Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 255 Famous scene! Crescent moon clashes in the sky!

"Thank you, Mr. Jervis, would you like to be our special guest this time?" Courteney quietly cast a wink at Xia Shang.

She knew very well that the other party's words were just polite. How could such a big shot be her fan.

However, she was happy to have some relationship with the big man in front of her.

"No, I don't want to steal the spotlight from my motherland." Xia Shang smiled and declined.

He has no interest in women like Courteney. To put it bluntly, who knows how many people have had her arm rested on her, and it is estimated that at least one of them must have had her bottomed.

"Really? That's such a pity. Your appearance will definitely increase the ratings of our show." Courteney was not angry at being rejected, and still said with a smile.

"Next time, we'll work together again next time." Xia Shang looked around and found a chair to sit down at random.

"Looks like you've all set it up, let's start the interview."

Xia Shang lowered his head and glanced at the watch on his wrist. Unknowingly, the time had reached seven o'clock in the afternoon. It was estimated that it would be dark after the interview was over.

"OK, all departments are ready."

Courteney turned around and ordered the staff around her to prepare for filming.

Snapped! As the fill lights on both sides came on, the camera staff quickly focused the camera on the two people on the round platform.

"It's an honor for people from the motherland to come to our show..."

After the opening remarks, we entered into the exciting question and answer session.

Courteney, who was sitting opposite the motherland, elegantly put her right leg on her left leg and asked first: "Motherland, you have been a hot topic among people recently. It is said that many people regard you as a murderer without blinking an eye. They cannot understand why you would kill your colleagues. Do you have anything to say about this?"

Facing the interview, the motherland man smiled, "In fact, time will give the answer. I believe that many people have been disturbed by online public opinion, causing them to lose the judgment they should have."

Courteney nodded with deep understanding.

"Yes, when I saw the news, my first reaction was that it was impossible. How could the people of the motherland kill Storm Girl? This matter is no less outrageous than Jesus killing his dear followers. .

But when I turned on my phone, the overwhelming insults almost blocked my eyes. Fortunately, my intuition told me that things could never be that simple. Facts have proved that my intuition was right. You really had a chance to kill Storm Girl. Reason, I think they owe you an apology. "

In fact, before the photos came out, Courteney thought the people from the motherland were getting high and killed Storm on impulse.

Of course, she would not be stupid enough to tell the truth.

"People of the motherland, what do you think of this kind of cyber violence? Have you been affected by them?" Courteney continued to ask.

The people of the motherland spread their hands, feeling helpless.

"If I say that I have not been affected in any way, it is obviously unrealistic. In fact, those remarks are like sharp blades piercing my heart. Although the surface of my body is invulnerable, the inside of my body is as soft and fragile as ordinary people. If Yes, I still want to appeal to everyone to prohibit online violence, because you don’t know that a word you say or a line of words you type may cause huge harm to others.”

"That's so well said. He deserves to be our American hero. I even think that what you just said can be used as a propaganda slogan." Courteney barely concealed her flattering behavior.

During the recording of the interview, Xia Shang's mind sank into his body, silently observing the progress of the replacement.

"By the way, can you tell us in detail what happened at that time." Courteney asked.


The smile on the face of the motherland is a little stiff.

"I think I will never forget that day." He said as if recalling: "I confronted her with the photo, but she refused to admit the authenticity of the photo, and even said that the photo was Photoshopped, but Walter The technical analysis department told me that there was no trace of synthesis in the photo, which means that there is no doubt about the authenticity of the photo. I didn’t expect that a Naqing remnant would actually appear under my nose.”

"I have to say that I feel guilty for my dereliction of duty."

If he didn't know the cause and effect of the matter, Xia Shang would really think that it was the people from his motherland who killed Storm Girl. After all, this guy's acting skills were indeed remarkable.

"Oh, who would have thought that Storm Girl would be a remnant of Nacheng? So you don't have to blame yourself too much for this. It's not your fault. You can only blame Storm Girl for being so good at pretending." Courtney sighed. He took a breath and shook his head.

"No, I should have noticed it a long time ago. She often made some racist remarks during the live broadcast, but I didn't pay attention to it. Now it seems that I was negligent."

The self-blame on the faces of the people of the motherland is moving.

There is no doubt that if this program is released, it will definitely attract a large number of fans for him.

The motherland man picked up the glass in front of him and took a sip of water. "I originally wanted to have a good talk with Storm to make her realize her mistake and voluntarily quit the Super Seven, but what I didn't expect was that she actually Threatening me, she said that if I didn’t help her conceal this matter, she would annihilate the whole of New York. She is very smart and knows what my weaknesses are. However, I am a native of the motherland after all. I cannot cover up a temptation to provoke war and propaganda. Racist guy!

So, I decisively rejected her. At the same time, in order to prevent others from being harmed, I planned to control her. "

"God, is she crazy?" Courteney said in shock and disbelief when she heard that the storm was preparing to wipe out the entire New York.

"But she seemed to see what I was thinking. After attacking me, she fled the restaurant. In order to prevent her words from becoming reality, I quickly chased after her. But I shouldn't have killed her. I should have passed her through the government Judgment is the right thing.”

After listening to the words of the motherland.

Courteney couldn't help but sigh: "You did the right thing. If she survives, I'm afraid the whole of New York and even the United States will usher in the end. You are the real hero!"

After the interview, the motherland man came to the conference room alone.

He stood in front of the statue of Storm Girl with an extremely complicated expression, mixed with a little sadness and anger.

He wanted to find someone for comfort, but when he suddenly looked back, there was no one around him.

"It was a mysterious man who disguised himself as me and killed you. Maybe I should be angry, but now I am lucky. Fortunately, Jervis took out the photo, which saved me from falling off the altar and being reviled by thousands of people. Even because of those few photos, I was touted as a god again, but at the cost, I lost a truly beautiful and perfect god.”

The people of the motherland tried their best to suppress the pain in their hearts.

in a blink.

He took the statue to the roof of the Watt Building.

Under the bright moonlight, a figure kept rising and falling. After a few seconds, the motherland stopped. He angrily grabbed the statue's neck and roared: "I must fucking kill you, mysterious man!"

Bang! The head of the statue was broken by him!

I saw the motherland's eyes glowing red, holding the statue's head and walking towards the edge of the roof.

Then with his roar, a powerful liquid was shot out along with two red lasers!

As if he wanted to vent all his anger on the moon!

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