
The next development was just as Xia Shang expected.

As the death of Storm Girl further fermented, there was a wave of denunciation of the motherland both on the Internet and in reality.

"These days are really not what people live." The motherland man stood in front of the window of Xia Shang's office, with his hands behind his back, looking down at the crowd of demonstrators gathered under the Watt Building, and couldn't help complaining.

Since the resignation process has not yet been completed, Xia Shang is still the vice president of Watt Group for the time being.

However, I don't know who leaked the news. When Xia Shang walked into the Watt Building today, the attitude of the people around him had obviously changed dramatically. On the other hand, Ashley's place was very lively.

"Be patient for a little longer." After Xia Shang finished speaking, he closed his eyes.

He has recently been researching Blazing Wings. This superpower he obtained from Sweet Home and has used it several times before, but Xia Shang believes that the potential of this ability should be more than that.

When he was fusing his abilities, he discovered that only the cells in his left arm had mutated. In other words, only his left arm could transform into a blazing wing with extremely high temperatures. He once conducted an experiment with his home refrigerator and found that it could endure high temperatures. The steel in front of him quickly turned into a pool of molten iron. Facts have proved that the temperature contained in the Blazing Wings is at least two to three thousand degrees, enough to turn an ordinary person into coke in an instant.

Even other parts of himself were unable to resist the attack of the Blazing Wings.

However, after integrating the transformation, transfer and ultimate control of the parasitic beast, as well as the flawless recovery of flesh and blood, Xia Shang understood his own cells more thoroughly than before, especially Gotou's ultimate control, which made him like watching patterns on the palm of his hand. Normally, he could freely control every cell in the body, so he began to try to use mutated cells to replace those that had not undergone mutation. After several attempts, he came to a conclusion.

First of all, his idea is correct. Even mutated cells can still differentiate. Although the differentiation of cells is theoretically irreversible, because it integrates a variety of self-healing abilities, regular human cells cannot follow his cells for comparison.

After all, no ordinary person can be like him. Even if his body is blown to pieces, as long as a small piece of flesh and blood remains, he can still come back from the dead.

So Xia Shang planned to imitate the Ship of Theseus and use mutated cells to replace those cells that had not undergone mutation. This process was not as smooth sailing as he imagined, because he found that those mutated cells, even if they divide and differentiate, can only have a very small number of cells. A small number can inherit the characteristics of mutations, and the vast majority are ordinary cells, and some cells even have genetic mutations, which are so-called cancer cells.

These cells were like outsiders in his body. While not obeying his control, they also massacred and devoured other cells.

If this were an ordinary person, he would probably have killed himself long ago.

After all, even his cells are limited by the number of divisions. Although this number is far higher than that of ordinary people, you must know that cells that can inherit mutated characteristics must divide at least hundreds of times before they appear. Therefore, even though Xia Shang wants to He had to replace cells all over his body as quickly as possible, and also had to eliminate some cancer cells from time to time, which greatly slowed down his progress.

Xia Shang lowered his right arm and pointed his fingertips at the trash can.

Once the cells abandoned by him are separated from his body, they will turn into gray-white dust and completely lose their activity.

The nutrients they originally possessed would return to Xia Shang's body and be used by him to make new cells.

"Seventy-two percent...seventy-five percent."

Xia Shang closed his eyes tightly and silently observed the degree of mutation in the cells in his body.

"Is this a side effect of your superpower?" After looking at it for a while and feeling bored, the Chinese turned their heads and glanced at Xia Shang. To be precise, it should be the trash can next to Xia Shang's office chair.

In less than half an hour, the originally empty trash can was actually filled with dust, and this was the result of Xia Shang's repeated compaction with his mind power.

"You can understand that."

Xia Shang slowly opened his eyes.

At this moment, the head of the Propaganda Department opened the door and walked to Xia Shang with an excited look on his face.

“It’s hard to imagine that those few photos could instantly change the reputation of the motherland. Just now, the support rate of the motherland originally dropped by 15 percentage points. But once the photos were released, not only was the decline stopped, but it was even It continues to rise, and it is estimated that it will not take long for the popularity of the motherland to be reversed. You guessed it right, it is like a spring. After being compressed to the extreme, it will rebound rapidly."

The head of the Propaganda Department couldn't help but sigh.

"Now they should know who the real hero is." Xia Shang stood up, walked to the people of his motherland, and said with a smile.

“Sometimes the truth doesn’t matter, what matters is the outcome.”

Seeing the crowd gathered under the Watt Building scattering like birds and beasts, the people of the motherland were not happy.

"Storm is dead."

He turned to look at Xia Shang.

"Do you care about her? You know, after this incident, your popularity will skyrocket. You can easily surpass Starlight and be sought after by thousands of people again. Compared with these, is Storm Girl important?" Xia Shang He said in a calm tone.

The man from the motherland smiled, and his smile was particularly bright, but the corners of his eyes did not change at all.

"You helped me again this time, should I say thank you?"

"No need to thank you." Xia Shang returned to his seat, and after the director of the Propaganda Department left, he continued: "I helped you contact the American superhero column team, they should be here now."

Half an hour later.

In Walter's recording studio, Courteney was putting on makeup. When she saw the people from her motherland walking towards her, she immediately stood up and greeted the people from her motherland with a smile on her face.

"Oh, look who's here, our superhero." Courteney has black hair and looks in line with American aesthetics. She's just a little older. When she smiles, you can see subtle crow's feet at the corners of her eyes. It can be seen that she is very concerned about her own care, and it is not an exaggeration to describe her as still charming.

"Kourtney, long time no see." The native smiled and shook hands with the other party.

However, she soon saw Xia Shang behind the motherland.

"Mr. Jervis, I have admired your name for a long time, but it's a pity that I have never had the opportunity to meet you before. Now it's good that my wish has been granted."

Courteney is a senior producer at Walt and has several superhero shows under her belt.

"Ms. Courteney, I have always been a fan of yours. I never miss an episode of 'Citizen Starlight' and 'American Superheroes' that you hosted."

Both of them had commercial smiles on their faces.

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