Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 244 A tragedy caused by a sneeze!

At this time, the ferocious-looking motherland man strangled Storm Girl's neck and roared: "Why should that bitch stand on my head? I am the captain of the seven-man group!"

"Edgar banned you from the position of captain? Just because she is more popular than you?" Storm Girl endured the discomfort and accepted the violent bombardment.

"Is there any other reason?" The motherland man gradually used his hands harder, trying to get a greater sense of pleasure through the pain on Storm Girl's face: "I never thought in my life that I would be stepped on by a stinky bitch wearing a qqny. Underfoot, damn Edgar, I can't compare to her in any way, my contribution to Walter is much higher than hers! Even if it's Maeve's turn to be the captain, it won't be her turn!"

"Relax... let go." The strong feeling of suffocation, coupled with the crazy motherland people, couldn't help but make the storm girl feel a little fear in her heart.

"I finally figured it out. The mysterious man and Edgar are in the same group. He relies on the mysterious man's trump card, so he dares not to take me seriously!"

"I can't breathe!" Storm Girl tried to break free, but the big hands of the motherland were like indestructible iron pliers, locking her tightly, making it difficult for her to move.

The psychological defense of the motherland was almost collapsed at this time, and he said with a ruthless face: "It won't take long before I let Edgar get out of Walter with a ruined reputation!"

"With Jervis here, even if Edgar leaves the Walter Group, it won't be your turn to be the president." Storm Girl used all her strength to barely pry open the fingers of her motherland. After getting a chance to breathe, she He hurriedly breathed in the fresh air, "However, I have a way to kick this stumbling block away."

"Tell me."

"If...I remember correctly, Maeve about her little girlfriend very much. She was almost inseparable from her on the set." Storm Girl said intermittently.

"That's right."

The native nodded gloomily.

"In that case, let's use her girlfriend to threaten her and let her accuse Jervis in front of the media..." Storm Girl leaned into the ear of the motherland and explained her plan in detail.

"Such a scandal will definitely arouse huge public opinion. By then, Jervis will be like a street rat, and everyone will shout for him to be beaten."

Storm Girl has finally understood the public opinion. Although her methods are a bit dirty and not on the stage, they are indeed effective. Only Queen Maeve does not betray her, so there is basically no solution.

"Where's the evidence? Without evidence, who would believe what Maeve said? Besides... Before the motherland could finish speaking, she was interrupted by Storm Girl: "Baby, no one cares about this. All they want is a game. A carnival, a carnival that only belongs to the 'just people'. They will only stand at the top of morality and do their best to insult and slander Jervis. In their view, how can those who stand at the top of society possibly do this? He is a good person, human nature is complex, but also very simple. "

After hearing what Storm Girl said, although the people of the motherland despised this approach, there was no doubt that Storm Girl was right, and the development of things would never deviate from the track she said.

"I'll leave this matter to you, don't let me down."

As for the content of their chat, Xia Shang didn't know. After all, he didn't have a special habit of listening to people in corners.

On the other side, Huey took Frankie and Breast Milk to the penthouse where the termites lived, where a superhuman party was being held. Amidst the loud music, Huey and the others were eye-opening. Vulgar and bad performances constantly stimulate their senses.

Listening to the cheers of the onlookers around him, Huey's expression obviously didn't look good.

"It's so chaotic here. I swear, I will definitely wash my eyes when I go back." Mother Milk complained.

"Let's split up. It will be more efficient. Don't forget, if you see Billy, remember to call me."

Huey looked around, but saw no sign of Billy.

"see you later."

Frankie, who was separated from them, happened to see the termites performing on the wooden frame at this moment. There was an audience crowding in front of him, and Frankie couldn't squeeze in at all.

"Whoa! That's cool man!"

"Come on! Work harder!"

"To be honest, I can get even smaller." The shirtless microtermites showed off their figure under the light.

After the performance, he jumped down from the wooden frame, and his body quickly enlarged, breaking his beach shorts to pieces in an instant! Apparently, his pants don't have the same magical powers as the Hulk's pants.

"Brothers, you have fun, I have to go and replenish my energy and have a good time." Termite smiled and put on his bathrobe, then walked into the room on the right side of the corridor.

Due to the chaos and crowds at the scene, Frankie accidentally lost sight of the termites,

At this time, after the termite replenished his energy, he started playing games with his little boyfriend.

As he gradually explored deeper, the man in the room showed an expression of extreme pleasure.

But at this moment, there was an itching in the termite's nostrils, and a strong impulse prompted him to sneeze. At first, he could bear it, but the more he endured, the more difficult it was to suppress. Finally, he couldn't help but sneeze. The sneeze came out, at the moment of sneezing.

His super power is out of control!

Just hear a bang!

Blood and flesh splattered everywhere!

Looking at the pile of minced meat in front of them, the termites roared in horror and sadness! "No!!!"

Frankie heard the sudden movement and pushed the door open. The scene in front of him stunned him for a moment, "I didn't see anything, nothing happened here."

Frankie said, stepping back.

But how could the termites let him leave? The second person must not know about his murder, so he shrunk his body, ran to Frankie's shoes, and threw him away. You know, even if the termites shrunk their bodies, they would not let him go. Still able to possess strength and speed far beyond ordinary people.

I saw termites getting into his trouser legs and running towards his butt.

"Wang Defa!!!"

Frankie was so frightened that his face turned pale.

At this time, Billy came out from the side with a stereo. He calmly pressed the switch, causing the frightened Frankie to shake the termite out. The termite fell to the ground and covered his head. Just when he wanted to change back to his original shape, he Billy, who has quick eyes and quick hands, put it into a plastic bag.

Billy took the small plastic bag containing flour from the room. After turning off the stereo, he shook the bag in his hand. He didn't stop until he confirmed that the termites had lost their ability to resist.

"Long time no see." Billy smiled.

Frankie, who was still in shock, looked at the termite in his hand and swallowed: "It was so close that he got into my ass."

"Where's Huey?"

Billy originally wanted to crush the termites in the bag directly, but after thinking about it, he stopped what he was doing.

"You're not going to kill him?" Frankie heard about all the deeds Billy had done during this period. This guy was already a veritable superhuman butcher.

"I'm trying to sell him face. I just met him and I don't want to cause any unpleasantness with him." Billy said with a shrug.

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