Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 241 Parting ways! Frustrated people of the motherland!

Early the next morning, in the president's office on the 99th floor of the Watt Building in the center of Manhattan's bustling business district, Edgar took off the gold-rimmed glasses hanging on the left pocket of his suit with a nonchalant expression. He is more like an elegant scholar than the powerful President Walter.

"Late last night, an extremely strange fire burned the 'Superhuman' nightclub to ashes. When the police and firefighters arrived, the blazing flames had completely enveloped the nightclub. However, soon, with the efforts of the firefighters, Next, the rapid fire was contained, but it was regrettable.

No survivors have been found in this fire. Based on the number of skeletons found by the police at the scene, the total death toll in this accident can be basically inferred. The current official statistics are 126 people. Behind this cold number They are living lives. Please let us mourn for the deceased.

In addition, the police found in subsequent investigations that most of the people who died were superhumans. It stands to reason that they all have superpowers and it is impossible for them all to be buried in the sea of ​​​​fire. Some witnesses said that before the fire broke out, they heard There were gunshots heard inside the nightclub.

So we have reason to suspect that those who killed them were also superhumans, and they were also powerful superhuman terrorists.

This makes us worry whether terrorist attacks like this will happen frequently. Who can protect our lives? "

Next, please hand over the lens to Senator Newman and let her clear up the confusion for us. "

The morning news from New York was playing on a large LCD screen hanging on the wall.

"What's wrong with your eyes?" Edgar glanced at the natives on the sofa.

At this time, in addition to Edgar and the Motherland, there were also Jervis and Storm in the office.

"Don't you know?" The motherland man reached out and touched the scar at the corner of his eye. After he released the overloaded laser last night, he went blind in both eyes and left scars that were difficult to heal. At first, the scars were much larger than It was even more ferocious now, with scarlet cracks spread around his eyes like spider webs.

Fortunately, the blindness only lasted less than a minute, and the wounds around his eyes gradually healed due to his self-healing ability.

Edgar frowned, "How would I know? I didn't put a camera on you, but I guess it's the mysterious person. Apart from him, I don't think there is a second person who can hurt you."

Seeing that the people of the motherland were sullen and silent.

He had no choice but to look at Storm Girl: "You brought them here, tell me the specific situation."

While observing the two of them, Storm Girl recounted what happened last night. Unfortunately, the reactions of both of them were very natural. At least she couldn't see any clues. Besides, there was no point in hiding these things from Edgar. Suppose The mysterious man is really Edgar or Jervis.

She and the people of the motherland were unable to do anything to each other for a while.

After listening to Storm Girl's retelling, Edgar's face was full of solemnity, "No wonder you doubt me. That guy has a very special ability. He can imitate others like a twin. He may have been lurking in Mader before. The twin next to Lin."

Edgar picked up the phone and dialed Ashley's number.

"Help me contact the Twin Man. If he is still in the United States, ask him to get to Walter as quickly as possible."

During the waiting period.

Congressman Newman on the screen said with a solemn expression: "Our Superhuman Agency will do our best to investigate the truth behind the fire. If it is really the work of superhumans, I promise the people of the United States that no matter how high the price is, I will Bring him to justice and let him be judged by the law!"

At this time, Huey, who was standing behind her, had a slightly complicated expression. The scale in his heart was constantly swinging between friendship and justice.

Breast milk told him everything last night. After learning about Billy's crazy behavior, Huey was stunned for half a minute. Then he drove to find Billy and yelled at him. In the end, the two had a fight. They broke up on bad terms and chose to go their separate ways.

Billy quit the picket line alone, choosing to continue killing superhumans.

He and Huey are like two sides of the same coin. He advocates killing all superhumans so that the world can be cleansed. In fact, his idea has never changed, but he has been restraining it before, but now that Bega is dead, Billy has nothing to worry about and can devote himself wholeheartedly to hunting superhuman beings.

Huey, on the other hand, advocates using superhuman affairs to manage and restrict superhumans. He firmly believes that superhumans can be managed in a more peaceful way.

"Fake! Did fucking that superhuman girl make you feel so good? Don't forget who killed your poor ex-girlfriend." These were the cruel words Billy uttered before leaving!

Didi didi! !

"Sorry, Mr. Edgar, I can't contact the double. He doesn't have any relatives or friends, so I can't find him at all." Ashley said nervously on the other end of the phone.

"Oh, I see."

Edgar was not surprised by this result. He looked at Jervis and said, "The mysterious man is an out-and-out dangerous person to us, Walter. He not only destroyed our mutual trust, but , returned fire and injured the people of the motherland, so we must find him in the shortest possible time and confirm his true identity."

"you sure?"

The silent motherland suddenly spoke: "I'm afraid that's not what you think in your heart."

Yes, the above are all Edgar's perfunctory words. Since the mysterious man cannot be dealt with, there is no need to continue to delve deeper. He even suspects that the mysterious man may have something to do with the US government. You must know that their methods are no cleaner than his own. How much, even if I beat Edgar to death, I still wouldn't believe that they would not be studying compound No. 5 secretly.

This is as ridiculous as cats not being able to steal fish.

Besides, frustrating the people of the motherland may not be a bad thing, at least it will help him manage Watt Company better.

"I have something else to do, let's go first." The motherland man stood up and left the office. Now he could finally understand the feelings of Locomotive. The motherland people will never allow anyone to be stronger than themselves. He is the strongest super human!

"Does he want to inject compound No. 5?" It is said that a wise son is like a father. As Edgar grew up watching the people of the motherland, he naturally understands the temper of the people of the motherland very well. "His super power has long been stable. If he injects it again, , it will only harden his blood vessels, and compared to the insignificant improvement, it can be said that the gain outweighs the loss."

Storm Girl shook her head and said: "The mysterious man gave him a big blow. It's normal for him to have such thoughts. However, he also knows the consequences of doing so. He shouldn't inject No. 5 compound unless it is absolutely necessary."

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