Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 242 Integrating power! Movie promotion meeting!

"Real power is not violence, but the ability to bend the world to your will, Jervis, I'm sure you know what I mean."

After watching his motherland leave, Edgar crossed his fingers and placed them in front of his belly and whispered softly.

"Of course." Xia Shang smiled and responded. He knew exactly what Edgar wanted to express. Only power overrides strength. What is a superhero? Superheroes are just tools in the face of power, tools at the mercy of those in power.

"Jervis, I don't care who the mysterious man is or what he wants to do. As long as he doesn't conflict with my plan, I can tolerate him running around in front of me. In other words, assuming he If you can cooperate with me, I firmly believe that this will be a win-win situation." Edgar looked at Xia Shang and said meaningfully.

"Faced with Mr. Edgar's invitation, he shouldn't refuse."


[Cyclops is merging, and the current fusion progress is 98%]

Time flew by for half a year. Putting aside everything else, it took Xia Shang three months to successfully integrate the super power of super physique.

After fusion, his physique has reached the level of the three-star world. In other words, ordinary conventional weapons cannot hurt him at all. Perhaps only nuclear weapons can pose a fatal threat to him. After all, once that thing explodes, the temperature will explode. It's tens of millions of degrees Celsius. Let alone him, even if Thanos comes, he will have to kneel down. Of course, the premise is that the gems are not used. If the gems are used, it should not be a problem to resist nuclear weapons.

Xia Shang, who was standing in the yard, picked up the pebbles on the ground and squeezed them gently, and the pebbles were easily crushed.

To be honest, it is difficult for him to find reference points to judge how powerful he is.

As for strength, it is harder to judge.

He looked at the rockery in the distance, and shot out a red laser from his right eye, which instantly penetrated the mountain. At the same time, his other eye shot out a blue light, but the power was basically the same as the red laser. However, the next step Seconds later, the two laser beams stopped abruptly, and the center of Xia Shang's pupils was quietly occupied by another mysterious and deep color. The overflowing purple light swirled deep in his eyes, as if containing a sea of ​​stars.

This unique color is not sharp, but feels elegant and gentle.

But its power was greater than the two, splitting the rockery into two in an instant. Xia Shang used his mind power to catch the mountains sliding to both sides in time, and put them down smoothly.

If he were classified according to the levels in the mutant comics, he should be classified as Beta level or Gamma level. If he works hard enough, he might also be able to reach Alpha level. After all, his superpowers are not flawed and can be controlled at will, but This does not mean that mutants with a lower level than him will be weaker than him. For example, Cyclops, whose eyes are connected to a special space, can theoretically have unlimited battery life and even replenish energy for the Phoenix.

Although his level may not be high, his upper limit of abilities is no less than that of any mutant.

Xia Shang took stock of his abilities. Many of them have good prospects for development. For example, Storm Girl's thunderstorm weather. If she combines Storm Girl's abilities among mutants, she might be able to advance to the Omega level. After all, the sun Storms are also considered meteorological phenomena.

But what he currently uses the most is the transformation obtained from the parasitic beast, because this thing is bound to the strength of the body. In theory, there is almost no upper limit to the strength. If it is integrated with Superman's body of steel, he can even Planet Severed, of course, presupposes the comic book version of Superman.

As for the heart engine, it can only be regarded as an auxiliary ability. It can greatly improve his combat power at this stage. Xia Shang experimented with it three months ago. After integrating the super physique of the motherland, he can only open up to four hearts. When he started the fifth heart engine, the blood rushing through his body even shattered his eardrums.

In addition, Xia Shang has not forgotten his self-healing ability. Since Wu Mei's innate skill 'Flesh and Blood Restoration' is based on the transformation of his own cells, it can also be strengthened as his physique increases. However, every time the cells Splitting requires a large amount of energy, which sometimes makes it difficult for his physical strength to support multiple rebirths.

Xia Shang couldn't help but think of the self-healing factor in Uncle Lang's body. If the two were integrated with each other, his self-healing ability should be enhanced.

Probably after taking inventory of his superpowers.

Xia Shang drove to the scene of the movie promotion conference. Once the movie was released, it earned more than one billion US dollars at the box office and received good responses from all over the world. As the vice president of Watt Group, he naturally had to appear in front of the media. Be interviewed.

"The fact that this film has achieved such great success is absolutely beyond all of our expectations. We encountered various difficulties during the filming stage, but we overcame them without exception." Adam, the director of the superhero film , was interviewed by a reporter wearing a low-cut red dress, and talked eloquently.

"We want to know, how did you convince Vice President Walter, Mr. Jervis, to play a guest villain? He played a very good villain, but at the same time he was hated by many people."

The female reporter smiled.

"In fact, it was Mr. Jervis who took the initiative to apply for the role, and there was almost an accident." During the interview, the director accidentally caught a glimpse of Xia Shang walking towards him.

"Can you tell me more specifically?"


The director then described the thrilling scene that happened at that time, "My God, when I saw the wire on Mr. Jervis's head breaking, my heart felt like it was firmly grasped by a big hand. I can guarantee that , my mind was blank at that moment, and then I thought it was over, I would definitely be banned by Walter.

But the result was beyond everyone's expectations. Not only was Mr. Jervis not injured, but he also insisted on performing the entire scene. Although he is not a professional actor, I believe that Mr. Jervis's level of professionalism is the best in my career as a director. Never seen before. "

"Hey Adam, you're in good shape today."

"You too, Mr. Jervis." The director wisely gave up his seat for the interview.

"Mr. Jervis, I heard that you were not injured after falling from a height of more than ten meters. Is this true?"

The female reporter immediately put the microphone in front of Xia Shang.

"They exaggerate the reality. As you know, a director needs a fantastic brain in order to create great works." Xia Shang said with a smile.

"Mr. Jervis, we also heard that you actually wrote the script of the movie. I didn't expect your talent to be so outstanding."

Facing the female reporter in front of him who received Walter's red envelope, Xia Shang seemed very patient.

Niu Niu decided to write about the witch first and the hero after the black robe ended, which is the three-star fantasy world.

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