Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 252 A scene from a horror movie

On the other side, after Xia Shang returned to the office, he began to investigate Godokin University, which is the first and only young superhuman college in the world.

The students inside are all superhumans. Their parents, like Starlight's mother, signed a contract with Walter when they were very young and injected them with Compound No. 5.

In Xia Shang's view, they were like the seeds planted by Walter, which successfully took root and sprouted more than ten or twenty years later.

After getting up and grabbing a cup of coffee, Xia Shang sat in front of the computer again. He put his hands on the keyboard, entered the keyword Godokin University into the search bar, and pressed the Enter key.

The first thing that catches the eye is the official website of Godokin University and its unique-looking school badge. The school badge is made of dark blue. At the bottom of the school badge, a small section of the earth is revealed, and above the earth, there is a There are two golden statues, a man and a woman, half-kneeling to the left and right respectively. One of them holds a torch and the other holds a sword. It is obvious that they each represent the motherland and Queen Maeve. Judging from their actions, They are supposed to be guarding the earth.

However, it seems to be a metaphor for something.

"Do you mean to say that they are above the earth?" Xia Shang chuckled.

He picked up the coffee on the table and took a sip, then clicked on the official website. It must be said that the layout inside was quite exquisite.

Among them, the personal profile of the female principal Indira Shetty was on the home page. He scrolled down and found some professors and some honorary students. However, Xia Shang saw a few familiar names in the column of honorary students. figure, a locomotive with a thumbs up, Queen Maeve holding a sword, and Deep Sea with a silly smile on her face.

They were all students at Godokin University, and with excellent results, they won the favor of Walter, and later joined the superhero team Seven.

This makes them the idols of almost all students.

But Xia Shang's focus was not on this. A special ranking mechanism on the page caught his attention.

This ranking mechanism covers all students at Gordokin University, including freshmen and seniors.

"First place, junior student, Luke Riverdam, nicknamed Golden Boy, has superhuman strength and ignites fire all over his body." Xia Shang clicked on Luke's profile picture, sipping coffee and sliding the mouse .

"It's a bit interesting, but I don't know how high the temperature is when it burns. If it can reach thousands of degrees, it might have some fusion value."

Then, Xia Shang looked at the second-ranked student.

Unexpectedly, the second-ranked student turned out to be Asian.

"Junior student Li Qiaodan, his superpower is...what?" Xia Shang paused slightly with his left hand holding the coffee, and said with some surprise: "He can switch between different genders freely, and he also has good strength and defense, and he can also release Release a plasma shock wave."

"This buff is stacked a bit too much." Xia Shang put down the coffee in his hand and touched his chin. It would be perfect if there was another person with gender cognitive disorder, an extreme animal protectionist and severe depression. It's a pity. He is an Asian. If he were a minority, he might be able to run for governor.

The third-ranked student is a black man...sophomore student, Andre Anderson. His father is a famous superhero under Walter's banner, Bipolar. Although he has not joined the Super Seven, he is currently the defender of a city. , whose reputation is second only to the Big Seven, and Andre actually inherited his father's superpower and can control metal, which made Xia Shang couldn't help but think of Magneto.

However, this guy's ability shouldn't be strong, otherwise he wouldn't be ranked third.

As for the students at the back, Xia Shang looked at them one by one, but they were mainly the top ten students.

One of the female students named Kate Dunlap, whose superpowers aroused Xia Shang's interest.

"Being able to control others by touching them with both hands seems a bit like a superpower on one side of the mind."

Xia Shang browsed the rankings carefully. To be honest, we can only know what their superpowers are after getting in touch with them.

Based on his understanding of Edgar, this guy definitely had no good intentions in arranging himself to go to Godokin University. Although he has not yet discovered that anyone's superpowers can threaten him, but sometimes it is like this. An oversight may lead to Arrogance and arrogance are not his character. If he misses any guy with incredible abilities, his situation will become quite dangerous, especially those with super powers on the side of the soul.

He didn't have very good precautions against this.

"It seems we have to make up for this shortcoming as soon as possible." Xia Shang frowned.

Whether it is the Marvel universe, the DC universe, or other worlds, there are countless big bosses who have overturned because of this. Think about it, even Magneto, who is as powerful as Magneto, cannot resist Professor X's mind control, let alone him. If he goes After going to the mutant universe and meeting Professor X, Xia Shang estimated that all his life experiences would be read by Professor

It can also gain some breathing space.

Not without any ability to resist.

Xia Shang tapped the table with the tip of his right index finger a few times. He suddenly thought of a suitable candidate, a former member of Blood Debt Blood Repayment and Soul Storm.

However, if you want to lure this person out, you must first find the soldier boy, because this guy disappeared after Blood Debt was disbanded. For a while, Xia Shang couldn't find him. He only knew that he was hiding in a As for his hiding place in the deep mountains and old forests, maybe the soldier boy knew it. Even if the soldier boy didn't know, it didn't matter. At worst, he would spend some energy and search for him all over the United States. As long as he was alive, there would be traces left.

Xia Shang suddenly stopped tapping.

All of a sudden!

His figure disappeared from the spot instantly, and when he reappeared, he already held several tubes of fruit-green potion in his hands.


"Awesome! Now the streets are full of marchers holding the flag of the Motherland, get out. It seems that their destination is the Water Building. I think the people of the Motherland must be in a bad mood at the moment." Hugh, who had just returned home from get off work. Yi, take off your suit jacket and hang it on the hanger.


When Huey got no response, he couldn't help but stretched his head and looked towards the living room.

"Aren't you at home today?"

But the sound that sounded immediately made him freeze on the spot.

"Long time no see..." Xia Shang, who was sitting on the sofa, slowly turned his head to look at Huey, and said with a slightly raised corner of his mouth: "Huey."

This scene is very much like a scene from a horror movie.

Huey suddenly felt horrified!

"I brought you some good things this time, do you want to try them?"

A bit of a headache...hissing headache

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