Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 250 Blame! Evidence that cannot be washed away!

"Jervis..." Edgar raised his head and stared at him for a while, and then said in a cold tone: "Sit down wherever you want. Ashley must have told you the specific details."

Wait for Xia Shang to sit down.

Edgar spoke again: "The fermentation speed of this matter is beyond our imagination. Currently, Walt is under unimaginable pressure from public opinion. Whether it is the public, the New York Police Department, or even the Superhuman Office, everyone wants to Let us give an explanation as soon as possible. If it cannot be dealt with in time, the reputation of Walt and the superheroes will be severely damaged. I don’t want to repeat the seriousness of this matter again.

Moreover, judging from the current situation, it is basically impossible to rely on external forces to suppress public opinion. "

"Mr. Edgar, I heard that the people from the motherland did not leave the Water Building when the incident happened. Many employees can prove this. Does this mean that someone pretended to be a person from the motherland and killed Storm Girl? The purpose is to put the blame on the people of the motherland," said the head of the Propaganda Department.

"But the people won't believe it. They will only think that Walter is covering up the truth and trying to clear away the crimes of the motherland." Xia Shang shook his head.

At this point, no one will believe Walter's defense and the so-called evidence.

"Then we can't let public opinion develop like this. At least the appearance of another person can distract their attention." The head of the Propaganda Department said solemnly.

"Mr. Edgar, I think you need to see this."

Ashley took her mobile phone and walked into the conference room again, and came to Edgar's side, saying anxiously.

Looking at the photo on the phone screen, Edgar's face became even more ugly, "Put this photo on the display screen."


Soon, everyone's attention was attracted by the pictures that appeared on the display screen.

"This..." After seeing the tragic state of the corpse, the head of the Propaganda Department almost vomited on the spot. His face suddenly turned pale. After all, the impact of the photo in front of him was too great.

The reactions of several other ministers were similar to his.

They, who were usually so pampered, had never seen such a bloody scene.

On the contrary, Xia Shang and Edgar, who remained calm-faced, became the outliers among them.

"Who sent this?" Edgar asked.

"I don't know. It's an unregistered account, and these photos haven't been banned. It's very strange." Ashley clicked on the poster's information and replied.

"The wounds on the corpse are all burn marks left after being cut by laser. Currently, I am afraid that the only one who can do this is..."

Xia Shang did not say the name.

But everyone present already had the answer in their hearts.

At this moment, even Ashley wondered if there was something wrong with her memory. How could she see the injuries caused by Cyclops on Storm when the people of the motherland had clearly not left the Watt Building.

the other side.

Billy and the others also saw the news on TV.

"Gift crab?! The people of the motherland actually killed Storm Girl." While feeling emotional, Frankie couldn't help but smile with relief.

Only Billy stared at the people from his motherland on the TV. This thing was so incredible, so incredible that he couldn't understand it.

"Something's not right. Although the people of the motherland are not good people, he is not a fool either. How could he attack Storm Girl in public and even kill her." Billy felt that this matter was a bit strange, "Also, If I were a native of the motherland, I would never let Storm Girl’s body be discovered by others. This was obviously done deliberately.”

"You mean, someone pretended to be a native of the motherland and killed Storm Girl?" Huey frowned.

At this time, Kimiko smiled and made a few gestures to Frankie.

"Kimiko said that whoever kills Storm Girl will be her friend."

"I think Kimiko is right."

Huey couldn't agree more.

"I feel like this must be related to someone." Billy exhaled slowly.

"You mean the mysterious man?" Huey quickly guessed who Billy was referring to.

"I'm afraid this guy has several superpowers, or in other words, this guy can imitate other people's superpowers." Even after seeing the wounds on the corpse that only Cyclops could create, Billy still didn't think that the murderer was from his motherland.

"What on earth does he want to do?" Billy murmured.

"who cares."

Huey was still happy about Storm's death.

"Don't forget, our first priority now is to find Soldier Boy." Some time ago, Huey and the others had found other members of the Blood Debt Squad, Soldier Boy's ex-girlfriend Scarlet Witch, and follower Gunpowder. From their mouths, they obtained There were many useful clues, and we learned that the soldier boy did not die on the spot, but was captured by Russian special forces.

at the same time.

There was a dead silence in the conference room.

In front of these photos, their previous thoughts were shattered. It was obvious that with these photos, the motherland was blamed, even if they produced various evidences to prove that the motherland did not leave Wo when the incident occurred. Special Building will not help, no one will believe the evidence they give, even distraction can't do it.

"Actually, it's not impossible to whitewash the people of the motherland." Xia Shang said suddenly.

Although the photos sent by Mallory are equivalent to solid evidence, they are not without help.

"Tell me."

At this moment, the motherland man actually opened the door and walked into the conference room. He glanced around everyone's faces, and finally his eyes fell on Xia Shang's face.

Through radio induction, Xia Shang had long discovered that people from his motherland were eavesdropping outside the house.

"I hope everyone will take a look at this." Xia Shang took out the mobile phone he had prepared in advance and put it on the table in front of him.

"This is?"

The head of the Propaganda Department on the side couldn't help but pick up his phone curiously. When he saw the photo above, he subconsciously opened his mouth wide and his pupils trembled.

"Show me." The other ministers all showed shocked expressions after getting their phones one after another.

"How did you get this?"

The head of the Propaganda Department's voice trembled slightly.

"A few days ago, Maeve found me. She accidentally found these photos in Storm's bag. At first, she wanted to hide them, but after thinking about it, she finally found me and wanted me to give out a Opinions." Xia Shang smiled.

"I originally wanted to find a suitable time to submit these photos, but I never got the right opportunity, so I put them on hold. However, it is not too late to take them out now, and it can help the people of the motherland."

"What a coincidence."

Edgar looked at the photos of Storm Girl and the Naqu officers on his phone and said with a smile.

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