Three hours later, in the interrogation room of the New York Police Department.

Director John looked at the autopsy report in his hand and felt a headache. At this time, the police station was surrounded by reporters with long guns and short cannons. They were all eager to know about the corpse. If the deceased was really a super star under Walter's Hero Storm, there is no doubt that this will be breaking news.

"Director, Ms. Mallory from the CIA wants to see you." A young police officer opened the door and said to John.

"Okay, I'll be there right away." John glanced at the black man who was being interrogated, coughed, and said, "It seems that they know very little about Storm Girl's death. There is no need to continue questioning. Going down is just a waste of time.”

He sorted out the information in his hand and then followed the young police officer out of the interrogation room.

Soon, under the leadership of the police, he saw Mallory wearing a brown windbreaker and holding a handbag.

"Welcome to Ms. Mallory for guidance. I haven't seen you for half a year and you still look so radiant." John smiled and shook hands with Mallory.

Although the CIA and the New York Police Department are essentially affiliated with the U.S. government, one is an independent intelligence agency and the other is a department composed of the New York City Government. There is no overlap between the two. In other words, the CIA has no right to interfere with the New York Police Department. In fact, situations like this are very common in the United States.

This also explains why, after Billy was discovered by the New York Police Department after stealing the yacht, he asked Mallory for help but was rejected.

"Thank you." Mallory smiled slightly. After some small talk, her expression suddenly became serious, "Let's get down to business, you should know why I came to you."


John handed over the information in his hand with a wry smile, "According to the autopsy report, it has been determined that the identity of the deceased is indeed Storm Girl, a superhero under the Vought Group. She had multiple wounds on her body, and her right leg was almost cut off at the roots. The wound on her right arm was tear-like, but this was not the cause of her death."

John raised his hand and pointed at his eyes.

"Her eyes were burned with some high-temperature substance, and her brain was burnt to coke. At the same time, we also found two holes in the back of her head. This should be the real cause of her death."

"A very familiar attack method." Mallory looked through the information in his hand, which included several high-definition pictures of the wounds on Storm Girl's body. "You should have guessed the identity of the murderer."

The bitterness on John's face became even worse.

"I think this matter should be handed over to the Superhuman Office." Why didn't he recognize the burn marks left by the laser? To be honest, the only people who have this strength and use this method to kill Storm Girl are the National People's Congress. A hero, a native of the country can do it, but he is quite afraid of the Walter Group. This case is a hot potato in his hands. John is eager to leave this case to others.

Right now.

Two police officers brought a white boy to John.

"Director, this guy said that he saw with his own eyes that Patriot and Storm had a fight in a restaurant, and they flew out of the restaurant one after the other."

"Does anyone else know this news?" John said with a solemn expression.

One of the police officers nodded, "There were many witnesses at the time, and the roadside surveillance also confirmed this."

"I understand, take him to the interrogation room first."

John then looked at Mallory.

"Do you think I should summon the people of my country?"

"Leave this case to us."

Hearing that Mallory wanted to take over this hot potato, John's face suddenly showed a smile, "Yes, the CIA has more experience than us in dealing with superhuman crimes."


When Xia Shang returned to the Watt Building, he saw that most of the staff inside were whispering. With his hearing, he could easily hear the content of their chat.

"I really didn't expect that the people of the motherland would kill Storm Girl. They usually seem to have a good relationship. How could something like this happen suddenly?"

"I guess the relationship may have broken down, so the angry people from the motherland impulsively killed Storm Girl. To be honest, things like this are really common. The next door neighbor of one of my uncle's friends..."

Obviously, while they were chatting, the topic naturally went off the rails.

"Oh, my God, Mr. Jervis, you are finally back. President Edgar is looking for you." After seeing Xia Shang, Ashley immediately ran to him with an anxious expression.

"It seems that something happened during my absence that I don't know about." Xia Shang frowned slightly.

"Mr. Edgar is waiting for you in the conference room. I'll explain it to you as I walk."

It can also be seen from Ashley's expression that this matter is urgent and she is now in a state of chaos.

"Just now, many authoritative media reported the death of Storm Girl, and pointed out that the person who killed Storm Girl was none other than a person from the motherland. At the time of the incident, many witnesses saw it with their own eyes. Storm Girl was the first to attack. People of the motherland, and then the two of them flew into the sky together and disappeared without a trace." In the elevator, Ashley said after finishing her speech.

"The people of the motherland would actually do such a thing. No wonder I just saw a lot of people talking to each other." Xia Shang was slightly surprised.

"But in fact, when the incident occurred, the people of the motherland did not leave the Watt Building. I am sure of this, because President Edgar, Maeve and I were all in the Chaoying conference room. How could he It is completely unreasonable for someone to suddenly appear in other places and kill Storm Girl." At first, when Ashley heard the news, she thought it was a rumor spread by others, until she turned on her phone and saw the overwhelming News coverage.

Although she still thought that this might be just an accident, until she saw a surveillance video, in which the motherland and Storm Girl walked into a restaurant together, and half an hour later, Storm Girl, who looked horrified, crashed directly into the restaurant. off the glass and disappeared from the surveillance screen.

"I seem to understand what you want to express. You want to say that the person who killed Storm Girl was not a native of the motherland, but someone else, and that guy could disguise himself as a native of the motherland."

"That's right."

Wow, the elevator stopped, and Xia Shang walked out of the elevator with steady steps.

"In this case, it should be easy to solve. As long as we produce evidence to prove that the people of the motherland did not leave the Water Building when the crime occurred."

"It's not that simple." Ashley pushed open the door to the conference room for Xia Shang.

At this time, in the conference room, the heads of Walter's public relations department, publicity department, legal department and other departments were sitting.

And Edgar sat at the top as always.

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