Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 251 Transfer away from Walter! Vice-President of Godokin University!

In the slightly empty conference room, Xia Shang looked particularly calm when facing Edgar's gaze.

He turned his head slightly to look at the people of the motherland and said with a smile: "It's a bit of a coincidence, but we have no choice, right?"

The motherland man looked at the mobile phone on the table with a cold face and said nothing.

In a daze, he seemed to see Storm Girl appearing in front of him, reaching out to caress his cheek, and whispered: "My dear, I have always loved you deeply, there is no doubt about it."

"I..." The motherland man was about to speak, but found that Storm Girl's facial features began to distort.

"Come into my arms, baby." Madeleine gently lifted her top. The maternal nature exuded from her body deeply attracted the people of her motherland.

The people of the motherland unconsciously took a few steps forward.

"People of the motherland! You hypocritical liar! The heinous executioner!"

"Citizen of the motherland! You don't deserve to be a superhero at all!"

"Get lost! People of the motherland!"


Countless noisy curses poured into his mind one after another, and the eyes of the motherland quietly glowed red.

"Baby, I'm really sorry about Ryan. I'm very sorry. I didn't mean to hide it from you." Madeline said apologetically.

"Come on, work harder, we will definitely be able to create a better race. This is your destiny, and it is also your mission."

Storm looked at the motherland with pleading eyes.

"Xie Te! You have been acting from the beginning to the end, using me as a tool. Damn your fate! Damn your deception!" the motherland roared angrily.

"People of the motherland!"

Edgar, who was sitting at the front, frowned and drank softly.

At this time, the people of the motherland who came back to their senses looked around blankly, and saw that the faces of the heads of the Propaganda Department and several other departments were full of fear and panic.

This was the first time they saw the people of the motherland who were on the verge of losing control. A sense of fear stemming from death itself firmly enveloped them, making it difficult for them to breathe.

"Sorry, I was a little distracted just now."

The red eyes of the motherland gradually returned to normal. He took a deep breath and sorted out the messy thoughts in his mind.

"Jervis is right, we have no choice."

"Okay, I will immediately send people to spread these photos as quickly as possible." The head of the Propaganda Department quickly agreed.


Xia Shang suddenly interrupted him.

"Don't worry, let the bullets fly for a while. After the people's anger has been mobilized, they will spread the matter on their own. When the impact is maximized, they will release the photos and let the people of the motherland have a good reputation. A two-level reversal, by then, the people of the motherland will not only not be crazy murderers, but will even be touted by them as the real anti-Nazi heroes of the United States." Xia Shang said with a smile.

"However, during this period, it is best for the people of the motherland not to pay attention to the rumors outside. Once an accident occurs, it may cause all the previous efforts to be wasted."

"Well said."

Taking off his glasses, Edgar and Xia Shang looked at each other.

"But I would like to add that Storm is Walt's superhero after all. For such a big scandal, someone must be responsible for it." Edgar's intention was very clear, he wanted to find someone to take the blame.

As soon as Edgar finished speaking, several department heads present lowered their heads almost in unison. Some looked at the pens in their hands, as if looking for patterns on them, and some picked up the pens and wrote crazily in the notebook. I don’t know what he is writing, and some people simply look at their pants, as if checking whether the zipper is unzipped.

After Edgar's eyes swept around everyone, they finally landed on Xia Shang.

"They are not strong enough to be responsible for this matter. It seems that this burden can only be left to you, Jervis." Edgar crossed his fingers on the table and leaned back slightly, "I understand. This decision is unfair, but I still hope you can consider the Vought Group. Maybe you need to leave Vought temporarily. I will arrange for you to serve as the vice president of Godokin University, which is the cradle of superheroes and Vought. The basis for survival.

When this matter is gradually forgotten, Walter welcomes you back again. By then, maybe I have retired, and I will hand over your information to the board of directors. You should understand what I mean. "


Several ministers raised their heads and looked at Edgar in disbelief.

Edgar's words were equivalent to directly appointing Jervis as the next president of Walter.

If you take the blame, you can become the CEO of Walter.

No matter how you look at it, this business is quite cost-effective. At this moment, their intestines are filled with regret. If they had known it earlier, they should have taken the initiative to take the blame, but now it is too late.

"Then I would like to congratulate Mr. Jervis in advance." The director of the Propaganda Department said sourly.

Compared with the envy on their faces, Xia Shang still looks calm and relaxed. He has long been immune to the big pie drawn by Edgar. Edgar's move is obviously to kick him out of Walter. , however, he is indeed somewhat interested in Godokin University. All the students there are superhumans, and perhaps they have the superpowers he wants.

Half a minute later, Xia Shang nodded as if he had finished thinking: "I agree with your arrangement."

Seeing this, Edgar showed a satisfied smile.

"I will arrange for you to go there as soon as possible. At that time, the president of Godokin University, Ms. Indira Shetty, will come to pick you up."

After the meeting, Edgar left Ashley alone. He was seen leaning on the back of his chair, closing his eyes and thinking for a while.

It wasn't until he had a cup of coffee that he slowly opened his eyes.

"Since Madeleine's death, I have handed over part of the business to you to manage, including Godokin University. It turns out that you are capable and loyal enough to Walter. I think it is time to adjust your position. ." From the beginning to the end, Edgar never trusted Xia Shang, and the business entrusted to him were only trivial matters.

"Mr. Edgar..."

Ashley covered her mouth in excitement, her mood at this moment was like winning the American Powerball jackpot.

"I'm sorry, I really don't know how to express my gratitude to you. I must swear to God that I will carry out all the instructions you give regardless of the cost."

"I have never doubted your loyalty to Walter, girl, this is the reward you deserve." Edgar smiled.

After Ashley walked out of the conference room, her brain was still dizzy, as if every step she took was stepping on cotton, giving her an extremely unreal feeling.

"Indira." Edgar stood in front of the giant floor-to-ceiling window, overlooking the buildings in the sun outside, while placing his mobile phone to his ear.

"I need you to help me with something."

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