Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 238 Since I can be Edgar, I can also be

Chapter 238 Since I can be Edgar, I can also be a native of the motherland.

Unfortunately, the speed of self-healing is far inferior to the damage caused by laser.

"I! I'm going to completely cut you in two!" The muscles in the man's jaw bulged, and the bulging veins were clearly visible.


Facing the lightning that restrained him, Edgar chose to turn his hands into blade tentacles and slashed directly at Storm Girl!

Storm Girl wanted to dodge, but found that there seemed to be an invisible wall around herself, restricting her movements. As two whips fell on her body, the sharp blade instantly cut open her body. skin, and an invisible force penetrated into it, seeming to amplify the injury caused by the blade.

"What the hell!" Storm Girl, who was bleeding profusely, could only use supersonic speed to stay away from the center of the battlefield in order to prevent the wound from getting worse.

Without the restrictions of lightning, Edgar, who had regained his freedom, appeared behind the people of his motherland the next second.

At this time, his chest was bloody and bloody, and his body was almost completely penetrated by the laser eyes of the motherland.

Poof! Edgar used his right hand that returned to its original shape to forcefully dig out the necrotic parts of his body, and then threw them out casually.

Bang! Before he could speak, the people of the motherland rushed towards him.

Then the two of them kept violently colliding in the air!

However, because the physical strength, speed, and power of the people of the motherland are higher than Edgar, Edgar seems a bit difficult to resist. However, Edgar's self-healing ability is difficult for the people of the motherland to match, so the people of the motherland watch When the injury caused by oneself can be healed by the opponent in the blink of an eye.

The feeling of frustration in my heart is simply indescribable!


Edgar didn't know how many times he was bombarded into the building, but the next moment, he was always able to fly to the motherland intact.

"Xie Te!" The aggrieved motherland man couldn't help but curse.

This thing is like an invincible little strongman. Even if he burns his chest with a laser, he can still recover in a short time.

"It's my turn." Countless extremely sharp tentacles rushed out from behind Edgar, and each tentacle intertwined with each other to form an overwhelming network.

Looking at the incoming tentacles, the people of the motherland disdainfully fired lasers from their eyes to cut off them one by one!

But this was just Edgar's cover-up. Some of the tentacles disappeared in the air. When they appeared again, they had pierced the ears of the motherland like sharp arrows and pierced the tough eardrums. They had just absorbed two hundred Milliliters of blood, just as he was about to go deep inside, he was torn off by the furious people of the motherland.

I saw two wisps of warm liquid flowing down his cheek, and the severe pain in his ears made the people of the motherland subconsciously cover their ears.

"You deserve to die!" He put down his hands, looked at the red blood in his palms, and couldn't help but roar!

At the same time, a subtle fear flashed in the eyes of the people of the motherland.

"Edgar, you don't want Walter Company to be destroyed." Storm Girl, who looked slightly pale, thought she had caught Edgar's weakness, and threatened: "If you admit defeat now and send Walter If the Special Group is handed over, maybe I will let those guys go."

The guys she was talking about were naturally referring to the staff on the set in the distance.

However, what she didn't expect was that Edgar not only did not compromise after hearing this, but also looked at her with contempt.

"Ms. Storm, I never said that I am really Edgar, so why do you think your threat will be useful to me?" Edgar raised his hand and tore off his own face. This time he appeared But it was the face of a native of the motherland, "As you can see, since I can be Edgar, I can also be a native of the motherland."

"I can become you if I want to."

As he said that, he showed a sunny smile, "As a citizen of my motherland, I can do whatever I want. It doesn't matter to my motherland if you kill those people. I don't care about their life or death anyway."

"Mystery man!!!"

The people of the motherland were really angered by the opponent this time. He shot two lasers with a ferocious face that were enough to melt steel. Even because the temperature of the lasers was too high, the space where they touched was slightly distorted. At this moment, the lasers were like The hot knife that cut into the butter cut Xia Shang in half diagonally. There was no way, the fusion degree on the panel was only 2%.

Xia Shang does not yet have the super defense to completely withstand Cyclops.

This time the laser was fired for a very short time, and after the laser shot ended, the people of the motherland kept taking several steps back.

Seeing that the situation of her motherland was not quite right, Storm Girl hesitated for a moment, then planned to take him away from the battlefield.

Storm Girl grabbed the motherland's waist and flew into the distance at an astonishing speed of supersonic speed.

Xia Shang, who was stagnant in place, watched the two people leave. His goal had been achieved, and he had even completed two of them at once. In other words, as long as the super physical fusion was completed, he could seamlessly fuse the Cyclops Eye and the Clairvoyant Eye.

"It seems that all that's missing is Billy's Cyclops." Xia Shang smiled slightly.

Countless tiny tendrils of flesh emerged from the cross-section of his burnt wound. The scarlet and wriggling tendrils of flesh entwined and merged with each other, gradually merging the separated bodies into one and firmly bonding them together.

As for the damaged internal organs, they were quickly repaired thanks to Xia Shang's extremely strong healing ability!


Late at night, at the entrance of a nightclub that only served superhuman beings, Billy and Breastmilk looked at the security personnel in front of the door and stopped.

"There's no way you can walk in with this thing." Breastmilk glanced at the black suitcase in Billy's hand and couldn't help but remind her.

"I know." Then Billy led him into an alley.

On the right side of the alley, there is a barbed wire fence, and behind the barbed wire fence is connected to the nightclub toilet.

"Use high-pressure pliers to cut the wires, and then we remove the screws of the windows on that wall and enter the nightclub through one of the windows." Billy and the two did what they said. They saw that the breast milk had already been taken out of the backpack. The high-pressure clamp was ready, but when he started to do it, he still stopped.

"Even if we want to experiment with the power of sonic weapons, there is no need to choose it here. Can't we use starlight for experiments? Anyway, the risk is not high, so she shouldn't refuse." Breast milk expressed the doubt in her heart.

Billy didn't answer, but the corner of his mouth raised a hint of madness.

Looking at Billy's expression, Breastmilk felt a little uneasy. What on earth did this guy want to do? Although this place is not in a prosperous area of ​​Manhattan, the nearest police station is only a few kilometers away. Once the matter gets bigger, it may be difficult for them to escape.

"Would you like to think about it again?" Breastmilk advised.

"There's no need to think about it. I just want to see if Huey's management is working. If it doesn't..." Billy turned to look at Breast Milk, the cruelty in his eyes was horrifying, "Then I'll take over. Bar."

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