot iron block, with bursts of white smoke rising.

Sure enough, after merging the super physique of the motherland, not even the motherland's own laser eyes could penetrate Xia Shang's body immediately.

However, because the fusion progress is really not high, it is still unable to completely resist the lasers of the motherland.

"This guy can actually block his own laser!" As everyone knows, at this time, the hearts of the people of the motherland are in turmoil. You know, last time his laser could easily penetrate the opponent's body, but this time it was blocked by the opponent.

"let me help you!"

At some point, Storm Girl also rushed out of the abandoned building. She raised her hands and summoned dozens of lightning bolts to envelope Edgar.

Edgar lowered his head and looked at his chest. He saw that the skin on the surface of his body had been burned through by the laser eyes of his motherland, but the muscles and tendons inside were growing crazily and seemed to be constantly trying to heal the wound. (End of chapter)

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