Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 239 A river of blood! massacre! !

Soon, the nightclub called Superhuman House welcomed two uninvited guests.

When Billy and Breast Milk entered the toilet through the window, they happened to encounter someone pushing the toilet door open. The person who pushed the door open was a drunk white man. He looked up and saw the two people in the toilet. A knowing smile appeared on his face, "I'm sorry, I didn't know there was someone inside. Just go ahead and don't pay attention to me."

After saying that, he took a few steps back and thoughtfully helped the two of them close the door.

"Shet! I'm not a damn faggot! The look in his eyes just now disgusts me more than this dirty toilet." In the toilet cubicle, Mother's Milk scolded with an ugly face.

"Business matters, don't forget the purpose of our visit this time."

Billy sullenly squatted on the ground and checked the sonic weapon in his suitcase. After confirming that it was intact and nothing was missing, he walked out of the toilet first.

The loud music in the nightclub, coupled with the ever-changing colorful lights, made Billy a little upset. He looked towards the center of the stage and saw several hot girls in blouses, watching the screams of the guests. Amidst the sound of whistles, they twisted their bodies as hard as they could, and every time they made a sexy and unrestrained move, the spectators in the audience threw tips on the stage as if they had been given blood.

However, most of the tips were in one to five dollar bills, and even Alexander rarely saw a few.

Billy couldn't help but frown as he smelled the various smells in the air.

"Did you smell a peculiar odor?" Billy asked.

"I suggest you go for a walk in Queens, New York. I guarantee you will never forget this disgusting stench."

Breastmilk pointed at the superhuman sitting in the corner. The reason why you could tell he was a superhuman at a glance was because he had four mouths, puffed out smoke at the same time, and kept showing off to others.

"It seems Huey's management has not had any deterrent effect." Billy shuttled among the crowd.

Here, the dark side of human nature is vividly displayed, and incidents such as rape, intoxication, and violent injuries occur all the time. This is a paradise for superhuman beings and a hell for ordinary people!

"Don't be too impulsive. Many superhumans here are related to Walter."

You know, Walt doesn't just own the Seven Superheroes. It manages at least three to four thousand superhumans, or even more. The Walt Group draws wealth and fame through them, and they must rely on Walt to do so. Survive.

"You want me to stop?" Billy sneered and grabbed a girl's arm. The girl who was caught looked at Billy with some surprise. She looked definitely no more than sixteen years old, and her face was full of Frightened and panicked, she was tricked into coming here by her classmates. At first it was just out of curiosity, but when she sensed something was wrong and was about to leave, she was blocked by several superhumans.

Seeing the obscene smiles on their faces, the girl could only cry out for help. Unfortunately, no one paid attention to her, and some people even approached her with ill intentions. Just when she was about to fall into despair, a calm face And a strong hand grasped her right arm.

"Man, I targeted this girl first. Do you understand the rules?" The white superhuman leader was about to snatch the girl away from Billy when he saw Breast Milk pull out a pistol and use the black muzzle of the gun. Aim for his head.

"Hey, man, are you serious? Stop joking, how did you bring this thing in?"

The white man joked, raising his hands with a smile.

"Are you spies from the police station? No wonder I haven't seen you, but the home of superhuman beings is not a place where you can run wild. Now put down your guns obediently, then kneel on the ground and beg for our forgiveness. Maybe you can leave on your own. This, otherwise you will have no choice but to lie down and go out." The white man put down his hands with an extremely arrogant attitude.

Seeing all the superhumans nearby gathered around, Billy let go of the girl's arm with a solemn expression. Just when the girl thought that Billy couldn't bear the pressure and was about to abandon her, she saw Billy open the suitcase and take it out. The gun body and barrel clicked together, and a weird-shaped assault rifle appeared in Billy's hand.

"We can't let them leave from here!" Someone in the crowd suddenly shouted.

The next second, several superhumans rushed towards Billy, trying to snatch the gun from his hand.

Facing the coming attack, Billy calmly pressed the button on the handle of the gun.

In an instant, extremely low-frequency sound waves spread in all directions. When the surrounding superhumans heard this sound, they instantly showed extremely painful expressions. Some covered their ears to try to block the sound, and some squatted on the ground. Headaches are splitting, their manifestations vary, and symptoms range from mild to severe.

The most serious one is the extremely arrogant white man just now. Since he does not have the super power of physical enhancement, his resistance to sound waves is extremely low. He foamed out like an epilepsy and fell to the ground. The girl next to Li was indescribably shocked when she saw the superpowers wailing around her.

"The experiment was successful. The thing you invented is really effective." Billy held the gun in both hands and came to the white man.

"You bastards should have died long ago."

Seeing the white man twisting on the ground, Billy did not hesitate to pull the trigger. As a gunshot rang out, the bullet that passed through the barrel accurately hit the white man's eyebrow!

The white man who was struggling in pain just now was lying motionless on the ground, looking to the side with dull eyes. The blood hole between his eyebrows was trickling out of red and white viscous liquid.

"Wang Defa?" Mother's milk looked shocked. Although he had expected that Billy would kill someone, he didn't expect that he would do it so quickly and in public. Let alone Mallory, even the president would be killed in person. There is no way to clear Billy's guilt.

"It's not over yet."

After killing someone again for a long time, Billy felt that all the cells in his body were trembling with excitement. He turned his gun towards another super human, and boom! Seeing the blood splattering everywhere, Billy couldn't help but reveal a maniacal smile of satisfaction. He grinned, and the corners of his mouth were raised back as if being pulled by someone.

"Super power? Where's your super power?" Billy stepped heavily on the stomach of one of them, then bent down and looked directly into the other person's eyes.

"Remember my name, my name is The Butcher! When you go to hell, don't forget who killed you." Billy put the barrel of the gun into the other person's mouth, and then smiled ferociously under the other person's eyes pleading for forgiveness. Then he pulled the trigger, bang! The bullet went straight through the back of the opponent's head, leaving a bloody hole on the floor.

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