Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 248 Uproar! Death of Storm Girl!

"Shet!" Seeing that Jervis was about to catch up with her, Storm Girl couldn't help but cursed angrily.

"I don't seem to have offended you. Is this necessary? Why don't we sit down and have a good chat."

The scene now was very similar to when she was being hunted a year ago, but there were people from her motherland who rescued her at that time, but now she couldn't find time to contact her people from her motherland, so she had to try to delay time while flying towards Walter's headquarters. .

"Really? I seem to remember that someone once called me a yellow-skinned monkey." Several tentacles of flesh and blood instantly appeared from Xia Shang's back, and they stabbed at Storm Girl like sharp arrows.

"Damn it! It's this kind of ghost thing again!" After the experience last time, Storm Girl immediately manipulated lightning and arranged a grid around her body. Once the invisible tentacles touched the grid, Storm Girl could adjust her body in time. Bit.

The two of them were moving at high speed in the sky.

At their speed, ordinary people can't catch it with their naked eyes. They can only see two flashing black spots at most.

Since it was noon, under the blazing sunshine, the lightning summoned by Storm Girl was simply inconspicuous.

"Did I say something wrong? You are just a monkey with super powers." Since Jervis didn't want to let her go, Storm Girl simply cursed.

In response, Xia Shang did not respond, but raised his head slightly.

I saw that his eyes turned into a deep purple, and the next second, two extremely rich purple lights suddenly shot out! Sensing the fatal danger, Storm Girl flew upwards urgently. Unfortunately, her reaction speed was still slightly slower than the speed of light!

laugh! !

The deep purple laser directly cut off her ankle, and the high temperature contained in it also helped Storm Girl stop the bleeding.

The severe pain made Storm Girl almost faint, but she understood that once she slowed down a little, death would be the only thing that greeted her!

"I didn't expect your desire to survive to be quite strong." How could Xia Shang let her go?

At this time, he had already exerted his telekinesis power to the extreme. In an instant, it seemed as if there was an invisible force pushing him to fly.

At the same time, his body also began to twist and swell, and three engine roars sounded in his body. His originally upright face gradually cracked like a spider web, and every scarlet crack in it seemed to be flowing with extremely high-temperature molten metal. Pulp.

in a blink.

He appeared next to Storm Girl and turned to look at Storm Girl.

"Stop struggling, go to hell." Xia Shang faced the face of his motherland, grinned ferociously, stretched out his left hand, grabbed Storm Girl's right shoulder, and tore it apart!

A handful of blood instantly spilled into the air, and together with the torn arm, it fell downwards!

"You should be lucky that I killed you."

You must know that in the original work, Storm Girl was besieged by Maeve and the others, and then her legs were cut off by the son of the motherland, Ryan, with a laser eye. Finally, she lay on the hospital bed and bit her tongue to commit suicide in despair.

Xia Shang almost wanted to laugh when he thought of the fight scene between their women. It was almost the same as a fight between street gangsters.

"Go to hell." Xia Shang suddenly opened three eyes on both sides of his face, and in an instant, eight lasers shot out at the same time!

Storm Girl was just rubbed by two of them, and lost her right leg in unparalleled pain. At this time, her consciousness was hazy. If it weren't for the belief in her heart that supported her, she would have gone to see the motherland for the last time. On the one hand, I'm afraid she would have passed out long ago.

"I've got you." Xia Shang's right arm turned into an invisible tentacle at some point and wrapped around Storm Girl's waist.

"By doing this, do you want the people to think that it was the people of the motherland who killed me?"

Storm Girl, who was picked up by Xia Shang's tentacles, forced her eyelids to open and spoke in a weak voice.

"Congratulations on your guess."

Xia Shang pulled her in front of him and grabbed her head with his hands.

"Look me in the eye and let me end your life."

Two laser beams instantly burned through Storm Girl's eyes, and a few seconds later, the laser penetrated her skull and shot toward the sky behind her.

[Congratulations to the player for killing the main character of the original work and gaining 1,500 fantasy points]

[The current fantasy value is: 9520]

Looking at Storm Girl's hand that had completely lost all vitality, Xia Shang's expression gradually became calm. He slowly released his palm and let Storm Girl's body fall from the sky.

About less than half a minute.

A heavy object suddenly smashed a big crater into the ground. Although Storm Girl died, her physical strength did not change.

Just like an invisible person after death, he still maintains the original physical strength of his life.

At this time, a group of black people were engaged in a zero-dollar shopping activity. Just as they were enjoying their "purchasing", a loud noise came from outside the door, which startled them.

They thought someone was shooting.

Subconsciously, he squatted on the ground with his head in his hands.

"Why haven't the police come yet?" After waiting for about ten seconds, they were not handcuffed as they expected, so they braved it and moved towards the direction of the sound. After they walked out of the store, Then he saw the body of Storm Girl on the roadside.

"Honest Crab! Don't tell me that the sound just now came from this thing." One of the black men swallowed his saliva and came to the body of Storm Girl.

Although Storm Girl's body was now covered in blood and flesh, the battle uniform she wore looked extremely familiar to the black people.

When he remembered who it was.

As if he had seen a ghost, he stumbled back a few steps, then sat down on the ground, saying in a trembling voice: "Guys, I must be crazy."

"As for that? It's just a woman's corpse, it's not that unusual."

The black people who were his accomplices couldn't help laughing after seeing his appearance.

"That's right, Weeks, you are too timid. No wonder you don't gain as much as me every time."

"Look at her clothes." Weeks was so frightened that his legs kept shaking.

"Clothes?" Weeks's companion walked towards Storm Girl's body. When he saw the miserable state of the body, he couldn't help but frown. "Which pervert did this? It's so crazy."

"Clothes...clothes...wind...storm!" One of them sat on the ground with his legs weak, pointing his finger at the corpse in front of him.

"What the hell storm."

The leader of the black men suddenly reacted. He opened his eyes wide and stuttered: "You...don't tell me that this body is...Water's superhero, Storm Girl in the Seven."

Soon, as the siren sounded, a large number of police officers got out of the car, pulled the cordon, and blocked the scene.

The black people who had made zero-dollar purchases were all taken to the police station for questioning.

For a time, Storm Girl's death caused an uproar!

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