Seeing that Billy wanted to continue the slaughter, Breastmilk immediately pulled his arm and said in a solemn tone:

"That's almost it. We have to get out of here before the police come."

Unexpectedly, Billy threw away his hand and pointed the gun at the ordinary people who were not affected.

Although this place is called the home of superhumans, in fact, the proportion of ordinary people is much higher than that of superhumans. At this time, Billy, who killed three people in a row, is an out-and-out bloody butcher in their eyes.

Therefore, when they saw the butcher pointing his gun at them, many of them were so frightened that they became incontinent and made ugly appearances.

"Want to get out of here?" Billy grinned.

"I did my homework before coming here. There is only one exit from this place, which is the door behind me. It is not impossible to leave from here. As long as one condition is met, I will let you go."

"What's the condition? If you want money, I can give you all the money I have." A slightly rich middle-aged man in the crowd asked boldly. He just wanted to escape from this ghost place as soon as possible, even if It doesn’t matter how much money you pay.

"Shet! What do you want to do? Isn't it enough to kill three people?" Breastmilk saw the excitement in Billy's eyes in horror. He approached Billy and lowered his voice.

Billy shook his head, "Not enough, far from enough. I said, this is just the beginning."


Another metahuman died under Billy's gun!

"I don't need your money. It's easy to leave here. Just kill a superhuman like me." Billy raised his arm and said to the watch on his wrist:

"Three minutes, I only give you three minutes. After three minutes, I will launch an indiscriminate massacre. Whether they are superhumans or ordinary people, they are the same in my eyes...all deserve to die!"

Billy opened a corner of his windbreaker and saw that it was full of high explosives.

"I just want to go home, can you let me out?" The girl next to her thought that Billy would relent and let her go.

But she didn't expect that the next second, Billy would press the muzzle of his gun to her forehead. The cold touch made the girl freeze in place.

"No one is exempt, including you." Billy said in a cold tone.

"Okay...I understand."

The girl's voice sounded like she was crying.

"Now the countdown begins." Billy picked up a chair and sat at the door. As soon as the security personnel outside the door entered the nightclub, they were sifted by Billy in the corridor. He picked up a gun and cleaned up the trash outside the door. Later, he returned to the nightclub.

Half a minute passed, and the ordinary people in the store looked at each other, and no one dared to act rashly.

"I'll give you ten thousand dollars and let me go." He's still the slightly rich white man just now. He can't take multiple lives on his hands for no reason. He is a businessman and it will be very troublesome if he gets blood on his hands, so he Plan to use money to solve the problem.

He took his wallet out of his pocket and walked towards Billy, unzipped it and pulled out a wad of dollars.

"Friend, everything in the world can be solved with money. If it can't be solved, it only means that the money is not enough. If you let me go, I promise not to reveal any information about you. I will definitely forget everything that just happened. "

"Really?" Under the horrified eyes of others, Billy shot the white man's head open, then slowly came to the body and picked up the wallet and banknotes scattered on the ground.

"But why should I let you go? Now your life and your money are mine."

After doing this, he looked at everyone with a smile: "You don't have much time left. Let me see...well, there are still two minutes."

"go to hell."

Under the tremendous pressure, someone's psychological defense collapsed. He picked up the wine bottle on the table and smashed it. Then he looked at the superhuman lying on the ground next to him with bright red eyes. Poof! The sharp edge of the wine bottle instantly pierced the superhuman's neck. In an instant, a large amount of blood spurted out, dyeing his entire face red.

Bang bang bang!

Applause suddenly broke out.

Everyone looked up and saw Billy smiling and applauding, "Well done, you can leave now."

The murderer stared blankly at the body on the ground, as if he didn't believe that the crazy move just now was his own. It took him a long time to recover, and he swallowed: "Can I leave here?"

"Of course, why not?"

Billy smiled and extended his right hand as a gesture of welcome to leave.

It wasn't until the murderer walked out of the door stiffly and was blown by the cold wind outside that he gradually woke up. However, he did not think about calling the police at the first moment, but gritted his teeth and went back. He picked up the pistol next to the body at the door and returned to the scene. Benefit around.

"Why are you back again?" Breast milk, who was in a irritable mood, said unhappily.

The murderer ignored him and instead followed Billy to monitor everyone in the house.

"Shit! It's so weird tonight. I actually met two lunatics in one go."

Breast milk felt like his brain ached. He couldn't control the current situation. In his opinion, Billy was completely crazy.

The murderer's actions were like the first card toppling a domino.

Soon, the second and third murderers were born, but what is surprising is that they returned to the nightclub not long after they left, and they were all armed with weapons, and their eyes became particularly fierce.

"Are you all crazy? Jamie, I'm your boss." The person who spoke was Fedeli. His superpower was physical enhancement, so after a brief period of discomfort, he was barely able to concentrate on what he had been before him. The younger brother roared.

"Boss, I just want to save my life. God will forgive me." Jamie and several others rushed towards Fedeli. Although they were not as strong as Fedeli, because the sound waves had not stopped, Fedeli felt weak and could not use any force. No strength.

Finally, with a scream, the ferocious-looking Jamie forcefully gouged out Fedeli's eyes.

What was going on? Looking at Fedeli's gradually stiffening body on the ground, the four people who were besieging him subconsciously looked towards Billy.

"Joining forces to kill superhumans counts." Billy's words further stimulated the ordinary people present, and even girls joined the killing team.

"So, my plan is not bad. I don't need to do it myself, someone will help me kill those superhumans." Billy looked around and saw a chaos, with killings and corpses everywhere, it was like a hell on earth.

He breathed in the extremely rich smell of blood in the air, and the smile on his face became more and more crazy.

"How do you plan to escape? So many superhumans and ordinary people have died in one fell swoop. Not to mention Walter, even the U.S. government will not let you go." Breast milk's mood at this moment cannot be described as bad, this can no longer be considered Terrorist attacks are simply anti-social and extreme actions!

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