Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 243 A warning appears! Black robes gather again?

"I am only responsible for providing general ideas, and the specific details have nothing to do with me. This is all due to the silent efforts of Director Adam and the team behind him. Without them, there would be no such wonderful superhero movie. In my opinion, this The movie has broken people's perception of traditional movies. When most movies still use special effects to render fighting scenes, the main selling point of our superhero movies is that they are real enough.

Whether it's Storm's lightning or the Cyclops of the Motherland, they were all shot in real locations.

Maybe people are more inclined to this shooting method now. "

"Mr. Jervis, I admire your humility. I have to say that you are not only an excellent leader, but also an extremely good screenwriter. I hope you can provide more excitement for subsequent superhero movies." script," the female reporter laughed.

"Of course, I will try my best."

After the interview, the superheroes went on stage one after another, stood in front of the movie posters, and were baptized by the flash. At the same time, Huey and Starlight also came to the promotional meeting. Also coming with them was Representative Newman. It is said that Because the Transhuman Agency's performance in the past year has been particularly outstanding, it has been appreciated by the gentleman in the White House, and the gentleman is ready to mention Victoria.

"Help me take a look, is your tie neatly placed?" Huey was wearing a decent suit and seemed to be much taller and straighter.

"no problem."

Starlight adjusted his collar for him, and then the two held hands and walked towards the stage.

The two people's intimate appearance caused the reporters present to turn their cameras. On the stage, the face of the originally smiling motherland suddenly turned gloomy. He looked at the proud Huey, and a trace of anger could not help but rise in his eyes. Since Starlight After returning to the seven-man team, his popularity increased instead of falling, even surpassing that of his native countrymen, which made him very unhappy! I wish I could shoot a laser and cut the couple in front of me into pieces.

"Starlight look this way!"

"Please let us take a solo photo."

The reporters' request made Huey loosen his hold on Xingguang's waist and step back awkwardly. Upon seeing this, Xingguang said comfortingly: "You go to rest first, I will find you later."

"Huey?" Huey accidentally bumped into Xia Shang while retreating. He quickly turned around and apologized: "I'm really sorry, Mr. Jervis, are you okay?"

"It's okay. Is your recent work going well?" Xia Shang asked.

"Not bad. Under the control of the Superhuman Agency, the superhuman crime rate has been significantly reduced."

Facing Walter's vice president, Huey seemed a little reserved. He smiled politely and said: "Thanks to Walter's assistance, otherwise we would not be able to achieve what we have achieved now."

"This is what we, Walter, should do, but I heard that someone is secretly hunting superpowers. Many people have been killed so far. I wonder if your superhuman affairs department has paid attention to this matter? It is said that the leader is Walt's former wanted criminal, Billy, seems to have some friendship with you."

Xia Shang glanced at Edgar in the distance and asked casually.

"Billy? I've cut off contact with him a long time ago. I don't know what he did." Huey shook his head, but it was indeed the case. After the two parted ways half a year ago, they never contacted each other again. It was obvious that they had never interacted with each other until death.

"Really? In fact, someone asked me to bring him a message. Since there is no contact between the two of you, forget it." Xia Shang was just about to leave when he was stopped by Huey.

"Mr. Jervis, do I know who is looking for Billy? Maybe after I catch Billy, I can bring the message to him."

Huey wondered.

"I didn't meet the man either, and he left a note on my desk saying that the contents of the paper should be forwarded to Billy within a week."

Xia Shang's words aroused Huey's curiosity even more. It sounded like that person should know Billy.

"Can you tell me the content?"

"No problem, I can even give you the note. I happened to bring it here." After saying that, Xia Shang took out a folded white paper from his pocket and handed it to Huey.

Huey lowered his head and took apart the white paper. The word "Warning" was clearly written on it in red pen, and there was a string of phone numbers below the word.

In an instant, Huey's pupils suddenly shrank, it was a mysterious person!

He pinched the edge of the paper with his fingertips, lifted it as if he was being electrocuted, and then grasped it firmly.

"I will find a way to pass it on to Billy." Huey hurriedly stuffed the paper into his pocket. His expression looked very unnatural, and it seemed that even cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

"Do you know the person who wrote the letter?" Xia Shang frowned.

"do not know."

Huey shook his head hastily, and then made an excuse to walk to the toilet.

As he walked, he thought about why the mysterious man was looking for Billy, and what the warning above meant. Did he want to throw a body into his house like last time to scare him?

But thinking with my feet, I knew the mysterious man wouldn't be that boring.

Could it be that the mysterious man wants to attack the people around me? A chill instantly hit Huey's heart.

To be honest, if it weren't for this piece of paper, he would have almost forgotten about the mysterious man.

"Breast milk, it's me." In the toilet cubicle, Huey held his cell phone and dialed the breast milk number.

"Is something wrong?"

"I'll explain it to you when I get back. Can you contact Billy now?"

The mother on the other end of the phone hesitated: "You want to catch him?"

"Shet! If I wanted to catch him, why should I wait until now? Do you really think that his actions were seamless and left no traces? If I hadn't secretly suppressed the news about him, the Superhuman Agency would have taken action against him long ago. I It's important to find him now, it's about everyone's life and safety!" Huey said excitedly.

"So serious? Just wait a moment."

After hanging up the phone, Breast Milk in the room looked at the family photos on the table, and finally gritted his teeth and pressed the phone call he hadn't made in half a year.

Fortunately, he was not blocked by someone. Half a minute later, that familiar voice came from the phone.

"What's going on with you?"

"How do you know?" Breastmilk asked.

"If nothing happens, you probably won't contact me in your life. Tell me if there is anything you need my help with."

"It's not me, it's Huey who wants to see you."

"Huey?" Billy's tone was a little surprising, "Why does that government lackey want me? I don't have time to play house with him."

Sure enough, even after half a year, Billy still hasn't changed his vicious tongue.

"It sounds like the problem is serious, otherwise he wouldn't ask me to contact you."

"Then why didn't he call me himself? Oh, I almost forgot, his phone number and all social media accounts have been blocked by me. Well, you tell him that I am now targeting superhuman termites, He should know where to find me." Billy looked at the phone in his hand that showed the end of the call and couldn't help but frowned. At first, when he received the call about breast milk, he was still in a good mood.

But now he was sinking again. He smoked a whole cigarette silently, and then said to the men beside him: "The hunter team is temporarily disbanded. I will not disclose your information. As for the fire half a year ago, only If you don’t tell it yourself, no one will know what you have done.”

"Okay." Jamie breathed a sigh of relief. He and the others had not wanted to do it for a long time, but because Billy had a fatal handle on them, they could only follow Billy all the way to the dark side. Now he heard that Billy wanted to disband. The Predator Squad, he swore he had never heard such sweet news.

"I'm going to inform the others now."

Looking at Jamie's back as he left, Billy's expression did not change at all. In fact, he knew very well that the hunter-killer team would fall apart sooner or later, and even when they couldn't stand it anymore, they would point their guns at him instead of just waiting. When that day comes, it's better to simply announce the disbandment.


The screen turned to Xia Shang's side.

The reason why he wants to contact Billy through Huey is also very simple, that is, he can't find Billy at all. After all, he is not omniscient and omnipotent, and he does not have the psychic ability of Professor X, so he cannot be found in the vast crowd. Billy, not to mention that this guy is good at hiding. You really can’t find him with ordinary methods.

"Jervis, I seem to have seen a string of phone numbers on that piece of paper. Whose phone number is that?" asked the native of the country who had taken in the scene just now.

"Who knows? You can call and find out, maybe it's just an empty number." Xia Shang said with a smile.

"Are you hiding something from me?"

The motherland man took a deep look at Xia Shang and said, "Although I don't know what little tricks you are doing behind the scenes, don't forget that you are Vice President Walter and he is a government employee. The two of you should not have any private relations." friendship."

"Just because he is Xingguang's boyfriend? But think about it, Xingguang's popularity is indeed very high recently, and has even surpassed you. To be honest, Mr. Motherland, your position as co-captain is in jeopardy, and it is very likely to be replaced by Xingguang. "Xia Shang stretched out his hand to smooth the wrinkles at his cuffs.

"So you'd better think about how to improve your popularity."

After saying that, Xia Shang planned to leave.

"Unless Edgar is crazy, the captain of the Super Seven can only be me, a native of the motherland!" The eyes of the native of the motherland became fierce and crazy, as if he might kill someone at any time, he raised a confident smile, But no matter how you look at it, it seems extremely false.

"We'll see, Mr. Motherland."

Xia Shang smiled slightly, and then met Xingguang who was looking for him.

"Do you know where Huey is?"

"He should be in the men's restroom. Maybe you can wait for him at the door of the restroom." Xia Shang replied.


The promotional meeting did not last long. After the reporters dispersed, Starlight and the Motherland were called to the Chaoying conference room by Edgar.

The specific content of the chat is unknown to Xia Shang.

But the mood of the people of the motherland is obviously not very good.

Because even though he was more than ten floors away, he could sense the movement coming from Storm Girl's room. Xia Shang even suspected that the people of the motherland wanted to demolish the Watt Building in this way.

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