Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 245 So we should join forces, Mr. Mysterious Man

Then the two of them walked out of the room and came to the living room.

"Hey, look who I brought." Franky appeared in front of Huey with Billy.


They hadn't seen each other for a long time. The moment he saw Billy, Huey pursed his lips and didn't know what to say.

"Okay, don't be stunned. We have already caught termites. It's best to leave here quickly." Frankie knew that it was not advisable to stay here for a long time. After all, he did not deal with the broken body in the room. Who knows if the body would be destroyed? People realize how much trouble it will cause, so they have to take advantage of this vacuum period to leave the apartment.

Several people returned to the car.

The delicate atmosphere was relieved, and Huey was the first to speak: "How did you catch the termites? Where were the others?"

"Here it is." Billy calmly took out a ziplock bag from his pocket, which contained a small amount of flour. He shook the ziplock bag and then threw it to Huey.

"Billy caught him. In fact, he saved my life." Frankie touched his butt with lingering fear.

"You didn't kill him." After taking the ziplock bag, Huey looked at the unconscious little man in the bag and couldn't help but be a little surprised.

Billy held a cigarette in his mouth and leaned on the back of the sofa-like chair. "To be honest, I really want to crush him to death, but after thinking about it, maybe he can be of some use to you."

Huey was slightly stunned after hearing this.


"You're welcome."

Although the gap between the two still exists, it has improved compared to before.

"Are you still hunting superhumans recently?" Huey suddenly asked.

Billy exhaled a puff of smoke and frowned: "I found that weeds cannot be burned away. Only by digging them up can they be completely eradicated, so I disbanded the hunter team."

"Your choice is undoubtedly the right one." Huey was very happy that Billy could understand that, yes, as long as the Vought Group exists, it will continue to create new superhumans, so if he wants to make superhumans disappear, We must get rid of Walter first.

"Let's talk about the return later. You asked me to contact me this time. What's the important thing?"

To put it bluntly, Billy still couldn't lose face. After all, he had left the picket on his own initiative, and now he went back without saying a word, making him look like a homeless vagabond.

"Look at this." Huey handed him a note.

After taking the note, Billy was a little surprised by the content on it, "Did the mysterious person give it to you?"

"No, it was Walter Vice President Jervis. He said he found this note on his desk." Huey repeated what Xia Shang said in the morning.

"Have you offended the mysterious man recently?"

Breastmilk on the side asked.

"Offend him? I don't even know who he is." Billy said with a cold face, took out his mobile phone and dialed the number left on it.

Surprisingly, the call went through easily.

Half a minute later, Billy put down his phone and said solemnly: "It is indeed him."

"Then what? What did he say?" Huey asked quickly.

“He wants us to rescue the leader of the Repayers, Soldier Boy.

"Soldier boy? Isn't he dead?" Breast milk had seen a report about a soldier boy on the Internet a long time ago. In the report, it was clearly written that the soldier boy died in a foreign war, and his The team members also suffered heavy casualties in the war.

Billy shook his head: "It seems that not only is the soldier boy not dead, but he also contains a big secret, otherwise the mysterious man wouldn't be eager for us to find him."

"Can't we refuse?" Huey said the words without thinking.

In response, Billy sarcastically said: "Of course you can, but the premise is that you have to give up everything you have now, and then hide in the basement like before, so that he can't find you."

As soon as he finished speaking, the atmosphere in the car suddenly darkened. It was obvious that Huey could not give up his current identity, and they were not willing to give up their current stable life.


The next afternoon, a rare guest walked into Xia Shang's office.

At this time, Xia Shang was sitting in front of the computer, flipping through the documents sent by Ashley and others.

Generally speaking, important decisions are made by Edgar, and he is only responsible for some trivial matters. He casually flipped through the documents on the table, glanced at them briefly, and then opened the panel and checked the fantasy value as usual. Has it increased? Although nothing major has happened in the past six months, the fantasy value has still accumulated to more than 8,000, and the income from the movie alone is as high as 600. In other words, even if he does nothing.

In four months at most, the fantasy value can reach 10,000.

"Huh?" Suddenly he raised his head and looked forward.

I saw Queen Maeve opening the door and walking in.

"Maeve, this must be your first time in my office. What would you like to drink?" Xia Shang sat on the chair with no intention of getting up.

"Thank you, but I have more important things to do." Maeve said solemnly.

Before coming, she received threats from Storm Girl. After much hesitation, she decided to talk to Jervis.

Xia Shang smiled slightly and said: "Let me guess, this matter must be related to you and me, otherwise you would not come to me. After all, there seems to be no friendship between us."

"You are a smart man, Jervis. In that case, I will keep the story short." Queen Maeve came to Jervis after confirming that the Motherland and Storm Girl were not in the Water Tower.

"I think we need to work together."

With that said, Queen Maeve took out a mobile phone and put it on the desk in front of Xia Shang.

"Storm came to me just now and asked me to accuse you of sexual harassment against me in front of the media. Her intention was very clear, she wanted you to be ruined and get out of Walt."

Xia Shang picked up the mobile phone on the table and looked through the photos above with interest, "So you want to use these photos to fight back, then why don't you do it yourself? Come to me instead."

Queen Maeve said calmly: "I have personally seen you fall from a height of more than ten meters and you were unharmed. I'm afraid you are not an ordinary person, Mr. Jervis."

"Actually, we met a long time ago. My teacher at that time praised you for your good skills. It's hard to imagine that a small role at the beginning turned into the Vice President of Walter step by step."

"What does this mean?" Xia Shang shook his head, as if he didn't understand what Maeve meant.

"Don't you think this all seems to be going too smoothly? If nothing else happens, after Edgar retires, you will be the new CEO of Walter Group."

"So?" Xia Shang smiled.

"So we should join forces and kill that bitch, Mr. You-Know-Who."

I've been back to the countryside for the past two days to visit the elderly. The author suffered from severe motion sickness and a headache for two days, so the update is terrible. I'm really sorry.

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