Become the ultimate creature starting from the black robe

Chapter 257 The toilet is better than your head

"Is it that obvious?" Huey looked at the car window and saw a frowning face.

"Well, it's definitely obvious."

He rubbed his face and complained: "Who knows what I have experienced during this period. First, I was threatened by a mysterious person, and then I witnessed my boss blowing up my former boyfriend into pieces."

"The generous crab, with its splashing blood and meat foam, is like a bloody horror movie in Hollywood, and it's the highest-level one."

Huey's stomach began to churn when he thought about that scene.

He suppressed the discomfort and cursed angrily: "Xie Te, fortunately I closed my mouth in time, otherwise that thing would probably fly into my mouth."

"What a poor guy." Frankie on the side was full of gloating.

"The point is that he worked diligently for Newman for a year, but in the end he discovered that Newman and Walt were the same team." Billy couldn't help laughing.

Hearing the ridicule from Billy, Huey's face turned as black as the bottom of a pot.

"I'm sorry, I am definitely not mocking, but laughing from the bottom of my heart. After all, this thing is so funny. It is simply the number one hell joke of the year."

"It's up to you. Anyway, I just pretended not to hear."

Huey looked like he didn't care, but in fact he wished he could go back to a year ago and give himself a slap in the face.

To be honest, he felt that his face was burning and hurting now. He originally wanted to use the Superhuman Office to bring down the Walt Group, but he didn't expect that he actually worked as a working dog for Walt for a year.

When he thought of this, he had the urge to crash into the car.

"But having said that, Newman's acting skills are really good. I wonder where she got the courage to fight against the Vought Group." Billy looked at the car-mounted GBS on the right. It is currently about ten kilometers away from the New York Airport. "Of course, it's hard for me to imagine that what's on your neck is actually a head."

When it comes to last-hitting, Billy can be called a professional player.

"For one thing, I feel like the old toilet in my basement is better to use than your head. At least I can use it from time to time, but you can't use your head."

"Okay, I'm going to get out of the car." Huey, who was scolded for breaking his guard, angrily pulled the door handle on the inside of the door.

Upon seeing this, Frankie quickly comforted him: "At least we now know that the Superhuman Office is unreliable, which can be considered a gain at least."

"Thank you." After Huey tried several times and found that he couldn't open the car door, he leaned back on the chair with an expressionless face.

At this time, Billy, who was driving the car, glanced at the fruit-green potion in Huey's hand through the rearview mirror.

"Have you ever been injected with that thing? How does it feel?" Billy narrowed his eyes and asked.

"Not yet." Huey shook his head weakly.

"That's good news."

Billy shifted gears skillfully, stepped on the accelerator, and parked the car on the side of the road.

"How many bottles of Provisional No. 5 Compound do you have on hand?"


Huey said after hesitating for a moment.

"Give it to me." Billy turned and stretched out his right hand towards Huey, "Believe me, you can't control this thing. Why don't I keep it for you? Maybe it will be used in the next operation."

"How much?" Huey was glad that he didn't tell the real number, otherwise he might not be able to save even one.

Sure enough, Billy opened his mouth and that was all.

"I want it all."

This trip to Russia must be extremely dangerous, and they have to prevent mysterious people from suddenly attacking them. The previous experience also made Billy realize that if he wants to deal with those superhumans, it is not enough to just rely on sonic weapons. He must also have The temporary compound No. 5, which has the same power and can temporarily give people super powers, currently seems to be the only and good choice.

"When I'm about to inject, you can't stop me." Huey looked at Billy and subconsciously clenched the temporary No. 5 compound in his hand.

"Let's talk about it at that time. No one knows whether the temporary No. 5 compound will have any side effects. If you can avoid using it, try not to use it."

Huey was silent for a while, and finally handed the temporary compound No. 5 to Billy.

boom! The car restarts.

Soon, Billy caught a glimpse of the black Cadillac waiting at the agreed upon location.

He honked the horn hard, then turned around and ordered: "Guys, bring your things and let's go."

He put on his sunglasses, opened the car door and walked towards the Cadillac.

"Sir, long time no see." Billy stood in front of the car window, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and he reached out and knocked on the car window.

As the car window slowly rolled down, Xia Shang's profile appeared in front of Billy.

"You are very brave, you dare to trick me behind my back." Xia Shang turned to look at Billy and said with a smile.

"I was young and not very sensible at that time."

Billy's face was thicker than the city wall. Not only was there no trace of embarrassment, but he also greeted Xia Shang very naturally.

"Forget it, I won't pay attention to the past. As long as you can find the person I want to find, I can consider letting you go."

Later, under the leadership of Billy, Xia Shang boarded a private plane bound for Russia.

On the plane.

Xia Shang asked: "You should know the location of the soldier boy."

Unexpectedly, Billy said: "I don't know, but someone knows."


"Nina, the owner of this plane, used to be a big shot in Russia, but she fled to the United States in disgrace during a government liquidation." Billy combed his hair and continued: "But She has a lot of useful information, including the whereabouts of the soldier boy back then.”

"She didn't tell you the location directly?" Xia Shang frowned.

"If you want to get clues from her, you have to help her kill a smuggler. I heard that that guy stole a lot of Nina's business."

Billy raised his hand and called the stewardess.

"Please give me a Coke."

"Your business is quite broad." Xia Shang smiled, and then glanced out the window. The soft white clouds were like layers of tulle, flowing on both sides of the wings, as if they could reach out and touch them.

"I have to correct this. This is not my business, but Frankie's. This guy has been working in Nina's hands for more than ten years. Thanks to him, I was able to find Nina."

Hearing Billy mention his name, Frankie didn't respond at all. In fact, his body was extremely tense at this time, as if he was always on guard against Xia Shang, who was sitting on the other side of the seat.

"I heard from Starlight that when Storm Girl died, the people of the Motherland did not leave the Water Tower..."

Huey looked at Xia Shang very warily.

"But the strange thing is that a second native of the motherland actually appeared outside and killed Storm Girl."

"Yes, I did it." Xia Shang looked at Huey with a smile.

In an instant, all the hairs on Huey's back stood up!

"You can actually pretend to be a native of the motherland?" He couldn't help but lost his voice. (End of chapter)

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