"Mr. Jervis should be on the plane to California now. There is a studio there that wants to discuss cooperation with Walt." Ashley said, holding the briefcase.

"In this case, there is no need for us to wait for him. He is not the protagonist today anyway." Edgar looked at the starlight on his right and smiled: "Look at this dazzling girl. It's hard to imagine that she It actually broke Watt's all-time record and achieved a good score of ninety-six points in the opinion polls. This score has surpassed everyone present, of course, including the people of the motherland."

Facing Edgar's gaze, the motherland man had a sullen face and suppressed the anger in his heart.

"As we all know, the Ryan incident a year ago caused the Compound No. 5 bill that was about to be passed to be directly rejected by the House of Representatives. It also stained Walter's reputation. Out of consideration for the company's image, after some careful consideration Later, the board of directors finally decided to let Starlight serve as the co-captain of the Super Seven... Do you have any different opinions on this?" Edgar glanced at the natives aside.

Due to his gentlemanly demeanor to the outside world, the native had no choice but to use a fake smile to cover up the anger in his heart, "No objection, this is a good choice, very good, and I also look forward to Starlight becoming the next captain."

After seeing the false smile on the face of the motherland, Deep Sea shook his head imperceptibly. He could guarantee that Starlight would be in big trouble next.

at the same time.

Storm and Motherland walked into a restaurant and each ordered a steak.

"What would you like to drink?" the waiter said holding the menu.

"Two Cokes, thank you." Storm Girl smiled at the waiter.

"I won't drink Coke, I'll drink iced tea instead."

"Okay, Mr. Motherland, please wait a moment." After the waiter took note of the dishes, he turned and left.

In fact, tea is also a best-selling drink in the United States, but unlike China and France, which like to drink hot tea, cold drinks are more popular in the United States, that is, adding ice cubes to black tea, and most of the time, cut lemon slices are added. And a little honey.

"I remember you said last time that you wanted Edgar to be disgraced and get out of Walter. What are you going to do?" Storm asked.

People from the motherland want to fall out with Edgar?

Xia Shang, who pretended to be a native of his motherland, was a little surprised, but then he thought of the plot in the original work.

He had a cold face and said in a low voice: "I have been in Walter for so long, and I know all the dirty things he has done. Even if he lets out one casually, it will be enough to ruin his reputation."

"So you want to expose Edgar publicly?" Storm Girl frowned.

"Isn't it a bit too risky to do this? What if he doesn't admit it then? He might even throw dirty water on you, which is very likely to cause both of you to lose." The storm girl did not agree with the motherland. The approach, "In my opinion, it is better to find an opportunity to cause an accident. After all, he is just an ordinary person, and a car accident may cost him his life."

"Good idea, but how are you sure he is not the mysterious man that night?" Xia Shang smiled.

"I've tried it. He can't even withstand a weak electric current. How could he be a mysterious person?"

Storm Girl still vaguely remembered Edgar's initial reaction. He stood up from the chair, as if it was a conditioned reflex, and he couldn't pretend at all.

"If you say so, besides Edgar, the only one who is most likely to be the mysterious person is Jervis." Xia Shang said calmly.

"Do you remember a guy named Metzmer?"

Storm Girl picked up the Coke that the waiter put in front of her. After seeing the motherland shake her head, she continued: "His super power is that he can see the pictures in other people's minds by touching them. He was once a superhuman under Walter's banner. , and then was abandoned by Walter in a financial accident. I discovered that he joined Walter again incognito and had plastic surgery, but these are not the point.

The point is, all of this was arranged by Jervis. Out of curiosity, I found him. He was a bit tough at first, but it wasn’t until I used his daughter as a threat that he told the truth about what had happened. Speak up.

It turned out that it was Jervis who took the initiative to find him at the beginning. According to what he said, only the parties involved knew about the photos he took, that is, Billy's group. But later he recalled that when he was doing things for Billy , there was a stranger in the house, and after seeing the photo of the mysterious man, he immediately confirmed that the person he saw was the mysterious man. "

Over the past six months, Storm Girl has been secretly investigating Jervis, but she didn't expect that she would actually find a clue.

"So I am absolutely sure that Jervis...is the mysterious man."

After listening to Storm Girl's analysis, the people from the motherland sitting opposite her couldn't help but applaud.

"If you didn't tell me, I almost forgot that there was someone like Metzmer."

The indifferent expression of the motherland made Storm Girl a little surprised: "Don't you find it surprising? A guy with unknown origins has been lurking in Walter for so long. It seems that his purpose is to become a member of the Walter Group president."

"Accident? I was indeed a little surprised. I didn't expect you to find out about Metzmer's flaw. Maybe I should have killed him directly. After all, only the dead can keep their mouths shut. However, it doesn't matter now. You are not the first to find out about Jay. Elvis’ true identity.”

The native smiled.

"Who else?" Storm Girl stared at the native in front of her. No, to be precise, it should be Jervis.

When I thought that I had been with this person for a whole morning and didn't notice anything wrong, I couldn't help but feel chilly and creepy!

"Dead people don't need to know that."

The people of the motherland showed a sunny smile, but this smile looked particularly scary in the eyes of Storm Girl!

Almost instantly.

Storm Girl threw two lavender lightning bolts towards Xia Shang!


Amidst the exclamations of the diners in the restaurant, the huge impact caused Xia Shang to fly backwards and smashed several tables one after another.

Storm Girl had no intention of pursuing the victory, but instead smashed the glass beside her with her elbow and flew high into the sky.

She knew very well the strength of the mysterious man. Unless he joined forces with the people of the motherland, there was no chance of winning.

"Want to escape?" Xia Shang stood up calmly, then stepped hard to the ground, followed by a loud noise! His whole body rushed out like a cannonball.

In the blink of an eye, he arrived behind Storm Girl.

Supersonic flight and the power of telekinesis combined with each other. At this time, his speed had surpassed that of Storm Girl.

"I knew you would choose to run away. If you didn't run away, I really don't know how to kill you with a blue laser in public."

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