Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 256 The action begins! Head to the airport!


A week later, a press conference was held at the Watt Group headquarters.

The person standing in front of the microphone at this time was the black president Edgar. He put his right hand on the podium and looked at the reporters in the audience and said solemnly.

"I deeply apologize for what happened some time ago. Due to someone's negligence, Storm became a superhero under Walt's banner, allowing a racist who tried to destroy peace and deliberately provoked a war to blend into a superhero. In the team, this is obviously my fault, and we will definitely learn a lesson! Learn from it! Strictly investigate! Resolutely prevent similar incidents from happening again!"

Edgar reached out and adjusted the position of the microphone.

"However, fortunately in the misfortune, fortunately, the motherland was able to take action in time and eradicate the black sheep of Storm Girl for us. Here, I must praise the decisiveness of the motherland, precisely because he acted decisively enough and did not give Storm Girl any escape. opportunity, so we can nip the danger in the bud and prevent things from developing in a worse direction."

Speaking of this, Edgar glanced at his motherland.

Facing the camera, the motherland man raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and the flashlights that kept lighting up made his face pale, as if he was trying to force a smile.

"As everyone knows, I am also a black man, so I am very aware of the situation of my companions. I absolutely maintain a zero-tolerance attitude towards racial discrimination, not only for me, but also for the Vought Group."

Edgar's speech won him a big round of applause.

Although some white reporters showed disdain, it was quickly covered up by the smiles on their faces. There was nothing they could do, you know this was zzzq.


Edgar left the podium and handed over his position to Xia Shang.

Xia Shang walked to the microphone with steady steps. His appearance made some female reporters in the audience light up.

The well-tailored off-white suit, combined with the tall and straight figure, almost perfectly set off Xia Shang's good temperament, especially the faintly visible muscle lines on the surface of the clothes, which made the female reporters in the audience drool. , of course, there is inevitably an added bonus of status. Vice President of Watt Group, this title alone is worth hundreds of millions of dollars.

Xia Shang looked serious. After glancing around, he said, "From today on, I will no longer hold the position of Vice President of Walter."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was an uproar.

"Jervis, did I hear you correctly? Were you fired by Walter?"

"Mr. Jervis, can you tell me the specific reason?"

"Is it related to Storm Girl? Why did you recruit Storm Girl into Walter in the first place? Did you already know Storm Girl's true face?"

"Is there any hidden reason behind your resignation?"

The reporters raised their right hands one after another and kept asking their questions loudly.

However, Xia Shang ignored them, turned around, nodded to Edgar, and then left the Walter press conference room.

A black Cadillac was driving on the way to the New York airport.

Xia Shang held the steering wheel with one hand and looked down at the time on his watch.

Well, there are still two hours left until the time agreed with Huey.

According to the current speed, there is enough time.

It seemed that Billy and the others already had information about the hiding place of the soldier boy, otherwise they would not have been able to fly to Russia without any purpose.

After one hour.

Xia Shang arrived at the agreed place ahead of time.

As Billy is a wanted criminal, they will most likely have no choice but to take a private plane to Russia.

While waiting, Xia Shang slowly closed his eyes. He had no loss in temporarily leaving Walter. Anyway, he had already analyzed the superpowers that needed to be analyzed. At present, only the superpowers of the motherland were left unfused, but , it is estimated that it won’t be long before this super power belongs to him.

He thought about his next goal for a while.

The first is Soldier Boy. The opponent's super defense and the energy chest cannon that can restrain Compound No. 5 are both of high value. The second is Psychic Storm. The last is Billy's Cyclops and Huey's teleportation. However, according to the original Focusing on Huey's performance, the superpower he possesses is actually more like moving in space. If space is involved, the potential is huge.

But this can only be known after analysis.

Xia Shang opened his eyes and called out the panel.

"9120." He looked at the value on the panel and murmured softly.

at the same time.

Inside a minivan.

Huey looked out the window nervously.

They visited Mallory a few days ago and learned the truth about the war from the other party.

Very dirty, no doubt about it.

It was during the Cold War, and MS and MS were hoarding nuclear warheads frantically, leaving their national treasuries empty. In addition, war was a money-burning machine. At this time, the two major military groups were basically holding on. Although no large-scale war broke out, The rate of burning money has not slowed down at all. There is no way. If you don't have money, you have to make money. So both sides continue to sell weapons to some less developed countries. Moreover, these countries are in the middle of war and happen to need weapons.

But buying weapons also costs money, and fighting wars also costs money. Some local factions had no money, so they had to use the hard currency of flour.

However, a certain military group did not refuse. After all, this thing was indeed valuable, but it only allowed it to be sold to the black community in the United States, with the intention of causing black people to degrade themselves and destroy themselves, so that the black group would gradually lose their right to speak, until they completely disappeared.

Of course, this plan was shady.

So we found the Blood Debt and Blood Repayment Alliance to handle the dirty work. As a result, they were attacked by another military group during the transportation. The government of Country M did not expect at that time that these guys were simply looking at the results and using crooked melons to split them. Zao Lai couldn't describe it better. After just one meeting, the Blood Debt Alliance suffered heavy losses. In the end, even the captain and soldier boy were captured by the opponent's plane.

Wait until the war is over.

The CIA signed an agreement with Walter and decided to completely seal the matter.

Mallory later established the Black Robe Picket because of this war. On the battlefield, she witnessed her colleagues and comrades being killed by superhumans. At that time, she realized that keeping these guys would sooner or later be a disaster. In fact Proving that her guess was correct, a fire caused by the lamplighter plunged her into endless pain.

"Hand over your stuff."

Billy, who was driving, suddenly said.

"Starlight has told me everything."

Huey was stunned for a moment, and then he denied it three times in a row, "I don't know what you are talking about? I have nothing to hide from you, so don't talk nonsense."

"Are you sure?" Billy looked up in the rearview mirror.

After a few seconds of stalemate, the stubborn Huey had no choice but to take out a tube of fruit-green potion from his pocket.

"This is? Compound No. 5?"

Billy said through the rearview mirror, looking at the temporary compound No. 5 in Huey's hand.

Only then did Huey realize that Billy was deceiving him!

"Oh Shet! I knew how Starlight could take the initiative to tell you." Huey was a little angry, and then he asked a little unwillingly: "How did you find out?"

"Please, the folds between your brows can kill flies these days. It's clearly written on your face, 'I have something on your mind, come and ask me.'" A trace of sarcasm appeared on Billy's lips.

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