Xia Shang's voice was like a devil's whisper, full of temptation, as if he wanted to pull people into the abyss.

"I should have told you about Temporary No. 5 Compound before." After saying that, Xia Shang took out four fruit-green potions from his pocket and placed them on the coffee table.

"They allow you to have superpowers for a short period of time with no sequelae."

Huey's eyes were drawn by Xia Shang's every move. He looked at the temporary compound No. 5 on the table. After a moment of silence, his voice was slightly hoarse and he said: "Take these things away, I don't need them, picket." Neither does anyone else in there."

"Are you sure?" Xia Shang stared into Huey's eyes, with a vague smile on his face.

There was obviously a trace of struggle in Huey's eyes, but he was even more convinced that the pie would not fall from the sky for no reason. Even if the pie fell, it might contain poison.

Besides, he really didn't want to have too much interaction with the guy in front of him.

An aura of danger oozed from every pore on the other party's body.

"Did you know? Someone once said that the eyes are the windows to the soul, and in your eyes, I see the desire for superpowers. If so, why resist them?" Seeing that Huey was unmoved, Xia Shang continued with a smile: "Superpower itself is not evil, its properties only depend on its user, just like the pistol you hide on the sofa.

You can use it to rob or even kill, but you can also use it to prevent some crimes from happening. The same is true for superpowers. Whether it is good or evil only depends on the person who uses it. "

As Xia Shang's words fell, the struggle on Huey's face became more obvious. He had to admit that the mysterious man was right. Having superpowers was not a bad thing. Compared with judging all superpowers as evil people, Unlike Lee, Huey is not resistant to superpowers under the influence of starlight, nor does he think superpowers can affect his mind. As long as his heart is strong enough, he will be able to control and use superpowers correctly.

"Mysterious man, what is the price of power?"

Huey asked in a deep voice at this time.

Seeing Huey who was no longer wavering, Xia Shang smiled.

In fact, the essence of superpowers is evil, especially for ordinary people.

Just like a pistol, ordinary people can remain calm and rational before they own it, but after they own it, in most cases, they will have difficulty controlling their inner impulses.

When a person has power, the evil in his heart will be quickly amplified.

Unless he has extremely strong self-control!

"I want to participate in your operation and go to Russia with you." Xia Shang's idea is very simple. He wants to analyze and integrate the soldier boy's superpowers while he is still awake.

In fact, compared to the people of the motherland, the soldier boy is the only one who can threaten him.

Soldier Boy's superpower is very special. He can make other superpowers lose their superpowers, including Xia Shang.

Xia Shang guessed that if he was hit by Soldier Boy's chest cannon, he would lose most of his current abilities, including his super skin and super physique.

Of course, this is not surprising. After losing his superpowers, he will become an ordinary person. In fact, even if he does not have superpowers, his strength is not inferior to any superhero. Even when facing the people of his motherland, he still If you have the strength to fight, although the possibility of victory is slim, self-protection should not be a problem.

"How much do you know about Soldier Boy? Why do you want to find him?" Huey asked.

"Go and inform Billy and the others. I'll put the potion here. Whether you use it or not is completely up to you. However, what I must say is..."

Xia Shang stood up and came to Huey.

His eyes instantly became particularly cold.

"This is not asking for your opinion, but informing you that if you dare to act without authorization, I guarantee that you and your father will become a pile of meat."

Before leaving, Xia Shang patted Huey on the shoulder.


After the door is closed.

A sharp pain suddenly shot out from Huey's shoulder. He turned his head and looked towards his shoulder, only to see a fleshy tentacle similar to a plant branch, drilling out of his skin and shaking his body in the air.

"Shet!" Huey looked ugly and wanted to pull out the tentacle.

But in the next second, under his horrified gaze, the tentacle penetrated his shoulder.

Tear! Huey quickly tore off his clothes. What made him feel chilled was that the disgusting thing seemed to be alive and swimming under his skin. It seemed that it might get into his heart at any time and end his life. .

"Shet! Shet! Shet!" Huey cursed three times in succession.

He hurried to the kitchen, picked up a fruit knife, and pointed the tip of the knife at his shoulder.

Half a minute later, he let go of his hand with a dejected look on his face. He didn't have the courage to use the tip of the knife to peel off his skin and flesh and dig out the thing.

"Power?" This feeling of life being taken hostage made Huey extremely thirsty for power at this moment.

He couldn't help but look at the several fruit-green potions on the table, and walked towards the coffee table like a ghost.

"It's so cold." Huey subconsciously whispered after holding the bottle.

However, at this moment, he heard the sound of the door opening.

"Huey, I forgot to tell you that I have to be interviewed by the American superhero column team today, so I'm coming back a little late, but I have to say that Courteney Fortney is indeed as good as the rumors say. An absolute bitch, this bitch actually asked me about my life during the interview, I swear to God, I really wanted to kill her."

Starlight complained as she walked towards the toilet. When she came out, she changed into regular clothes.

Only then did she realize something was wrong with Huey.

She frowned and said, "Your expression seems to say that you were fired. What happened?"

"Wait, where did you get this thing?" Sharp-eyed Starlight immediately noticed the temporary No. 5 compound on the table. They also had labels indicating that they came from Walter's laboratory.

"The mysterious man just arrived."

Huey leaned back tiredly on the couch.

"Mystery man?!"

Starlight immediately became nervous.

"You mean he gave you this thing?" She picked up the green potion on the table, "Does he want you to inject it?"

"More or less." Huey sighed, he had no choice now.

He bent down and looked at the temporary compound No. 5 in front of him and murmured to himself: "Do you think these things will give me unique powers?

"These things will only bring you bad luck!"

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