Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 246 Two People from the Motherland

Xia Shang gently put the phone on the table, raising the corners of his mouth slightly. He looked at Queen Maeve in front of him. He did not speak, but tapped the table leisurely with his knuckles.

Ta…ta…ta da…

At this moment, the bright light in the room seemed to dim, and for a while, the atmosphere became extremely silent, with only the sound of tapping continuously echoing in the room.

After a moment, the voice stopped suddenly. Xia Shang picked up the coffee on the table and took a sip: "Based on these, you conclude that I am a mysterious person? Maybe I am just an ordinary person with good luck. After all, you have no direct evidence. , can prove that I am a mysterious person."

"Yes, I really have no evidence to directly prove that you are the mysterious person, but it doesn't matter. I just came here to remind you, don't be tricked by someone, and you don't know who did it." Maeve The queen shook her head.

"Let's have a cup of coffee." Xia Shang leaned on the back of his chair and crossed his fingers in front of his abdomen.

As his slightly magnetic voice sounded, the paper cup placed next to the coffee machine rose out of thin air. Then, as if controlled by someone, after filling a cup of coffee, it was smoothly delivered to Maeve.

Looking at the paper cup filled with yellow-brown liquid in front of her, Queen Maeve couldn't help but feel chilled. She looked up at Xia Shang with horror, and said in shock: "It's really you!"

Xia Shang smiled.

"Congratulations on your guess, but remember to keep it a secret for me, otherwise..."

He slightly raised his right index finger, and a strangulation mark appeared on Queen Maeve's snow-white neck. The sudden pain caused Maeve to subconsciously grab her neck. Soon, she held something like a rope. However, because Xia Shang's tentacles were invisible, Maeve was not sure what she was holding.

"Don't try, you won't stop." After integrating the super physique of his motherland, Xia Shang's physical strength has made a qualitative leap. The flesh and blood tentacles extending from his body are no less tough than Due to his skin, that is to say, with his current strength, it is not difficult to deal with Maeve. Of course, if Maeve tears it with all her strength, she might be able to break it.

But before that happens, her head should be separated from her body.

"I will handle the matter regarding Storm Girl. You can go back and wait for news." Xia Shang withdrew his tentacles and closed his eyes.

Maeve only felt that the rope she was holding suddenly slipped out of her palm.

This guy……

She looked at Xia Shang with some fear, her expression extremely ugly.

"With your strength, there is no need to hide it. Even if you can't defeat the people of the motherland, it should be easy for you to protect yourself." Maeve really couldn't guess Jervis's purpose of hiding his strength. Based on the attack just now, It is enough to show that Jervis's strength is definitely not weaker than her, no wonder he can kill the pure white witch easily.

"This is not something you need to think about. Remember, watch your mouth."

An invisible force pushed Maeve out of the room.

Maeve stood in front of the door of Xia Shang's office, with a trace of worry in her eyes. After much hesitation, she decided to turn around and leave.

"It seems that he is not sure about dealing with the people of the motherland, so he chooses to hide his identity." Maeve has not wanted to kill the people of the motherland for a day or two. In her opinion, she can only kill the people of the motherland if they die. Be truly free.

Rather than being firmly controlled by the people of the motherland like now, but now, as another layer of Jervis's identity surfaced, she was a little worried whether the other party would control her like the people of the motherland. After all, She really couldn't see through Jervis. This guy seemed to be shrouded in a mysterious fog, and she couldn't guess what he was thinking.


In the blink of an eye, the morning came two days later.

Motherland and Storm were walking on the streets of Manhattan, attracting passers-by to stop and look at them. Obviously, with their popularity, they have basically become household names in the United States. From time to time, fans would run up to them and ask for photos.

"People of the motherland, I am your loyal fan, can you take a photo with us?" A group of young people who looked like high school students excitedly ran in front of the people of the motherland, hoping to take a picture with the people of the motherland.

"Of course, I usually don't refuse fans' requests." The motherland man smiled brightly like the sun, stood behind the high school students, and gave a thumbs up.

After they walked away, Storm Girl smiled and said, "It seems you are still so popular."

"Who makes me a native of the motherland." It can be seen that the people of the motherland are in a good mood. Seeing this, Storm Girl secretly breathed a sigh of relief. After all, the performance of the people of the motherland in the past few days really made her a little worried. Xingguang serves as the captain. The incident was a big blow to the people of the motherland, causing him to look gloomy for several days, and he lost his previous confidence and calmness. Fortunately, the current situation has improved.

"Isn't there any movement on Maeve's side?" the native asked smoothly.

"Give her a little more time. After all, she is a superhero. It will not do her any good if this matter comes out." Storm Girl said.

"By the way, why don't you plan to visit Ryan today?"

During these days of interacting with the people of the motherland, Storm Girl discovered that the people of the motherland still cared about his son. Basically, she rushed to Walter's base whenever she had time, and stayed there all morning or all afternoon.

"Lian basically never leaves his mother. If he knows the true cause of Bejia's death, I'm worried that the relationship between us will completely break down." Mentioning Ryan, the people of the motherland frowned.

"Don't worry too much. Starlight and the others are also responsible for Bejia's death. They can't blame you entirely. If Starlight hadn't hit you, Bejia wouldn't have been hit by the laser. So the person who killed Bejia was actually Starlight and Billy have nothing to do with you," Storm Girl comforted.

"I wish he could believe it."

at the same time.

The Chaoying Conference Room in the Watt Building.

Edgar is standing in front of the superheroes, announcing that Starlight has become the new co-captain of the Seven.

In response, the people of the motherland looked solemn and said nothing.

"I know this news may be a bit sudden, but Walter has always relied on popularity. The higher the popularity, the greater the benefits it can create for Walter. The reason why I made this decision is to tell you that there is no Who is irreplaceable..." In the middle of his words, Edgar suddenly paused and looked at the empty seat. He turned to Ashley and said, "Where is Storm? Didn't you inform her of the meeting today?"

Ashley, who was behind Edgar, explained: "When I went to look for her before, I found that she was not in the room. Then I called her, but she also hung up."

"Where's Jervis? Why didn't he come?"

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